Manufacturers' Literature - ACS Publications

tailed description of the inlet, and data showing the effect of ... general brochure (7 pp) and various pamphlets on the ... Webster Research Center,...
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Manufacturers' Literature


Maiden Issue Vol. 1/1 February IR Application Notes. Discusses the use of the Miran-IA general-purpose ambient air analyzer to monitor ben­ zene concentrations. The report details the considerations that are important in selecting the proper wavelength for benzene measurement. 11 pp. Foxboro Analytical 425 Capillary-Column Inlet System. Tech­ nical paper no. 74 entitled " A New Multi-Mode Inlet System for High-Reso­ lution Gas Chromatography" gives an overview of each injection mode, a de­ tailed description of the inlet, and data showing the effect of the continuous septum purge on sample recovery. 6 pp. Hewlett-Packard Co. 426 G C / M S . Finnigan Spectra, Dec. 1978, features articles on glass capillary col­ umn GC/MS, problems in MS for the study of metalloporphyrins, and parallel flame ionization detection/total ion cur­ rent recording in capillary GC/chemical ionization MS. 8 pp. Finnigan Corp. 427 Food/Agricultural Notes. Liquid chro­ matographic supplies including sol­ vents, Sep-Pak cartridges, packings, packed columns, chemicals, and detec­ tors, are described. 5 pp. Waters Asso­ ciates 428 X-ray Powder Diffraction System. Norelco Reporter, V o l . 26, no. 1, March 1979, features the APD 3600 X-ray Powder Diffractometric System. The instrument is capable of providing a diffractogram in 3 - 1 0 min or a complete quantitative analysis within a few min­ utes. 15 pp. Philips Electronic Instru­ ments, Inc. 429 Refractive Index Increments. Applica­ tion note no. LS-7 has a table of specif­ ic refractive index increments for 55 polymer systems measured with the KMX-16 laser differential refractometer. 4 pp. Chromatix 430 LC Separation of Carotenoids. The LC method is used to quantitate subtle changes in pigment ratios and deter­ mine chlorophyll and chloroplast acces­ sory pigments. 2 p p . Waters Associates 431 Oxygen Electrode References. Over 200 references describe research stud­ ies of oxygen uptake and evolution con­ ducted with the Model 53 biological oxygen monitor. 8 pp. Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc. 432

Chromegabond Column. The column uses a monolayer-bonded, heavy load­ ed (approx. 2 0 % carbon) C 1 8 material and has 10 000 plates/ft with 10-μ par­ ticles. 6 pp. ES Industries 433 Lactose Analysis. Brochure J12 de­ scribes how the LC method is used for cost-effective formulation, process control, and quality assurance of in­ coming raw materials and finished products. 4 pp. Waters Associates 434 Solvent Property Chart. Chart lists properties for glycols, alcohols, k e ­ tones, amines, glycol ethers, esters and aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated sol­ vents. Ashland Chemical Co. 435 Recorders. The LS 4 series of 1-6 channel flat-bed recorders (3 pp) and the LD 12 point printing recorders (2 pp) are described in t w o separate bro­ chures. Linseis Inc. 436 Monochromator. Ramanor HG.2S m o ­ nochromator uses t w o concave aberra­ tion-corrected holographic gratings. A general brochure (7 pp) and various pamphlets on the Raman spectra, c o m ­ puter interfacing, sample compartment, scan module, and other accessories are available. J-Y Optical Systems, Div. of Instruments SA, Inc. 437 Molybdenum Disulfide Properties. Bro­ chure covers crystal structure, physi­ cal, thermodynamic, magnetic, electri­ cal, and chemical properties, and uses. 4 pp. Climax Molybdenum Co. 438 Airborne Industrial Contaminants. Booklet, "Bendix Monitoring Guide for Airborne Industrial Contaminants," is available. Bendix Environmental and Process Instruments Div. 439 Flame Photometer Internal Standard. Technical paper, "Cesium as the Inter­ nal Standard in a New Four-Element Flame Photometer," discusses features of the company's flame photometer, including an internal standard, micro­ processor control, and a built-in diluter. 8 pp. Instrumentation Laboratory Inc. 440

Surface and Interface Analysis Editors: David Briggs, ICI Plastics Division, Bessemer Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, U.K. Gerald P. Ceasar, Xerox Corporation, Webster Research Center, Building 114, Webster, NY 14580, U.S.A. Editorial Board: D. Allara, A. Barrie, A. Benninghoven, J.E. Castle, C.A. Evans, Jr., P. Holloway, R. Holm, J.W. Mayer, N.S. McIntyre, J. Morabito, C.J. Powell, M.P. Seah, C.J. Todd, H.W. Werner, N. Winograd

A new breed of 'analyst' interested in characterizing surfaces, interfaces and thin films has emerged. His techniques include electron and ion spectroscopy/ microscopy (XPS, ESCA, UPS, AES, ELS, SIMS, ISS, SEM, SAM, ion probe etc.), Rutherford back scattering, reflec­ tion infrared spectroscopy, ellipsometry and electron microprobe analysis, EDXA, ion sputtering and methods of depth profiling. Development of these tech­ niques is rapid and often technology driven so that new knowledge is scattered. Surface and Interface Analysis is devoted to reporting developments and applica­ tions of techniques to meet the new needs of the materials scientist. Publication on Schedule for 1979 Bi-monthly (6 issues p.a.) $ 120.00 To:

HEYDEN & SON INC., 247 South 41st Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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Manufacturers' Literature Guard Column Kits. Brochure D 93 describes how the guard column kit can help maximize the effective lifetime of HPLC columns. 2 pp. Waters Associates 441

Reagents. Chemical brochure details the specifications of the company's line of reagent grade acids, inorganics, and specialty chemicals. 20 pp. Ashland Chemical Co. 446

Furnaces. Specifications and application information on nonmetallic resistor furnaces are included in a brochure. 4 pp. Harrop Precision Furnace Co. 442

Glassware Care. Specific types of labware requiring special procedures are discussed individually. A section on personal safety in dealing with different types of acids and cleaning fluids is included. 13 pp. Corning 454

Carbon Black Product Guide. Product guide provides basic definitive information including physical characteristics and rubber stress/strain properties on the united furnace blacks for use in rubber applications. 3 pp. Ashland Chemical Co. 443

X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer. Tubeexcited X-ray fluorescence analyzer (TEFA-E) simultaneously analyzes all elements from sodium to uranium over concentrations from ppm to 100 %. Data on the system are available. EG&G Ortec 456

Solvent Delivery System. Description and specifications on the M-45 solvent delivery system are given in data sheet D 98. The principle of "positive flow equalization" is described. 2 pp. Waters Associates 444

Recorder. Miniservo VI, a 2-, 4-, or 6-pen potentlometric servo recorder, is described in bulletin F 616. Esterline Angus Instrument Corp. 447

Aquapore Columns. Descriptive brochure illustrating the use of these columns in a variety of applications is available. 5 pp. Chromatix 445

Environmental LC Analysis. Method for detecting and monitoring PCB's in water at ppt level is described in data sheet J 37. 2 pp. Waters Associates 448

Catalogs Chromatography. GC, LC, and thinlayer supplies, as well as an application section for GC analysis and a listing of technical bulletins, are included in the 1979 edition. 153 pp. Supelco, Inc. 458 Chromatography and Electrophoresis. In addition to chromatographic and electrophoretic equipment, the 1979 edition has products oriented toward biochemistry. 32 pp. Shandon Southern Products Ltd. 459 Labeled Compounds and Solvents. Over 600 labeled compounds, including C 14 and tritium-labeled compounds, stable isotopes, and deuterated solvents, are listed. 56 pp. Research Products International Corp. 460 Reagent Buying Guide. Product listings, technical information, and a lab safety handbook included in the 1979 issue. 600 pp. MCB Reagents 462 Scientific Apparatus. The spring 1979 edition is available. 40 pp. Tekmar Co.


The Eberbach Shaker Bath Table Model finds many applications in the fields of microbiology, biochemistry and chemistry. It provides continuous duty shaking in the range of 0 to 350 strokes per minute. The mechanical transmission assures constant speed in spite of variation in line voltage or in load. Temperature of the bath can be controlled from ambient to 80°C plus or minus 0.5°C. Temperatures above 80°C can be obtained with an accessory auxiliary heater and gable type cover. For controlled atmosphere applications an accessory hood is available. Immersion depth is controlled 3 ways; adjustable carrier, adaptors and water level control. Stainless steel flask carrier is 14 by 10 inches. Cat. No. 6250 priced at


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