Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (5), pp 416A–418A ... Published online 6 June 2012. Published in print 1 March 1987. Learn more ab...
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RCM-100 column heater is designed to provide accurate temperature control for a radial compression module or two stainless steel HPLC columns. Temperatures from 15-70 °C are set and regulated by a temperature control module. Waters 401 protein-small format gels, or submarine agarose gels. The unit is supplied with spacers and combs, glass plates, an aluminum heat-dissipating plate, and instructions. Research Products International 411

mathematical manipulation of data sets, and Savitsky-Golay smoothing. Hardware requirements include an IBM PC-XT or PC-AT with 384K and a graphics controller. Interactive Microware 415

Particle sizing. Micro Laser Particle spectrometer is available with 8 or 16 particle sizing thresholds and is compatible with all PMS sensors, both liquid and gas. It uses a CRT and keyboard for data display and operator interaction and features simultaneous dual-sensor input, storage and manipulation of up to 12 samples per sensor, RS-232 communications, and a full screen internal printer. Particle Measuring Systems 447

Manufacturers' Literature

Software Needle styles suit modern 0.5 Millimeter I.D. Capillary Columns, other point styles to si of requirements. To order quote 10A-N P/N 01010 Also available as a 6 Pak. Order 010011 at a considi saving in price.

SGE USA Sales Office Scientific Glass Engineering, Inc. 2007 Kramer Lane Austin, TX 78758 512/837-7190


Experimental design. RS/Discover, a software system for planning, generating, and analyzing experiments, runs on VAX, MicroVAX II, and VAX Station computers under the VMS operating system. Capabilities include definition of experimental conditions, generation of experimental designs, analysis of collected data, and interpretation of results. BBN Software 414 Data analysis and plotting. Hyperplot uses single keystroke commands to eliminate the need for a complex command language. Features include Fourier transform of input data, apodization, linear regression, interactive

Porosimetry. Product brochures highlight the ASAP 2400 automated surface area and porosimetry instrument and the AutoPore II 9220 automated mercury porosimeter. Included are a description of the theory of operation, complete product specifications, and applications examples. Micromeritics 418 Spectrocolorimeter. Brochure features the LabScan family of spectrocolorimeters, suitable for color and appearance measurement in most industrial settings. Complete descriptions of both LabScan I, which uses a dedicated microprocessor, and LabScan II, which has an IBM PC, are included. 8 pp. HunterLab 419 Spectrofluorometer. Literature describes the Model 8000C photoncounting spectrofluorometer, which features a translator command module for complete instrument control and multiparametric acquisition, a 450W ozone-free xenon arc lamp, holographic grating monochromators, and a T-optics format optical module. 10 pp. SLM 422



Gas monitor. Bulletin describes the Sniffer 500 series of portable area gas monitors that are designed to alert per­ sonnel to the hazards of oxygen defi­ ciency and the presence of dangerous concentrations of combustible gases, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sul­ fide. Features include continuous oper­ ation, internal and remote alarms, and a rechargeable battery pack. 4 pp. Bacharach 420


• Up to 10,000,000 watts of peak power • From deep UV to infrared • 10 nanoseconds to 20 milliseconds Are you doing research on the following? • Specialized Photography • Photochemistry • Photobiology • Fluorescence Lifetimes • E.S.R. Spectrometry We welcome inquiries for custom flashtubes and custom pulsed light systems. Χ Ε N O N corporation

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RELAX! Help Is As Near As Our Reader Service Card To make sure you're never caught in a bind for all the in­ formation you need, we've added a feature to Analytical Chemistry. Called, LAB DATA SERVICE, it appears on our reader re­ ply card insert adjacent to the reply card itself. It lists 46 different classes of products, each with a key number that you can circle on the reply card.

Analytical CHEMISTRY 418 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 5, MARCH 1, 1987

Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 3 of Ephortecniques, a quarterly newsletter on elec­ trophoresis technology, features an ar­ ticle on scanning densitometry, an­ swers to readers' questions, and a description of how to choose an appro­ priate slit aperture for scanning. 6 pp. Haake Buchler 421 Syringe pump. Product bulletin con­ tains a complete product description of the Microfeed pump, a dual syringe system for chemical engineering appli­ cations. Included are system capabili­ ties, specifications, and ordering infor­ mation. 4 pp. Brownlee Labs 423

Catalogs GC. Megabore column catalog includes a description of megabore technology, information on column installation, a column selection guide, and numerous applications chromatograms, as well as product descriptions and ordering in­ formation. 52 pp. J & W Scientific 425 Air sampling. 1987 catalog features products for air sampling, worker mon­ itoring, chemical hazard detection, and industrial hygiene, including sorbent tubes and accessories, sample bags, cal­ ibrators, filters, impingers, impactors, gas-monitoring badges, and constant flow pumps. A guide to NIOSH, OSHA, and EPA air sampling standards is also included. 78 pp. SKC 426 LC. Catalog includes a filter degasser, helium manifolds and spargers, plasticcoated solvent reservoirs, column jack­ ets for temperature control, an integra­ tor and recorder validator, and autoinjector accessories. 8 pp. Aura Indus­ tries 427 Liquid handling. Disposable products for pipetting, dispensing, measuring, and storing liquids, including pipet tips, test tubes, transfer pipets, cu­ vettes, microtitration plates, and vials, are featured. Dimensions, chemical data, and applications information for each product are included. 28 pp. BioRad 428