Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (22), pp 1101A–1101A. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 30 May 2012. Published in print 1 Novembe...
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strument data monitoring. The software is designed to link a variety of instruments, including mass spectrometers, chromatographs, digital storage oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, power line monitors, particle counters, and data loggers, to IBM PCs or compatible computers. ADPI 414 C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . DryLab G/plus software program allows chromatographers to simulate gradient HPLC s e p a r a t i o n s on t h e c o m p u t e r for method development purposes. The program runs on IBM PCs or compatible computers. LC Resources 415

ACS Publications and Services Biotechnology. Information pamphlet defines and describes the growing field of biotechnology, explains its applications, and addresses its present and future benefits and risks. 12 pp. 416 Chemical Risk Communication: Preparing for Community Interest in Chemical Release Data. Written for public health officials and other community leaders, this handbook presents a basic understanding of risk assessment concepts and risk communication techniques that can be used when a community

is affected by chemicals in the environment. A list of resources is included. 28 pp. 418 RCRA & Laboratories. Developed for generators of laboratory wastes, this handbook describes responsibilities for proper disposal of hazardous wastes under federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulations and suggests general procedures for management and disposal of laboratory chemicals. A list of information sources is included. 24 pp. 419 Program s u m m a r i e s . Brochure describes educational activities managed by the ACS Education Division that are directed toward high school a n d college s t u d e n t s , c h e m i s t r y teachers and practitioners, and persons interested in the chemical sciences. 12 pp. 420

Manufacturers' Literature C o l u m n s . Focused Ion and Electron Beam Columns discusses capabilities and applications of sources and focusing columns for nanometer-scale technology. Brochure also features s u p p o r t i n g electronic components and accessories. 8 pp. FEI 421 GC. Brochure describes the porous layer open tube (PLOT) GC columns that are designed for extended hydrocarbon analysis and provide resolution of typical mixes in refinery and natural gas from C t to C 1 0 . 4 pp. J&W Scientific 422 MS. BioSpec issues 1, 2, and 3 are entitled "An Introduction to Protein Electrospray Mass Spectrometry," "Rapid Detection and Identification of Post-Translational Modifications by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry," and "Protein Mixture Profiling: Applications of an Improved Method of Presenting Electrospray Data from Protein Mixtures." Fisons I n s t r u ments 423

AccuTrap, a quantitative collection system for off-line SFE, provides > 90% collection efficiency. Unlike other solvent-based collection methods, recovery does not depend on the flow of C 0 2 extraction solvent. Suprex


H P L C . Application note 505 describes a preparative procedure for purifying porcine adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a peptide containing 39 amino acid residues, using the Prep 50 HPLC system and SuperPac Pep-S C 2 /C 1 8 reversed-phase LC columns. Pharmacia 424 O p i a t e s . D a t a sheet describes a method for determining opiates in urine using Bond Elut Certify solidphase extraction columns and GC/MS.

The method provides relative recoveries > 90% with concentrations as low as 100ng/mL using a 2-mL spiked urine sample. Varian 425

Catalogs HPLC. Catalog provides information on HPLC columns, methods, and applications, and describes the advantages, limitations, and uses of specific t e c h n i q u e s . More t h a n 500 references to published applications are included. 120 pp. Bio-Rad 426 MS. Catalog features supplies and services for users of mass spectrometers, gas chromatographs, and vacuum systems. Accessories for related i n s t r u m e n t s are included. 480 pp. Scientific Instrument Services 427 Chemicals. Catalog includes more t h a n 10,000 organic and inorganic chemicals, including high-purity m e t a l s a n d o r g a n o m e t a l l i c compounds. 1000 pp. Crescent Chemical 428 Organofluorine. Catalog lists 1169 reagents, including more than 900 organofluorine compounds and more t h a n 260 organosilane compounds. L i t e r a t u r e references, h a z a r d and handling information, CAS numbers, and physical property data also are presented. 232 pp. PCR 429 Temperature. Catalog presents information on precision thermometers, temperature probes, indicating decals, calibration instruments, and IR probes and sensors for use in chemical and food processing, plant maintenance, manufacturing, waste management, and research applications. 31 pp. Wahl 430 GC. Catalog features capillary columns for GC and provides information on stationary phases; column efficiency, resolution, installation, and c a r e ; s a m p l e c a p a c i t y ; a n d film thickness. An EPA methods reference chart and applications information for steroids, flavors/fragrances, p e t r o c h e m i c a l s , a n d triglycerides also are included. 80 pp. Quadrex 431

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