Manufacturers' Literature - American Chemical Society

Included is information on mobile- phase design; salt, pH, and tempera- ture effects; regeneration; storage; and column stability. 12 pp. Advanced Sep...
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Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography Techniques and Applications

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Manufacturers' Literature ICP newsletter. Leeman Letter, No. 7, contains information on the Hildebrand grid nebulizer, tracking precious metals in wastewater, and the 1988 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. 6 pp. Leeman Labs 418 GC. Brochure highlights the Hall lOOO electrolytic conductivity detector, which features a microprocessor controller and an interactive LCD display for programming and readout of important operating parameters. 4 pp. Tracor Instruments 419 Freeze drying. "A Guide to Freeze Drying for the Laboratory" discusses the three steps of the freeze-drying process, a typical freeze-drying cycle and methods to facilitate the process, and suggestions for optimizing results. Labconco 420


ne of the most pervasive problems in chemistry is the separation of complex materials into component parts, either to characterize a mixture or natural product or to remove a particular component from the matrix. This new book chronicles the exciting developments in supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography, particularly as applied to food systems. You'll gain in-depth knowledge on the history, current research, instrumentation, applications, and trends in this rapidly evolving field. You'll benefit from the expertise of some of the most prominent researchers working in supercritical fluids. Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography offers viewpoints from academia, government, and industry. Anyone working in the foods and flavors industries will find this volume a musthave resource. Bonnie A. Charpentier and Michael R. Sevenants, Editors, The Proctor & Gamble Company Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 366 262 pages (1988) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1469-7 LC 88-3466 US & Canada $59.95 Export $71.95 Order from: American Chemical Society Distribution Office Dept. 84 1155 Sixteenth St.. N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE

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LC/MS. Brochure highlights the Model 201 dedicated LC/MS systems. A discussion of problem-solving capabilities and detailed descriptions of the thermospray vaporizer, ion source, controller, mass analyzer, and vacuum system are provided. 4 pp. Vestec 424

Catalogs LC. Catalog features HPLC fittings, including filters, tubing, guard columns, adapters, and unions. Products for microbore, supercritical fluid, and preparative applications are included. 88 pp. Upchurch Scientific 426 Standards. Catalog lists standards for environmental testing, including PCB isomers, chlorinated dioxin and furan standards, and kits required for EPA methods. The standards are available neat or in solution. 80 pp. Ultra Scientific 427

Newsletter. Focal Points features information on micro- and ultrafiltration. Vol. I, Issue 1 contains articles on protein adsorption of filter materials, venting parameters, and cell harvesting and crossflow. 4 pp. Sartorius Filters 422

Glassware. Catalog features microscale glassware, including flasks, adapters, beakers, chromatography columns, connectors, distillation apparatus, evaporative concentrators, and NMR tubes. 48 pp. Kontes 428

LC. Handbook describes the use of cyclodextrin-bonded phases in HPLC. Included is information on mobilephase design; salt, pH, and temperature effects; regeneration; storage; and column stability. 12 pp. Advanced Separation Technologies 423

Analytical supplies. Catalog includes GC and LC columns; products for GC, HPLC, UV/vis, and GC/MS instruments; and laboratory robot supplies. A chromatography reference guide is also included. 248 pp. Hewlett-Packard 429


^1 ViscoSystem AVS 500 is a high-speed, fully automated viscosity measuring system for testing clear, opaque, and corrosive liquids. The system features a 12- or 36position carousel that allows samples to be run continuously without supervision. Schott 402

644 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 60, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1988