Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1990, 62 (17), pp 922A–924A ... Published online 30 May 2012. Published in print 1 September 1990. +. Altme...
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AA. SpectrAA-5 atomic absorption spectrometer allows measurements to be made in absorbance, concentration, or emission modes. The system in­ cludes a multialkali photomultiplier tube, spray chamber/nebulizer, and burner. Varian Associates 404 SFE. Carlo Erba SFE 30 is an automat­ ed supercritical fluid extraction system designed for on-line coupling with high-resolution GC or SFC. Applica­ tions include environmental, food, polymer, geochemical, and petroleumrelated analyses. Fisons Instruments 405 NMR. Model R-1200 rapid-scan 60-MHz NMR spectrometer allows spectra to be acquired 10 times faster than with conventional analog instru­ ments. Chemical shift values are calcu­ lated automatically and printed on the spectrum at the appropriate peak posi­ tion. Hitachi Instruments 406 Detector. ERC 7515 refractive index detector incorporates a flow controller mechanism that allows circulation of mobile phase to the reference cell re­ gardless of pressure fluctuations. Limit of detection is 0.05 /tg/mL of sucrose (7.5 X 10~9 RIU), and linearity is ± 50 X 10~5 RIU. Applied Chromatography Systems 407 Process analysis. VOA is an onstream water effluent analyzer for de­ tection and identification of volatile or­ ganic and hydrocarbon contaminants in wastewater streams. The system in­ cludes a volatile organics stripper unit, a gas chromatograph with flame ioniza­ tion detector, and an alarm system. Fluid Data»Amscor 408 FT-IR. Model IFS 66v bench-top FT-IR spectrometer accommodates bolometers in addition to room-tem­ perature and liquid-nitrogen-cooled detectors. The IR beam can be directed outside the bench for use with ultrahigh-vacuum chambers, microscopes, or hyphenated techniques. Bruker In­ struments 409 GC. Model 501 vinyl chloride monitor is an automated GC system dedicated to screening vinyl chloride in air ac­ cording to OSHA and EPA require­ ments. Data output includes concen­

MasterSlzer/E laser particle size analyzer, designed for the analysis of powders, suspensions, or emulsions, features a measurement range of 0.1-600 μνη. The system includes a magnetically stirred, small-volume sample cell. Malvern Instru­ ments 402 tration in ppm, time-weighted average, number of times the TLV has been ex­ ceeded, maximum concentration, time, and date. HNU Systems 410

VGA, or Hercules graphics. X-charts, R-charts in Schewart and Levey-Jen­ nings formats, and standard x-y plots are available. Labtronics 415

Amino acids. Amino acid analyzer is designed for the determination of the amino acid composition of protein hydrolyzates and physiological fluids. The system completes routine analyses at the picomole level within 30 min. Knauer 411

Instrument control. Laboratory Co­ ordinator is a software package that al­ lows users to control instruments, col­ lect data, perform data analysis, and print reports automatically. Instant data parsing, standardized procedures, and automatic storage and retrieval of data are provided. LabPro Systems 416

Chromatography. Model 746 data module stores methods and data files for analysis, integration, and repro­ cessing. The system is designed for HPLC, GC, IC, GPC, and capillary electrophoresis applications. Waters Chromatography Division of Millipore 412 Ozone. LOZ-3 ozone detector is a por­ table analyzer for the continuous de­ termination of ozone in air at levels down to 1 ppb. Features include auto­ matic baseline stabilization, selfchecking diagnostics, and a 4-h inter­ nal battery. Questran 413

Software QC charts. QC Talk is a quality con­ trol program for PC-XT and PC-AT computers equipped with CGA, EGA,


Manufacturers' Literature LC. Technical bulletin describes the use of LC in purity and stability testing of bulk and formulated pharmaceuti­ cals, with particular emphasis on meth­ od development and validation. 20 pp. Perkin-Elmer 418 N e w s l e t t e r . Analytical News pro­ vides information on drug identifica­ tion in race horses by GC/MS and on instrumentation and software for iso­ tope MS. Finnigan MAT 420 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards



AutoSystem gas chromatograph in­ cludes a built-in 82-position autosampler. Parameters for two separate automation modes, as well as the sys­ tem's three speeds of injection and five GC methods, can be programmed through the keyboard. Perkin-Elmer

401 Environmental analysis. Brochure discusses Century OVA portable or­ ganic vapor analyzers. Applications in­ clude soil gas monitoring, natural gas

leak detection, arson investigation, and monitoring of leaking underground storage tanks. Foxboro 419

tainers, centrifuge tubes, reference so­ lutions, pipets, and syringe dispensers. 33 pp. Oxford Labware 430

Spectrometer. Brochure highlights the JY 50E spark emission spectrome­ ter, which is capable of determining up to 47 elements in < 1 min. Principles of operation, specifications, and applica­ tions are discussed. Instruments SA 421

Instrumentation. Catalog features analytical instruments for rental, leas­ ing, and direct purchase. Included are gas, liquid, and ion chromatographs; FT-IR, UV-vis, fluorescence, and AA spectrometers; and data systems. U.S. Analytical Instruments 426

MS. Brochure describes applications of inorganic MS in the analysis of semi­ conductor materials and processes. In­ cluded is information on gas analysis by APIMS and depth profiling and im­ aging with magnetic-sector SIMS. VG Instruments 423

FT-IR. Catalog features sampling ac­ cessories and supplies for FT-IR spec­ troscopy. Products for liquid, solid, gas, and high-temperature sampling are included. 46 pp. Spectra-Tech 427

Catalogs LC. Catalog features HPLC columns and packings, including chiral, afunc­ tional, and base-deactivated phases as well as microbore and SFC columns. ES Industries 425 Clinical analysis. Catalog includes glucose tolerance test beverages, cups for automatic analyzers, specimen con­


Chemicals. Catalog lists more than 10 000 organic, inorganic, and biochemicals. Structural formulas and lit­ erature references describing new ap­ plications are provided. 1480 pp. Fluka Chemical 428 Autosamplers. Catalog features chro­ matography autosampler vials and ac­ cessories, including glass and plastic vi­ als; crimp, plug, and screw cap closures; and seals, sleeves, and springs. 36 pp. Chromacol 429


PARTICLE SIZE STANDARDS NB5 traceable calibration standards and controls. Large assortment of diameters from 0.02 to 2000 μνη. Micro­ spheres of polystyrene, glass and fluorescent materials. Free catalog available. Toll Free 800-334-3883. In Calif. 41S-962-1100. FAX 415-962-0718 Duke Scientific Corporation

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 500 Post Road East P.O. Box 231 Westport, CT 06880 203-226-7131 /FAX: 203-454-9939 924 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 17, SEPTEMBER 1, 1990