manufacturers' literature - ACS Publications

5 D.C. current ranges—1microamp, 10 microamps, 100 microamps,. 1 milliamp ... 5 chart speeds between .05 inch/min. to 20 inches min. SEE the .... Ov...
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36jBSv'?ys >' x & Radioactivity

*£## Measurement.


^-pago bulletin. No. 1021, describes !IMW monitor and flow detector systems for continuous measurement of beta radioactivity in liquid and gas chromatography systems. Also described are spectrometers that arc used with various detectors, and several data presentation components. Packard Instrument Co., Inc., Box 428, LaGrange, 111. 601 Accessory to Head Space Sampler.

Bulletin 7027 describes a flexible package sampler. This is an accessory for the company's headspacc sampler. It is capable of extracting gas from almost any hermetically sealed flexible package for analysis. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific and Process Instruments Division, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 602


FRACTION COLLECTORS! 25 Models... Complete with Choice of Collection Methods... including • • • •

CONTINUOUS —for long-term or overnight use SECTIONAL —for processing during collection REFRIGERATED —from reservoir to collecting tubes SHORT-RUN, MICRO and PREPARATIVE

• • • • •

Photoelectric Volumetric Dispenser Quiet-Operating Impulse Counter (collects up to 9999 drops) Choice of Single or Combined Collection Methods Simple Conversion to Micro or Preparative Completely Enclosed Assembly




MICROPUMP —for even flow of solvents through chromatographic columns


VARIGRAD—a unique variable gradient mixer for chromatography BULLETIN


UVISCAN I and II —single or double— beam ultraviolet monitors BULLETIN


BUCHLER FRACTION COLLECTORS are functionally designed to assure reliable performance in the collection of chromatographic effluents. They offer the user complete freedom of choice as to the collection method, as well as the type of equipment desired. Each model is a complete unit requiring no further accessories. At the same time, conversion to a different method of collection or a more elaborate set-up is easily accomplished without the need of disassembly. All parts are interchangeable and can be purchased whenever required. Send for complete FRACTION COLLECTOR BULLETIN A3-4000.

INSTRUMENTS, INC. l^ BUCHLER 1327 16th Street, Fort Lee, New Jersey 07025 Telephones:

( N . J.) 2 0 1 - 9 4 5 - 1 1 8 8

Circle No. 113 on Readers' Service Card 148 A


( N . Y.) 2 1 2 - 5 6 3 - 7 8 4 4

Monochromator. A 12-page booklet describes a building block monochromator for construction of special analytical equipment. The Model 98 features a single pass prism available in ten different materials providing a choice of wavelength range from 0.2 to 45 microns. Perkin-Elmer, Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 603 Flame Spectrophotometer. A 12page booklet describes the SP.900 flame spectrophotometer. Photographs of the instrument's parts, performance detection limits, typical spectra, and a bibliography are included. Unicam Instruments Ltd., York St., Cambridge, England. 604 Research pH Meter. Bulletin 7024, 4 pages, describes the company's research pH meter. This instrument gives relative accuracy of 0.001 pH unit (or ±0.15 mv.). Scientific and Process Instruments Division, Beckman Instruments, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 605 Color Measurement. A technical bulletin described the Colorede instrument for continuous measurement of color on the basis of percentage difference in reflected energy between a color sample and a standard. Instrument Development Laboratories, 67 Mechanic St., Attleboro, Mass. 606 Impurities in Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Argon. A 12-page article describes a chromatographic method for the meas-

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE urement of trace impurities to 1 p.p.m. in oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. Operational details of construction and specific applications are covered. Thermco Instrument Corp., LaPorte, Ind. 607 Fume Hoods. A 68-page catalog contains information and illustrations of all types of fume hoods, fume hood accessories, and service fixtures. Kewaunee Manufacturing Co., 5090 S. Center St., Adrian, Mich. 608 Glassware Catalog. A revised 300page General Catalog, TG-20, features extensive new products and an accessories section that includes standard laboratory accessories as well as an RGI Precision Laboratory Instrument supplement of 24 pages. Kontes Glass Co., 141 Spruce St., Vineland, N. J. 609 Microporous




32-page catalog features microporous membrane filters and the instruments and filter holders they are used in. Included are Metricel cellulose acetate membrane filters with pore sizes down to a millionth of an inch, and Versapor epoxy membrane filters, available in 2and 5-micron absolute pore size. Gelman Instrument Co., 600 South Wagner Rd., P. O. Box 1448, Ann Arbor, Mich. 4S106. 610 Differential Thermal Analysis.

An 8-

page booklet describes and illustrates the Linseis apparatus for differential thermal analysis. William J. Hacker & Co., Inc., P. O. Box 646, West Caldwell, N. J. 07007. 611 Instruments and Apparatus. A 96page catalog contains information on scientific instruments f.nd apparatus in the fields of analytical chemistry, biological sciences and clinical, metallurgy, mineralogy, petrology, soil, and physical sciences. Included are shakers, stirrers, electro-analyzer, Waring Blendor accessories, and laboratory utilities. Eberbach Corp., P. 0. Box 1024, Ann Arbor, Mich. 612 Titrator. An 8-page bulletin presents the Metrohm Potentiograph E 336, a universal automatic recorder for all potentiometric, pH, redox, precipitation and other complex titrations. Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., 115 Cutter Mill Rd., Great Neck, N. Y. 613 Radioisotope Source:;. Literature is available giving information on neutron sources of Pu-Be and Am-Be for activation analysis; educational devices, developmental process control instruments; alpha sources of plutonium and americium for counting standards in instrument calibration, alpha monitoring, and static eliminators and americium

The New Bausch & Lomb

V. 0. M.-7

RECORDS MICRO500 VOLT SIGNALS FULL SCALE Now, the one truly versatile recorder that records volts, milliamperes and ohms, without extra attachments or extra cost, is available in a high sensitivity model. 500 microvolt signals can be recorded full scale with a 2.5 microvolt accuracy. For every conceivable application in gas chromatography; monitoring of p H , temperature, pressure and humidity with appropriate transducers; time-rate studies; extending the useful absorbance range of colorimeters—the new V.O.M.-7 is the ideal recorder. And it's priced very reasonably, too. FEATURES:

• 6 D.C. voltage ranges—0.5 mv, 1 mv, 10 mv, 100 mv, 1 v, 10 v—full scale • 5 D.C. current ranges—1 microamp, 10 microamps, 100 microamps, 1 milliamp, 10 milliamps • 6 linear resistance ranges—1 ohm, 10 ohm, 100 ohm, 1 K ohm, 10 K ohm, 100 K ohm—full scale, zener diode D.C. supply (accuracy 3%) • Fast response • Built-in full-scale offset control • Operates in flat, tilt, or wall-mounted position • Compact and portable • Built-in event marker • 5 chart speeds between .05 inch/min. to 20 inches min. SEE the new V.O.M.-7 at the IEEE Show! Booth 3845, March 23-26, N. Y., N. Y.



COMPLETE (Suggested Retail)

For further information just circle our ad number below on the magazine's reply card and mail it or write to Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, 81003 Bausch Street, Rochester, New York 14602.

BAUSCH & LOMB ^ In Canada, write Baus

i1 ')o.. Ltd.. Dept. 810, Scientific Instrument Division, 16 Grosvenor St., Toronto 5,0nt. Circle No. 29 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 3, MARCH 1964

149 A


Easy-to-Use Taylor Comparators make it simple to get accurate, on-the-spot water analysis Taylor Water Analyzer for fluorides and practically all Standard Methods determinations

gamma sources. Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp., Apollo, Pa. 614 GC-IR Analyzer. A 4-page bulletin describes the GC-IR analyzer. This device simplifies the recording of infrared spectra of gas chromatographic fractions. Wilks Scientific Corp., South Norwalk, Conn. 615 Digital Voltmeters. An 8-page catalog contains features and specifications for 301 digital voltmeters. The catalog lists more than 100 all-electronic A to D converters, integrating digital voltmeters, mercury relay digital voltmeters, reed relay models, and plug-in or oil-bathed stepping switch instruments. Non-Linear Systems, Inc., P. 0. Box 728, Del Mar, Calif. 616 Infrared Detector. A 4-page bulletin described the Golay pneumatic infrared detector. This is designed for use as a detector in spectrometry, but may also be used as the detector in nondispersive systems or for low temperature pyrometry. Unicam Instruments, Ltd., Cambridge, England. 617



stirrer that can be immersed with complete safety, in your own bath. Requires no electricity . . . operates on water pressure, air pressure or equivalent vacuum. M A G - J E T is a

compact, enclosed turbine, made of sturdy cast aluminum with an impeller that rides in jewelled bearings. BRONWILL N O . 26 M A G - J E T ,

complete with stirring bar 16.95 each Less 10% for 12 or more, less 2 0 % in lots of 72.

Chemical Specialties. A ninth revised edition of "Vendors to the Trade" lists the services, supplies, and raw materials offered by 294 member companies of the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association. Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, 50 East 41st St., New York 17, N. Y. 618

Model W Boiler Water Comparator for pH and phosphate control Also available: pH and Chlorine Comparators — Chromate Comparator for corrosion control.

Make easy, on-the-spot tests in minutes—get accurate results to maintain rigid control over important operations. No experience required. No individual glass standards to handle. Taylor color standards are unconditionally guaranteed non-fading. For Taylor sets or replacement of supplies, see your dealer.




FREE HANDBOOK Discusses importance of process control in chemicals, food, pharmaceutical, texile, paper, other industries. Illustrates and describes complete Taylor line.

Radiation Detectors. A 12-page brochure gives specifications for organic and halogen quenched G-M counters, fast and slow neutron detectors, gas flow proportional counters, and many special purpose detectors. Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc., 5121 West Grove St., Skokie, 111. 619 Gas Chromatograph. A 12-page bulletin is devoted to the Model 226 gas chromatograph. This model provides the tightest temperature control and the most accurate sampling process of any gas chromatograph according to the company. Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 620 Centrifuges. An 18-page catalog describes and illustrates centrifuges; super speed, vacuum, refirigerated, and nonrefrigerated models are included. Various accessories and attachments are also covered. Lourdes Instrument Corp., 656-678 Montauk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11208. 621 Determination of Total Cyanide.



150 A

Circle No. 3 on Readers' Service Card • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY


new methodology for continuous automatic determination of total cyanide is available. The method can be used as

GYRATHERM!.. FIELD-PROVEN MAGNETIC STIRRERS—HOT PLATES G Y R A T H E E M quickly puts salts into solution, speeds up chemical reactions, mixing and blending, stirs steadily over a wide range. There are separate, enclosed controls for stirring and heating. An Alnico magnet permits high torque stirring. H e a t s uniformly fast, yet insulated housing stays cool for handling. Eliminates stirring rods, glands, mantles, burner assemblies, stands, etc. BRONWILL N O . 25-1, 8-inch GYKATHERM 115.00 BRONWILL N O . 25-2, 6-inch GYHATHERM J u n i o r . . 75.00





Circle No. 32 on Readers' Service Card

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE a quality control method in production and to monitor waste effluents. Technicon Controls, Inc., Chauncey, N. Y. 622 Instruments for Physicists. 1964 edition. This 74-page catalog describes instrumentation for neutron activation analysis, for making direct readings of star magnitudes, for investigating the characteristics of colored noise, and to confirm the special theory of relativity. Atomic Laboratories, Inc., 3100 Crow Canyon Rd., San Ramon, Calif. 94583. 623 Pulse Height Analyzer. An 8-page brochure describes the Model 20631 400 channel pulse height analyzer. New concepts in this instrumentation include a versatile analog-to-digital converter, wide range of inputs, and diversification of readout devices. Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc., 5121 West Grove St., Skokie, 111. 624

We Stock! SODIUM DIPHENYL REAGENT Specific for organic Bromine and Chlorine covalently bound.

SODIUM LEAD ALLOY A safe new disposable desiccant. Get complete B D H fine chemicals catalog. Over 3,000 chemicals in stock by exclusive U.S.A. distributor:

Company Periodicals Requests for copies of the following publications, catalogs, etc., should be sent directly to the address shown. Business or professional letterheads are requested. Norelco Reporter. Vol. X, No. 4. This 30-page issue includes an article on the electron probe microanalysis of nonconducting samples. Modifications of x-ray instruments to permit their use for special analytical problems are also discussed. Other articles deal with the x-ray vacuum speetrometric analysis of light elements and various x-ray diffraction applications. Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc., 750 South Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y.



2 2 4 3 Massachusetts A v e n u e Cambridge, Massachusetts 0 2 1 4 0 Circle No. 39 on Readers' Service Card

Atomlight. No. 34. This 12-page issue describes the preparation of radioactive chemicals for clinical use. This publication also contains a list of uniformly labeled amino acids-C 14 which are available from stock. Prices and specific activities are given. New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston 18, Mass. Commentary. No. 2. This 4-page issue describes the Model 11 chromatograph-spectrograph for catching an infrared spectrum of a GC fraction "on the fly." A three-way high temperature valve is described and a progress report is given on the company's GC-IR analyzer. Wilks Scientific Corp., 140 Water St., South Norwalk, Conn. Aminco Laboratory News. Vol. 19, No. 3. This 16-page issue includes a discussion of spectroluminescence analysis and introduces the company's py-


buying a pump in a poke? No need, really — when you can send for the new Bulletin 131 from Eastern Industries and make sure! If you need a centrifugal pump with pressures up to 70 psi, with flow rates to 70 gpm, this catalog is for you. Gives you all the details you want:


choice of motors • enclosures • drives • seals • materials • installations. All told, here are fifty models. Send for this handy guide to better pumps now — and find out why this little pump went to market.



BRANCH OFFICES: Topsfield, Mass., Lyndhurst, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Chicago, III., Torrance, Calif. IN CANADA: ENTERPRISE AGENCIES, INC., Montreal, Quebec Circle No. 40 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 3, MARCH 1964 •

151 A


THIS VERSATILE P-K LABORATORY BLENDER PRE-BLENDS, DISPERSES LIQUIDS, GRANULATES . . . IN JUST MINUTES blends, uniformly, liquids of any viscosity with dry solids. (Blends from %% liquids by weight to whatever percentage solids can absorb and still remain a solid.) Liquid is introduced into hollow shaft of revolving bar by gravity or pump. Then, flung outward from dispersion discs into the tumbling mass of dry materials. P-K Liquid Solids Laboratory Blenders are available in 8- and 16-qt. capacities, in transparent lucite or stainless steel. For complete technical information and prices, write to P-K's Chemical and Process Equipment Division, 1011 Hanson St., East Stroudsburg, Penna.

If you have any liquid-solids or solidsolid blending requirements, consider the P-K Liquid-Solids Blender. It's a fast, efficient and extremely versatile laboratory tool. With it, you'll find most blending operations can be accomplished in 1 to 5 minutes, achieving a uniformity not attainable with other types of mixing equipment. 3 Different Blending Actions

Gentle Precision Blending. Unique "Twin-Shell" tumbling action will not cause attrition of even the most delicate crystals. Intensive Mixing of Hard-to-Blend Dry Solids. Exclusive "rabbit ear" dispersion blades on rapidly revolving bar break up agglomerates. Liquid Solids Blending. Disperses and


M Kelley

Circle No. 6 on Readers' Service Card




M a t e r i a l s a v a i l a b l e i n c l u d e l i t h i u m fluoride, c a l c i u m fluoride, b a r i u m fluoride, s o d i u m fluoride, s o d i u m c h l o r i d e , p o t a s s i u m chlor i d e , p o t a s s i u m b r o m i d e , silver chloride, K R S - 5 , K R S - 6 , t h a l l o u s chloride, t h a l l o u s bromide, cesium bromide a n d cesium iodide. Special c r y s t a l s c a n b e c u s t o m g r o w n t o c u s t o m e r specifications. O t h e r p r o d u c t s i n c l u d e specially o r i e n t e d c r y s t a l s , a t t e n u a t e d t o t a l reflection c o m p o n e n t s , a n d X-ray monochrometer plates. For additional information write to t h e Crystal-Solid S t a t e Division, T h e H a r s h a w C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y , 1945 E a s t 9 7 t h S t r e e t , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44106, p h o n e a r e a c o d e 216, 721-8300. Write for






CRYSTAL-SOLID STATE DIVISION THE HARSHAW CHEMICAL COMPANY 1945 E. 97th St. • Cleveland, 0. 44106 Phone Area 216 721-8300 V I S I T OUR B O O T H AT: Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry & Applied Spectroscopy Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 3-6, 1964 Circle No. 51 on Readers' Service Card 152 A • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

rolyzer for gas chromatography. Some of the work in several laboratories is illustrated and described including the Hazleton Labs, Washington, D. C, the Materials Testing Co., Bethesda, Md., N.Y.U. Medical Center, and the U. S. Navy Instrumentation Center. American Instrument Co., Inc., 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. Technical Bulletin. Vol. IV, No. 3. "The Spectrophotometry Determination of Iridium" is the title of an article which discusses a method based on the measurement of the color intensity of the hexachloroiridate(IV) ion at a wavelength of 488 m^. The bulletin also contains an article on the spectrographs determination of trace impurities in high purity gold. Engelhard Industries, Inc., 113 Astor St., Newark, N. J. 07114 Arcs and Sparks. Vol. 9, No. 4. This 24-page issue provides photographs and information on the 2nd National SAS meeting in San Diego, the XI Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Belgrad, Yugoslavia, the 11th Detroit Anachem, and the Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York City. Spectroscopist of the month is Jason J. Nassau, Case Institute of Technology. Also, the facilities of the chemical physics research laboratory of Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., are described and illustrated. Ultra Carbon Corp., P. O. Box 747-A, Bay City, Mich. ARL News Letter. Vol. XVI, No. 4. This issue describes the company's new research facilities at Santa Barbara, Calif.—The Hasler Research Center. Also described and illustrated is the ARL electron microprobe x-ray analyzer line. Applied Research Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 1710, Glendale 5, Calif. CEC Recordings. Fourth Quarter 1963. This 24-page issue contains two articles related to mass spectrometry. A. P. Gifford discusses a high resolution spectrometer for organic chemistry and W. M. Brubaker describes a mass spectrometer system for exploring the upper atmosphere. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 360 Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif. The Needle. Vol. 3, No. 1. This 8-page narrow-form booklet describes the Model SS60 solid sampler for gas chromatography. The use of gas chromatography for the quality control production of chlorinated solvents is illustrated and described. Hamilton Co., Inc., P. O. Box 307, Whittier, Calif.