MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 16, 2012 - MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (7), pp 91A–93A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60151a797. Publication Date: July 1959...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE U-V Spectra. Publication shows spec­ tra of 1000 organic compounds. Also contains complete labelling of the spec­ tra: name from Chemical Abstracts, structural and molecular formulas, molecular weight, melting or boiling point, the source, and the method of preparation for scanning, cell thick­ ness, slit opening, and scanning time, and the instrument used. Sadtler Re­ search Laboratories (Ultra-Violet Ref­ erence Spectra). L-l Infrared Spectra. Offers spectra of the Coblentz Society. Scanning, nam­ ing, and formulation data are those of society members. Approximately 400 spectra will be published in near fu­ ture. Edited to eliminate duplicates. Sadtler Research Laboratories (Co­ blentz Society Spectra). L-2 Spectrographic and Analytical Equip­ ment, Laboratory Services. Looseleaf catalog consists of 12 individual product bulletins that define construc­ tion, features, and specifications. Na­ tional Spectrographic Laboratories, Inc. L-3

Vacuum Tubing. Tygon tubing (Formulation R-3603) is available in six standard bore sizes from 3/16 to 1 inch. Has wall thicknesses from 3/16 to % inch. Each size will withstand approximately full vacuum at normal room temperature. U. S. Stoneware Co. (Bulletin Τ-97). L-4 Muriatic Acid. Manual covers history of muriatic acid, properties of muriatic acid solutions, and its principal reac­ tions and uses. Handling, health and safety considerations, and analysis are discussed. The 44 pages include draw­ ings, tables, and graphs. The Dow Chemical Co. (Dow Muriatic Acid). L-5

Salicylaldehyde. Bulletin gives phys­ ical properties, reactions, uses, toxicological information, and a bibliography of reaction and use references. The Dow Chemical Co. 1-6 Amino Acid Analyzer. Twelve-page bulletin gives applications and specifica­ tions of Model K-5000 automatic re­ cording amino acid analyzer for separa­ tion, identification, and quantitative analysis of amino compounds. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co. (Bull. K-5000). L-7

Crucibles. Folder describes zirconium fusion crucibles and covers, available in four sizes. Prices included. Oregon Metallurgical Corp. L-8 Laboratory Baths. Eight-page bul­ letin describes a variety of Magni Whirl baths. Includes specifications, illus­ trations, and prices. Chicago Appara­ tus Co. (Bull. 1285). L-9 Spectroscopy. Twelve-page bulletin describes, with spectrum charts, ad­ vances in structural studies in the 250 to 750 molecular weight range by nu­ clear magnetic resonance. Varian As­ sociates (Tech. Bull. Vol. 2, No. 3). L-IO

Refrigerated Centrifuge. Twelvepage bulletin describes a refrigerated centrifuge and other laboratory instru­ ments. Aloe Scientific (New & Recent Devices, Jan. 1959). L-l 1 Recording



Eighty-four-page catalog describes analysis of water, and analyzers of chlorine and fluorine. Includes prices for apparatus and reagents required. Hach Chemical Co. (Cat. β). L-l2 Dimer Acid. New 28-page compila­ tion shows 113 patent abstracts and 27 articles dealing with use of dimer acid, a mixture of dibasic and tribasic acids. Emery Industries, Inc. (Tech. Bull. 412). L-l3 Laboratory Reagents. Eight-page bulletin gives prices of common re­ agents and industrial chemicals. Ar­ thur S. LaPine & Co. L-l4 Research Chemicals. Sixty-page cata­ log lists about 250 research chemicals, including 120 new ones since last cata­ log. Information includes formula, properties, description, and size of sam­ ple. Dow Chemical. (Research Chemicals from Dow, 1959 ed.). L-l 5 C.B.R. System. Twenty-four-page booklet describes standardized labora­ tory enclosed work areas designed on principle of "concentrate and confine" to increase personal safety and effi­ ciency. Kewaunee Manufacturing Co. (Bulletin Al A file 35). L-16 Scintillation



Cost and technical information on scin­ tillation grade fluorescent chemicals and plastic scintillators are given in 4page brochure. Pilot Chemicals, Inc. (Bull. 591). L-l 7

Infrared Accessories. Three data sheets describe a variable thickness liquid absorption cell, a small volume gas cell, and an evacuable KBr die for the company's IR spectrophotometers. Perkin-Elmer Corp. L-l 8 Sodium Formate. Booklet gives specifications, properties, characteris­ tics, and some uses of sodium formate. Bibliography has 32 entries. Eight pages. Heyden Newport Chemical Corp. L-l 9 Power Supplies. Four-page illus­ trated brochure gives basic data on the company's Hybrid Series of voltage regulated power supply packages. Kepco Laboratories, Inc. L-20 Chromatography Instruments. Illus­ trated catalog describes about 135 in­ struments and accessories for gas and vapor chromatography, plus 158 list­ ings of partitioning agents. Fifty-two pages. BurrellCorp. {Cat. 84). L-21 Multiplier Phototubes. Ninety-page catalog discusses operational theory, applications, and specifications for standard and special multiplier photo­ tubes. Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc. (Du Mont Multiplier Phototubes). L-22 Automatic Tube Centrifuge. Fourpage illustrated publication describes a unit for sequential ccntrifugation of a large series of tubes, from automatic loading through the entire cycle to au­ tomatic unloading. Research Special­ ties Co. (RSCo Review, Vol. 1. No. 5). L-23

Spectrometer Accessories. Series of loose-leaf inserts, illustrated, describe items such as infrared gas cells, cell window polishing kits, KBr dies, and others. Research and Industrial In­ struments Co. L-24 Infrared Analyzer. Revised bulletin describes operation and specifications of the Series 700 infrared analyzer. Analytic Systems Co. (Bull. 700). L-25

Plastic Laboratory Ware. Twentypage catalog lists various items made of polyethylene, polyurethane, poly­ propylene, polyvinyl, and nylon. Prices included. Ace Glass Incorporated (Cat. 6358). L-26 Relative Humidity Recorder. Data sheet describes combination of recorder and wet and dry bulb assembly for VOL. 31, NO. 7, JULY 1959 • 9 1 A

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE regulating relative humidity in test chambers. Leeds & Northrup Co. (Data Sheet ΝD46-92-1 ) . L-27 Muriatic Acid. Forty-page brochure gives data on production, uses, prop­ erties, and handling. Has 26 graphs and tables, and a short bibliography. Stauffer Chemical Co. L-28

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Laboratory Chromatograph. Bul­ letin describes high temperature instru­ ment, which can resolve and analyze substances with boiling points as high as 600° C. Consolidated Electrody­ namics Corp. (Bull. 1847). L-30 Thermometer Standards. Two sets of tentative standards produced by SAMA committees cover bimetallic thermometers and liquid-in-glass indus­ trial thermometers. Scientific Appara­ tus Makers' Association (SAMA Std. RC4a-9-1958 and SAMA Std. RC7a9-1958). L-31 Radiochromatography. Illustrated 4-page bulletin discusses use of radio­ activity in paper chromatography. Ap­ plications, basic techniques, qualitative identification, and quantitative deter­ minations are among topics covered. Nuclear-Chicago Corp. (Tech. Bull. 4). L-32 Dewar Flasks. Illustrated 50-page catalog covers complete line of Dewar flasks and systems, as well as vacuum gages and a mercury diffusion pump. H. S. Martin & Son (Cat. 59). L-33 Radioactivity



Latest issue of publication discusses problems in industrial use of radioac­ tivity which pose potential hazard to plant and community. Nuclear Science and Engineering Corp. (Radioactivity at Work, No. 16). L-34


ience, use the coupon be­ Engineering

Portable Moisture Monitors. Bul­ letin describes Type 26-301, with a range of one to 1000 p.p.m., and Type 26-302, with a range of one to 20,000 p.p.m. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. (Bull. 1834Q. 1-29


Utility Baths. High and low tempera­ ture utility baths for the laboratory are described and illustrated in a 4-page bulletin. Soiltest, Inc. (Bull. 1285). L-35 Radiation in Industry. Use of x-rays and gamma rays for nondestructive in­ spection and product testing is de­ scribed in 12-page illustrated booklet. Picker X-Eay Corp. (Are You in This Profit Picture ? ) . L-36 Fused Quartz. Data on 6 types of optical fused quartz and their use are included in data file. Includes grain structure, prevalence of small bubbles,

strain, and fluorescence. Industries, Inc.

Engelhard 1-37

Bi-Distillation Apparatus. Data file describes fused quartz apparatus which automatically distills and redistills in a single operation. Engelhard Indus­ tries, Inc. L-38 Electronic Thermometers. Four-page bulletin gives specifications and prices for the Thermophil battery-powered series and various probes. Atkins Technical Inc. (Bull. T/VG-Voxx). L-39 Autrometer. Booklet deals with ap­ plications, operating principles, and specifications for the Autrometer. Eight pages, illustrated. Philips Elec­ tronics, Inc. (Norelco Autrometer, Automatic Indexing X-Ray Spectro­ graph) . L-40 Colorimetric Analyzers. Details on industrial trace analyzers for dissolved silica, dissolved oxygen, and total water hardness are given. Milton Roy Co. (Bull. 1156-1). L-41 Plastic Laboratory Apparatus. De­ scriptions and specifications for poly­ ethylene and polypropylene ware, such as beakers, funnels, graduates, and bottles, are given. Twenty-four pages. TheNalgeCo. (Cat. Η459). 1-42 Recording



Brochure gives instrument specifica­ tions and performance data for the IR-5 Double-Beam instrument. Twenty pages. Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments Div. (Bull. 724) • L-43 Pulse Generator. Features, perform­ ance, and specifications of the Tullamore Model PPG-1 are covered in single page. The Victoreen Instrument Co. (Form 3020-9). L-44 Moisture in Rice. Moisture deter­ mination in converted long grain rice, using the Model 104 NMR Analyzer, is discussed. Calibration curves in­ cluded. Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. (Mat. Study Rpt. No. 14.58). L-45 Radioisotope Measurements. Fourpage brochure explains use of radio­ isotopes for quality control in continu­ ous process operations. Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc. L-46 Tissue Culture Apparatus. Twelvepage bulletin describes complete line for tissue culture experimentation. Illustrated, prices included. Kontes Glass Co. (Bull.TCS). L-47 Chromatography Equipment. Cata­ log, 68 pages, shows wide variety of chromatography and electrophoresis

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE equipment. Illustrations and prices. Research Specialties Co. 1-48 Voltmeters and Ammeters. Bulletin describes 1-, 2-, and 3-pen recording instruments, both portable and wall or panel mounted. The Bristol Co. (Bull. E-llll). L-49 Specific Gravity Indicators. Descrip­ tion and drawings of an instrument for continuous measurement of liquid specific gravity are given. Schutte and Koerting Co. (Bull. 18S). L-50 Environmental Chambers. Illustrated 12-page catalog describes complete line of environmental test chambers. American Research Corp. (Cat. 59). L-51


Boron Chemicals. Four-page bulletin lists physical properties of 17 chemicals common to boron chemistry and re­ lated fields. Suggested uses also given. Callery Chemical Co. 1-52

-p Save:

X-Ray Article Reprints. Three re­ prints on x-rays in scale analysis, dia­ mond tools, and smelting research were published in technical journals. Philips Electronics, Inc. L-53 Vycor Silica Glass. Properties of ten 96% silica glasses are given. Charts, tables, and photographs included. Eight pages. Corning Glass Works (Bull. B-91). L-54 Mixer/Mill. Four-page bulletin de­ scribes impact shaker for laboratorysize samples. Typical grinding results on various materials given. Spex In­ dustries, Inc. L-55 Analytical Service. Brochure de­ scribes mass spectrometer analyses done by CEC. Discusses sample, in­ formation, and time required. Typi­ cal analytical report shown. Consoli­ dated Electrodynamics Corp. (Bull 1813). L-56 Chemical Testing Service. Facilities for testing and research on many chemical materials described. Also describes Standards Inspection Service for laboratory apparatus and glass­ ware. U. S. Testing Co. (Bull. 5901). 1-57 Semiconductor Directory. About 2200 transistors, diodes, and rectifiers listed along with prices in 16 pages. Newark Electric Co. (Industrial News Letter, April 1959). L-58 Film Badge Service. chure describes film types of badges, and control methods used. Jr. & Co.

Eight-page bro­ badge service, evaluation and R. S. Landauer, L-59


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