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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (7), pp 128A–128A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60175a784. Publication Date: June 1961...
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FOR SMALL SAMPLES Having reduced inner w i d t h retaining 10 m m light path.


SEMI-MICRO CELLS For use in the Beckman Spectrophotometer.





Technical review explains t h e principle of this technique, a n d discusses the equipment a n d procedures used. T h e literature is reviewed, and a 76-entry bibliography is included; 32 pages. Beckman Spinco Division (An Introduction to Density Gradient Centrifugation). L-l Moisture Determinators. Alodels K F - 2 a n d K F - 3 Aquameters are illust r a t e d and described in a single-sheet bulletin. T h e units are used on jet fuels, foods, antibiotics, a n d petroleum products. Beckman Scientific and Process I n s t r u m e n t s Division (Bull. 307-C). L-2


Inner Width

Minimum Capacity


5.0mm 4.3mm 3.0mm

1.5ml 1.0ml 0.8ml

50mm *50mm

*Requires Diaphragm Attachmen ($25.00) for full efficiency.

MICRO CELLS For use in the Beckmen Spectrophotometer only.



Requires Special Cell Carrier ($40.00J and Diaphragm Attachment ($25.00


Inner Width

Minimum Capacity

25mm 25mm 25mm 25mm

3.0mm 2.5mm 2.0mm 1.5mm

0.100ml 0.075ml 0.063ml 0.050ml

Spectral Range

Prices (all cells)

1 8 0 mu-- 1 2 0 0 mu 2 2 0 mu-- 2 4 0 0 mu 2 2 0 mu-- 3 5 0 0 mu ( N e a r -Infrared)

$20.00 $15.00 $20.00

THE ULTRACELL CO. 22 BLAND AVE., EMERSON, N.J. Phone: CO 2-2364 Circle No. 190 on Readers' Service Card




Humidity Cabinets. Six-page bulletin illustrates a n d describes a line of controlled humidity cabinets featuring Power-O-Matic 60 Saturable Reactor controls, plus other items. Blue M Electric Co. (Bull. 7005C). L-3 H a a k e Consistometer. T h i s is a viscosimeter for substances whose rheological properties cannot be studied with the customary r o t a r y , capillary, or falling ball units—resins, wax, clay, soap, lipstick, dough, rubber, plastics, and others. F o u r pages, illustrated. Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. L-4

tation of Nickel from Homogeneous

Dimethylglyoxime Solution). L-8

Precipitation Reprint. Single page contains reprint of a lecture demonstration originally appearing in the Journal of Chemical Education. Burdick & Jackson Laboratories (Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution). L-° S a f e t y Devices. Illustrated bulletin describes three devices t h a t can detect and analyze extremely low concentrations of boranes used in rocket fuels. Callerv Chemical Co. (Bull. CS-001). L-10 W e i g h i n g Scales. Illustrated 8-page catalog shows Shadograph scales and weighing equipment for industrial, laboratory, and commercial applications. T h e E x a c t Weight Scale Co. (Cat. 3333). L-l 1 Pinpoint Optical S y s t e m . Single page describes a pinpoint lens-holder for t h e miniature light source and miniature photocell housing in precision p h o t o electric scanning. F a r m e r Electric Products Co. (Bull.PL-1). L-12 Gas Chromatograph. Technical discussion describes a system t h a t uses a flame detector and enables t e m p e r a t u r e programming of packed or capillary columns. F & M Scientific C o r p . (Linear Programmed Temperature Gas Chromatograph Featuring Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detection). L-l 3

Thermocouple S y s t e m s . Illustrated 4-page bulletin describes gold-cobalt vs. copper thermocouples, an indicating thermocouple millivoltmeter, and a vertical scale potentiometer. Crvogenics, Inc. (Bull. CG 357). ' L-5

Electrometer. Four-page bulletin describes and gives specifications for t h e >Iodel E-302 extended range electrometer. Gyra Electronics Corp. L-l 4

Automatic W e i g h t Sensing. Eightpage m a n u a l shows how t h e principle of weight sensing can be used to perform a variety of production and quality control functions. T h e E x a c t Weight Scale Co. (Form 3513). L-6

Plastic Labware. Illustrated 20-page catalog describes a variety of sterile disposable plastic items, such as p c t r i , phage typing, and tissue culture dishes, and flasks, bags, and containers. I n cludes 8 b y 11 inch table of properties of 19 plastics. Falcon Plastics (Cat. G). L-l 5

Laboratory W a r e . Illustrated 44page catalog describes a n d gives prices on large variety of items m a d e of plastics a n d other materials. Bel-Art Products. L-7 Technical Article. Biacetyl and hydroxylamine were reacted in t h e presence of nickel(II) to precipitate large, readily filterable nickel dimethylglyoxime crystals from homogeneous solution. Reprinted from Talanta. Burdick & Jackson Laboratories (Precipi-

Laboratory Equipment. Illustrated 16-page bulletin describes and gives prices for about 50 items m a d e by wellknown manufacturers. T h e H a r s h a w Chemical Co. (Laboratory Spotlight, No. 21). ' L-l 6 Projection Microscope. Brochure describes and gives optical d a t a on t h e Kern-Britex projection microscope. Illustrated. Price list covers accessories as well as the instruments themselves. K e r n L a b o r a t o r y Supply Co. L-l 7