manufacturers' literature - ACS Publications

spotting template, various developing tanks, and a desic- cator cabinet. Colab Laboratories,. Inc., P. O. Box 66, Chicago Heights, 111. 614. Liquid Ox...
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Digital Voltmeters. A 2-page bulletin describes the 2640 series of digital volt­ meters. These instruments use reed relays and solid-state logic. A front panel meter verifies the null balance condition. Houston Instrument Corp., 4950 Terminal Ave., Bellaire 101, Texas. 601 Acoustic Spectrometry. A 12-page booklet describes the company's acous­ tic spectrometer. This new instrument is illustrated and various applications are suggested. Included arc IS refer­ ences to the technique. Nametre Co., 1246 Highway 27, Highland Park, N. J. 602

• • Precision laboratory b a l a n c e Model 410—Sensitivity 2 mg. Capacity 120 g. No bands or wires to bend or lose " l i f e . " Handsome blue-gray heavy metal case. Weighs to full capacity with lid closed. $165.

• • Heavy-duty precision balancesModels 195-B and 2-89B—Capacities 3 or 6 kg. Sensitivity as fine as 100 mg. Locking tare weight. Beams graduated in mg., g., or oz. From $95.


Instrument Catalog. A new catalog gives a comprehensive compilation of instruments and equipment for general research, clinical study, production, quality control, and pilot plant opera­ tion. Cole-Parmer Instrument & Equipment Co., 7330 N. Clark St., Chicago 26, 111. 603 Determination of Lead. An 8-page bulletin details a methodology for con­ tinuous, automatic determinations of lead. It is based on the extraction of lead from an alkaline solution with an excess of dithizone in an organic sol­ vent. Technicon Controls, Inc., Chauncey, Ν. Υ. 604 Porous Plastic W a r e . A 4-page folder illustrates and describes "Labpor," new porous plastic laboratory ware. In­ cluded are various funnels and filter­ ing devices. Porex Materials Corp., Fairburn, Ga. 605 Photomicrographic



4-page folder describes and illustrates Reichert photomicrographic cameras and exposuremeters. Wm. J. Hacker & Co., Inc., P. O. Box 646, West Cald­ well, N. J. 606 High Temperature Microscopy.


10-page reprint of the article: "The « 5 · Specific-gravity chain balanceDirect Observation of Sintering Proc­ Model S100—Ideally suited for S.G. esses by High Temperature Micros­ determinations of liquids and solids to copy," by Mitsche, Gabier, and Jegwithin 0.0001. Also operates as a sensi­ litsch, is available. Wm. J. Hacker & tive chain analytical balance. From $168. Co., Inc., P. 0. Box 646, West Caldwell, Write for complete information on these and the complete line of quality Troemner bal­ N. J. 607 ances and weights-

Henry Troemner, Inc. 22nd & Master Sts., Philadelphia 2 1 , Pa. Phone 215/POplar 9-6386 Circle No. 17 on Readers' Service Card 1 4 8 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

Electrolytic Hygrometers. An 8-page bulletin describes the company's instru­ ments for moisture measurement. In addition, the bulletin gives a partial ap­ plications summary. Bulletin E H 4001-B. Beckman, Scientific and Proc­ ess Instruments Div., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 608

Oscilloscope Cameras. A 6-page catalog describes the company's line of oscilloscope camera systems and acces­ sories for Polaroid, and the new con­ tinuous motion 35 mm. fast developing film. Analab Instrument Corp., Cedar Grove, N. J. 609 Anticoincidence System. A 4-page brochure describes an anticoincidence converter with its low background flow counter and guard counter. The unit permits a radiation laboratory to ex­ pand into low level counting operation. Isotopes, Inc., 123 Woodland Ave., West wood, N. J. 610 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.


8-page brochure describes the Hitachi Perkin-Elmer Model 139 grating spec­ trophotometer. This instrument op­ erates from 195 to 800 πιμ and is de­ signed for routine and repetitive analvses. Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 611 Rare Gas Lamps. A 4-page brochure describes miniature quartz tube lamps available with rare gas fills in combina­ tions to meet special requirements. Stock models are available for interferometry, boroscopic inspection, mi­ croscopy, and other uses. Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., 5114 Walnut Grove Ave., San Gabriel, Calif. 612 Transfer System. Bulletin F-5, 4 pages, describes the Model 1402 "FlexoRabbit." This is a pneumatic transfer system which uses flexible plastic tub­ ing to move samples to and from radia­ tion sources. Reactor Experiments, Inc., 140 Harbor Blvd., Belmont, Calif. 613

Adsorbent Spreader for Thin Layer Chromatography. A 4-page bulletin describes a new "UNOPLAN" leveller for providing uniform films on chromatoplates. Other equipment discussed includes an adjustable spreader, chromatoplate rack, spotting template, various developing tanks, and a desic­ cator cabinet. Colab Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 66, Chicago Heights, 111. 614

Liquid Oxygen. A 9-page bulletin prepared by the Office of the Director of Defense Research & Engineering, is devoted to the handling and storage of liquid oxygen. Cryogenerators, Mendon and Angell Rds., P. O. Box 2200, Ash ton, R . I . 615





4 principal uses are:


CLASSIFYING laboratory quantities of fine materials for product or new material research.


CONTROLLING industrial processes using or producing fine materials.


DETERMINING the separating efficiency of air cleaners.

P j l PRE-TESTING dust collector requirements.

DETERMINE PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION below 60 microns, in materials such as: Beryllium Powder Grinding Sand Metal Oxides Catalysts Ceramic Powders Penicillin Chemicals Polymers Diatomaceous Earth Powdered Metals Drugs Milk Solids Dry Powders Standard Dust Fly Ash Samples

H A R R Y W . DIETERT C O . CONTROL EQUIPMENT 9330 R o s e l a w n · D e t r o i t 4 , M i c h . Send me details on Micro-Particle

Water and Sewage Analysis. A 32page catalog contains listings of over 500 instruments, apparatus, and chemi­ cals useful to water and sewage analy­ sis. Included are general and special­ ized equipment. Catalog W/S-63. Will Scientific, Inc., Box 1050, Roch­ ester, Ν. Υ. 616 High Purity Gases. An 8-page folder describes gases pure to 1 p.p.m. or less, gas purifiers, sample crushers, and a 48hour service on gas analysis. John P. Mickel Assoc, Inc., 158 S. Rochester Rd., Clawson, Mich. 617 Spectroradiometer and


A 2-page technical sheet describes the Color-Rad, an abridged ratio type spec­ troradiometer and colorimeter. The instrument measures energy distribu­ tion of luminous sources and can also be used for color difference measure­ ments. Instrument Development Laboratories, 67 Mechanic St., Attleboro, Mass. 618 Microscopy Reprint. A 4-page re­ print, "Polarization interferometric methods in incident-light microscopy, with special reference to material test­ ing," is available. Win. J. Hacker & Co., Inc., P. O. Box 646, West Caldwell, N.J. 619 Pressure and Temperature Instru­ ments. A new catalog contains de­ scriptions, typical applications, specifi­ cations, and installation drawings of pressure transducers, temperature sen­ sors, probes, and transducers, and semi­ conductor signal conditioning modules. Micro Systems, Inc., 170 North Daisy Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 620 Plastic Laboratory Materials. A 48page catalog, No. 163 contains informa­ tion on all types of plastic laboratory apparatus and supplies. A table pro­ vides a quick reference to the proper­ ties of various types of plastics. Kauf­ man Glass Co.", 1209-21 French St., Wilmington, Del. 621 Research Biochemicals. An 80-page reference guide and price list, No. 130, describes research biochemicals. Vari­ ous standards and grades of these ma­ terials are available. About 250 new products are included. Mann Research Laboratories, Inc., 136 Liberty St., New York 6, Ν. Υ. 622


Portable D.C. Bridges. A 6-page data sheet fully describes the 4288 and 4287 d.c. Kelvin bridges; the 4283 and 4289 d.c. Wheatstone bridges; and the 8017 and 8064 resistance thermometer bridges. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4901 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa. 624 Laboratory Furnishings. A 32-page catalog illustrates and describes cus­ tomized and standard casework and laboratory equipment. Brentwood, Di­ vision of Brunswick Corp., 1801 South Hanley Rd., St. Louis 44, Mo. 625

Company Periodicals Requests for copies of the following publications, catalogs, etc., should be sent directly to the address shown. Business or professional letterheads are requested. S/P Bulletin. This 12-page September issue describes and illustrates various instruments such as the Hitachi PerkinElmer Model 139 spectrophotometer, a sweat indicator, and the Buchler Cotlove Chloridometer. Scientific Prod­ ucts, 1210 Leon Place, Evanston, 111. Spectrographer's News Letter. Vol. XVI, No. 3. This issue contains a re­ view of the sources of the broadening of spectral lines in plasma diagnostics. Experimental data are given. Applied Research Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 1710, Glendale 5, Calif. The Laboratory. Vol. 31, No. 3. This issue features an article on concrete and also describes new instruments for the laboratory. Fisher Scientific Co., 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Norelco Reporter. Vol. X, No. 3. This 40-page issue is concerned with various aspects of x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence analysis. Different applications of these techniques are de­ scribed in detail. Philips Electronic Instruments, 750 South Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ. Previews & Reviews. The August issue, 8 pages, introduces the "Moduline," series of gas chromatographs which consists of units providing a separate cabinet fan for an air screen between gas chromatograph oven and the electronics. The company's line of gas chromatographs are illustrated and described. Wilkens Instrument & Re­ search, Inc., P. O. Box 313, Walnut Creek, Calif.

S e p a r a t i o n a n d A n a l y s i s of A l l o y s . Name„ Address Company^ City

150 A

_State. Circle No. 126 on Readers' Service Card · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

A methodology is available which de­ scribes a continuous, automatic system for the chromatographic separation and analysis of alloys such as brasses, bronzes, and German silver. Technicon Controls, Inc., Chauncey, Ν. Υ. 623

W h a t s N e w for the Laboratory.


50. This 16-page edition features a new line of centrifuges with high speeds and forces, designed for either batch or continuous operation. Various other laboratory equipment is illustrated and

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Beckman, Bendix-Greenbrier, Consolidated Electrodynamics, F & M Scientific Corp., Foxboro, Honeywell, Mine Safety Appliances Corp.,

described. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J.


Engineering Notes. Vol. 11, No. 3. The summer issue contains information on wideband amplifiers, voltmeters, probes, adapters, and filters. Featured instrument is the Model 104 wideband amplifier. Keithley Instruments, 12415 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 6, Ohio.


Afomlight. No. 30. This 12-page issue features a discussion on the design of radioisotope laboratories. Also, this booklet introduces several new radioactive compounds. New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston 18, Mass. Gas-Chrom Newsletter. The August issue describes a method for modifying conventional diatomaceous earth supports which can then be used as adsorbents for gas solid chromatography. The issue also lists silver nitrate impregnated silica gels for separations of saturates and unsaturates. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc., P. 0. Box 140, State College, Pa. Gas Pipe. No. 4. This issue features an explanation of a new electronic temperature control system for gas chromatography. The "G. C. Tidbits" section contains an elementary discussion of plate theory in gas chromatography. Jarrell-Ash Co., 26 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass.

Handiest O-Ring Joint available The unique Delmar-Urry 0-Ring Joint has three pressure ridges. These multiple pressure points within the O-Ring joint provide truly positive seals at pressures down to 10-6mm and at temperatures from -40°F to 500°F.

Scientific Apparatus. Vol. 1, No. 3. This 18-page issue includes information on the Van Slyke micro blood gas apparatus, a molecular weight apparatus, balances, pH meters, and other laboratory equipment. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St. at 3rd, Philadelphia 5, Pa.

All agree on MATHESONI These leading instrument makers agree in recommending Matheson


Gases. Matheson is the largest, most experienced supplier of laboratory gas mixtures, offering prompt service from laboratories at 5 plants. When dependable precision is important, order from Matheson.

Matheson P.O. Box 85 East Rutherford, N. J. Plants in Atlanta, Joliet, Illinois, La Porte, Texas, Newark, Calif., Matheson of Canada, Whitby, Ont.

The Dart. No. 1. This 4-page publication discusses the use of the miniature Pen-Ray quartz lamp as a wavelength reference standard for calibration of spectrophotometric equipment. UltraViolet Products, Inc., 5114 Walnut Grove Ave., San Gabriel, Calif. Gelman Solutions. Vol. II, No. 3. This 8-page issue presents detailed information on electrophoresis as a clinical tool. The publication also contains an article on membrane filtration. Gelman Instrument Co., 600 South Wagner Rd., P. O. Box 1448, Ann Arbor, Mich. RSCo Review. No. 5. An 8-page booklet describes and pictures equipment for thin layer electrophoresis. This method offers many advantages over paper electrophoresis including greater speed. Research Specialties Co, 200 South Garrard Blvd., Richmond, Calif.

Greaseless Stopcock A new grease free stopcock for pressures down to 10-4mm. Usable in the temperature range from - 4 0 ° to +200°C. Available in sizes from 0 to 4mm and 0 to 10mm.

Write for Catalog 60-D-3A


A SUBSIDIARY OF COLEMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. Circle No. 125 on Readers' Service Card

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