MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Citation Alerts. Metrics. Published online 16 May 2012. Published in print 1 March 1957. SciFinder Subscribers Sign in. Explore by: Any Author Researc...
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New Matheson Gas Plant Opened in California . . .

' 2 1 5 0 Central Ave, Newark, Calif. S. NEwark 3-2666


East Rutherford. New Jersey


Joliet, 111.


Faster Service World's most complete line of gases, special custom mixtures, precision tested automatic pressure regulators, valves and accessories.

W r i t e f o r new 1 9 5 7 Catalog.

The Matheson Company, Inc. Compressed Gasea and Regulators H E a s t Rutherford, N . J . ; Joliet, 111.; Newark, Calif. For further information, circle number 86 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 75 A

LABORATORY CONDUCTIVITY BRIDGES and cells $192 F.O.B. Cedar Grove, New Jersey*

• Variable Sensitivity Control: Max. 1 Λ of 1 % • Range: 0.2 to 2,500,000 ohms • Accuracy: within 1 % of measured resistance except at extremes of scale. • 2 Bridge source frequencies: Line and 1000 cps. • Simple, fast operation for laboratory or production use. A new, improved version of the time-proved Type RC Conductivity Bridge. Designed for use by either techni­ cal personnel or production worker. Employs standard components for easiest maintenance. Ideal for elec­ trolytic conductivity measurements of purest distilled water to highly conductive acids. Also widely used for electrical conductivity measurements and tests.


Write for catalog on complete line of conductivity instruments and cells

Instruments INC.


For further information, circle number 86 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 75 A

86 A



Electrophoresis Apparatus. Fourpage catalog provides information on ap­ paratus and accessory instruments for paper electrophoresis, featuring a migra­ tion chamber, power supply, and power distribution unit. Research Specialties 1 9 Co. (Cat. 264) Synthetic Paraffin. Brochure relates background and development of Paraflint, new synthetic paraffin. The high melting point hydrocarbon wax has prop­ erties which make it useful as a modi­ fier for petroleum waxes, as a chemical raw material, or as an intermediate for chemical processing. Moore & Munger. 20 Glass Products. Eight-page catalog describes apparatus for the wet labora­ tory, including fractionating-distillation columns, still heads, product condenserreceivers, and other accessories. Glass Engineering Laboratories. 21 Temperature Controls. Bulletin con­ tains data on operation and specifica­ tions, giving temperature ranges, tube sizes, and accuracy of Model L-1S tem­ perature control. Burling Instrument Co. (Bull. No. 106) 22 Plasticizers. Bulletin gives methods of preparation and individual properties of several different epoxy fatty acid ester plasticizers. Becco Chemical Division, Food Machinery and Chemical Corp. (Bull. No. 80) 23 Laboratory Apparatus. New catalog comprises 700 pages of text, and lists over 20,000 items of chemical laboratory apparatus. Griffin & George Ltd. (Cat. 56S) 24 Thermometers

'Price subiect to change without notic·.



a n d Hydrometers.

Twenty-four page booklet provides in­ formation on ASTM, general and spe­ cific purpose thermometers and hydrom­ eters for measurement of temperature and specific gravity. Includes complete specifications and prices. Central Scien­ tific Co. (Bull. No. 40) 25 Succinic Acid. Sixteen-page bulletin contains description, physical proper­ ties, specifications, shipping, handling, and storage data on succinic acid and its derivatives. Also includes list of refer­ ences. The Borden Co. (Bull. M-4a) 26

Magnetizers. Data sheet lists avail­ able magnetizers, demagnetizers, and laboratory magnets, featuring new selfcontained unit. F . W. Shrader Co. (Cat. Sheet M-ll) 27




Catalog of 16 pages describes equipment for applications in low temperature field. Hofman Laboratories, Inc. 28

No Bumping ... No Frothing with A

Gloss Recorder. Company newsletter features description and illustrations of automatic 75° gloss recorder for gloss measurement of paper, fabrics, plastics, metals, and other materials. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. (Newsletter No. 19) 2 9



Laboratory Magnet. Data sheet covers new horizontally-rotating version of electromagnet for the laboratory. Instrument Division, Varian Associates. 30 Coumarin. Booklet contains solubility tables for coumarin, synthetic aromafixing and odor-masking agent. Organic Chemicals Division, Monsanto Chem­ ical Co. 31


Refractometers. Eight-page bulletin illustrates and describes 8 new refrac­ tometers for use in laboratory, pilot plant, and process control. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co. (Bull. R 1000) 32 Inedible Fats. Illustrated booklet dis­ cusses bleaching of inedible fats with chlorine dioxide. Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. 33

3 2 - 9 2 2 Rotovap c o m p l e t e as illustrated b u t w i t h o u t f u n n e l , r i n g and clamp $185.00 Self-lubricating Teflon Ball end Socket Assembly where ell glass system is not required 3 2 - 9 2 2 T B Teflon C o n n e c t i n g S p i n d l e $9.75 5 2 - 9 2 2 T C Teflon C o n n e c t i n g E l b o w $11.50

Autotransf ormers. Twenty-four page bulletin gives specifications, dimension drawings, and photographs for all models of complete line of adjustable autotransf ormers. General Radio Co. (Bull. 0) 34 Ceramics. Catalog contains descrip­ tive and engineering data on full com­ pany line of ceramics, including com­ mercial white porcelain, Steatite, and 5606 Refractory. Star Porcelain Co. (Cat. 57) 35 Chemical Developments. First issue of quarterly publication, "Ideas in De­ velopment," contains articles on oleyl amines, alpha-sulfoalkyl acids, and ethochemicals. Chemical Division, Ar­ mour and Co. (Vol. 1, No. 1) 36 Glass. New brochure explains manu­ facturing methods, applications, and the history of glass. Includes charts, draw­ ings, and photographs. Corning Glass Works. 37 Nuclear Equipment. Catalog provides technical information to aid in selection of nuclear instruments for the laboratory. Nucleonic Corp. of America. (Cat. No. 103) 38 Glassware Washers. Data sheet illustrates and describes portable washer for cleaning different sizes and shapes of bottles, test tubes, flasks, burets, and other laboratory glassware. Arthur S. LaPine & Co. 39 •

For further information, see coupon on page 7 5 A


Suitable for batch or continuous operation, Rotovap is completely automatic and provides safe, rapid and efficient evaporation of either dilute or concentrated solutions. Rotovap will distill 100 ml. of aqueous solution at 55°C. in 10 t o ί 5 minutes under t h e reduced pressure of an ordinary water aspirator. Its speed for non-aqueous solutions is correspondingly high. Due to the functional design of Rotovap, evaporator flask can be easily heated with a water Sath or infra­ red lamp. The condenser flask can be cooled w i t h a special water spray provided w i t h Rotovap. For w o r k w i t h heat-sensirive compounds, condenser flask may be cooled with ice. For detailed information, write for folder RV.


As w i t h Rotovap, Flash-Vac utilizes the principle of spreading a thin film of solution over a large area by rapidly rotaring—60 R . P . M . — t h e evaporating flask and subjecting the flask to vacuum. When heat is desired on the evaporation flask, an infra-red lamp may be mounted on rear support rod or a water bath may be used. For details write for Bulletin FV. 3 2 - 9 2 2 F V Flash-Vac c o m p l e t e w i t h 1 8 - 8 stainless steel sleeve w i t h 2 4 / 4 0 t a p e r , V a c u u m t u b e , " O " r i n g seals, e n c l o s e d m o t o r , s u p p o r t r o d a n d clamp. Flask a n d r i n g stand o p t i o n a l


* FLASH-EVAPORATOR Available in t w o models FE-2 for batch operation only and FE-2C for both batch and continuous operation, Flash-Evapora­ tor has an evaporator flask on t h e r i g h t hand side w h i c h revolves in a h o t water bath and a condenser flask on the left which is simultaneously cooled by a stream of cold water or ice. The t w o r o t a t i n g flasks are connected t o t h e revolving shaft by a standard taper joint. Bulletin

For details write for


3 2 - 9 2 2 F E - 2 f o r batch e v a p o r a t i o n c o m p l e t e m o t o r , rheostat, 5 0 0 w a t t heater, 2 liter e v a p ­ o r a t o r a n d c o n d e n s e r flasks w i t h T / S 2 4 / 4 0 b u t w i t h o u t thermo-regulator Ϊ 2 1 5.50 3 2 - 9 2 2 F E - 2 C f o r c o n t i n u o u s or batch o p e r a ­ t i o n c o m p l e t e w i t h m o t o r rheostat, 5 0 0 w a t t heater, 2 liter e v a p o r a t o r a n d c o n d e n s e r flasks w i t h standard t a p e r e d j o i n t s , t h e r m o - r e g u l a t o r a n d c o m p l e t e slassware f o r batch o p e r a t i o n . . . $ 3 3 0 . 0 0

Deliveries From Stock

Ε. M A C H L E T T & S O N TILEPHONIS: NEW YORK L t x i n g t o n 1-1311 NEW JER5EY [ U i a b e t h «-133C








10, Ν . Υ .


For further information, circle numbers 87 A-1, 87A-2, 87 A-3 on Readers' Service Card, page 75 A

VOL. 29, NO. 3, MARCH 1957


87 A

You can measure accurately MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE







A micro-microammeter and millivoltmeter in one instrument · Measures currents from 10-is to 10-' amperes · 10, 100, and 1,000 mv ranges plus recorder output · Exclusive, diaphragm-type dynamic capacitor provides longer life, greater stability and reliability · High stability, both short and long term · Extremely high input im­ pedance— 1015 ohms · Better than 2% accuracy • $1,075.00 F.O.B. Carlstadt, N. J. TYPICAL


Molybdenum Disulfide. Two-page bulletin covers physical, thermodynamic, electrical, magnetic, and chemical properties, preparation and uses of molybdenum disulfide. Climax Molybdenum Co. (Bull. Cdb-5) 40 Laboratory Equipment. Bulletin features new chromatographic equipment available, as well as complete line of sectional laboratory furniture. Also includes other new laboratory apparatus, such as flask heater, pH meter, extractor, and timer. Schaar and Co. 41


Measurement of semi-conductor parameters, lowlevel voltages, static charges, floating grid po­ tentials, grid currents, residual noise in summing amplifiers, and insulation resistance

with the


Physics a n d Chemistry:

Mass spectrometry, pH measurements

Dynamic Capacitor Electrometer


Integrating Counter. Bulletin provides details on remote integrating counter for use with penumatic transmission systems. Bristol Co. (Bull. No. AÎB8) 42

Reactor control and radiation monitoring systems Industrial:

Beta and gamma gauge control systems Biophysics a n d M e d i c i n e :

Measurement of stomach acidity, skin and cell potentials, nerve impulses, etc.


Electronic Component & Instrument Sales Department



For further information, circle number 88 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 75 A


Chromatography, Electrophoresis Apparatus. Six-page booklet lists apparatus necessary for one and two dimensional paper separations and describes an instrument for electrophoresis measurements. Includes information on dimensions and prices. Central Scientific Co. (Bull. No. 80) 43 Polyester for Urefhane Foams. Technical service bulletin contains comprehensive analysis of Witco Fomrez 50, new polyester for the production of flexible urethane foams. Witco Chemical Co. (Bull. No. E-10) 44

FIELDS. Made by National Appliance Co. Combustion-Testing
