MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

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Electron Microprobe Analyzer. Tieprint of Bausch & Lomb advertisement describes the electron microprobe x-ray analyzer developed by B&L's subsidiary firm. Applied Research Laboratories, Inc. t-1 Biological Stains. Twelve-page booklet lists the principal uses of biological stains supplied by the company. Listings are grouped according to the fields in which the stains are used. National Aniline Division (Biological Stains—A Cross Index). L-2 Mass Spectrometers. Fifteen-page booklet gives general information on new models in the Time-of-Flight mass spectrometers produced by the company; illustrated. Several journal reprints on the units are also available. Bendix Aviation Corp. (Bull. MS-5). L-3

Demineralizers. Illustrated 36-page catalog shows the company's complete line of mixed-bed, two-bed, and fourbed demineralizers. Also describes case histories of special installations. Includes charts and drawings. Barnstead Still and Sterilizer Co. (Cat. 160). L-4 Filter Material. Single illustrated sheet describes characteristics of Fiberfilm Filters, which are made of submicron glass fibers impregnated with Teflon. Bel-Art Products (Bull. 660). L-5

The Analyzer. New issue of company periodical has features on flavor control in the citrus industry, infrared spectroscopy in USP XVI, instrumental analysis at the University of Maryland, industry's response to the 1958 food additive amendment, and others. Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments Division (Vol. I, No. 3). L-6 Cavity Cell Manual. Twenty-page instruction manual has various sections on the use of cavity infrared absorption cells and related accessories. Also has a section on the polishing of rock salt and other infrared transmitting materials. Connecticut Instrument Corp. L-7

Zirconium Information. Data file contains technical information and data, illustrated with charts, photos, tables, and graphs. Carborundum Metals Co. (Zirconium Data File). L-8

tory equipment and supplies. Prices are included. Sixteen pages. The Emil Greiner Co. (Vol. 9, No. 2). 1-16 Cooling Chambers. Illustrated single sheet describes series of test chambers with dry-ice cooling and electrical heating; ranges extend from —100° to +600° F. Gruenberg Electric Co. L-17

CA Newsletter. New issue contains information on a glove cabinet, training microscope, glassblower's kit, cellulose ion exchangers, and others. Chicago Apparatus Co. (July, I960). L-9

Thermocouple Wire. Twelve-page catalog gives information on thermocouple wire and extension wire, both bare and insulated. Includes tabulated specifications and prices. MinneapolisHonevwell Regulator Co. (Cat. G100-2). L-l8

Moisture Monitor. Single illustrated sheet describes and gives applications and specifications for the company's Type 26-312 liquid, process moisture monitor for analyzing water content of organic liquid streams. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. (Bull. 26312). L-10

Atomlight. Company periodical has articles on scintillation counting of C 14 labeled paper chromatograms and on tritium recoil labeling of linseed oil. Also included is a list of new carbon-14 and tritium labeled compounds offered by the company. New England Nuclear Corp. (No. 13; June 1960). L-19

Thermocouple Assemblies. Illustrated 32-page catalog describes the company's complete line of thermocouple fittings, pressure sealing glands, and thermocouple accessories. Includes prices. Conax Corp. (Cat. 1890). L-11 Moisture and Fat Apparatus. Brochure describes an apparatus that determines the amount of moisture and fats in meats and biological materials. Delmar Scientific Laboratories. L-12

Radioactive Compounds. New price list contains 69 new carbon-14, 17 new tritium, and 16 new short-lived isotope labeled compounds, in addition to 275 other tagged compounds. New England Nuclear Corp. 1-20

Fused Quartz Glass. Data file describes optical properties of Suprasil and Infrasil grades, including graphs and tables on transmission, absorption, dispersion, and refractive indices. Also has regular and Schlieren photographs. Englehard Industries, Inc. L-13

Automatic Sample Changer. Fourpage brochure describes automatic sample changer for very low level solid beta emitting radioactive samples. Includes illustrations and diagrams. Nuclear-Chicago Corp. 1-21

Data Processing Instruments. Fourpage illustrated brochure covers XY and keyboard plotters, functional generator, electronic digital voltmeter, high speed printer, and a.c.-d.c. converter. Electronic Associates, Inc. L-14 Plastic Filter Material. Leaflet describes plastic filter material capable of removing submicron particles from liquids and gases. Also shows the apparatus with which it is used and gives brief descriptions of some applications. Gelman Instrument Co. L-15 Labitems. Periodical catalog describes and illustrates large variety of labora-

Transistorized Power Supply. Single illustrated sheet describes the company's Model 4005 unit which can be operated as a constant voltage source or constant current source from the same terminals. Also gives brief descriptions of other units. Power Designs, Inc. L-22 Photocord. Second issue of new company periodical has short articles discussing various instruments, such as a laboratory recorder, densitometer, thrombograph, and others. Photovolt Corp. (No. 2; April 1960). L-23

VOL. 32, NO. 10, SEPTEMBER 1960 ·

151 A



ELECTROBALANCES The modern way to weigh... milligram samples

C A H N # 1 4 0 0 ELECTROBALANCE Accurate to Capacity to

0.001 mg. 175 mg.

Unaffected b y — • temperature

· humidity

• vibration

Announcer. Twenty-page illustrated periodical catalog shows large variety of laboratory a p p a r a t u s and supplies. Prices are included. Palo L a b o r a t o r y Supplies, Inc. (No. 60-6-73). L-24 X-Ray Literature List. Twenty-page reference list covers 376 papers on x-ray analysis in variety of fields such as biological studies, smelting, p h a r m a ceutical research, oil contaminants, cement, and others. Philips Electronic Instruments. L-25 The RCL Counter. Four-page illust r a t e d periodical publication discusses a high speed scaler, precision timer, g a m m a and x-ray counters, a scaler count-rate instrument, coincidence circuit control, and a pulse transformer. Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc. (Vol. 7, No. 4). L-26


# 1 4 0 0 Electrobalance


remote & automatic

USE IT I N — • vacuum • glove box • cryostat

· humidity chamber · oven · above a furnace

Reads out on your choice of— • chart recorder · weight dial • voltmeter Full balance range accessible without breaking vacuum. Precision to

0.001 mg.

Capacity to

175 mg.

# 1 7 0 0 RM Electrobalance. $975.00

See them at the N.I.H. Show, Booth #16 WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS:


instrument company

14511 Paramount Blvd., Paramount, Calif., U.S.A. Circle No. 201 on Readers' Service Card 152 A



A e r o g r a p h Research N o t e s . Summer issue of company paper discusses the Aerograph Model A-110-C gas chromatograph and its application for simultaneous determination of alcohol and acetone in blood. Also shows various chromatograms, including one of polynuclear hydrocarbons. Wilkens I n s t r u ment and Research, Inc. (Summer 1960). L-35 Tubing Dimensions. Four-page brochure tabulates dimensions for the company's precision bore tubing and precision bore capillary tubing, available in Pyrex, Vycor, quartz, and special glasses. Wilmad Glass Co. (Bull. 102). L-36

S/P R e v i e w . Periodical catalog describes and illustrates variety of items such as disposable beakers, automatic fraction collector, vortex mixers, a u t o matic nitrogen analyzer, and others. Scientific P r o d u c t s (July 1960). L-28

Precision Bore Stirrers. Four-page bulletin covers the company's line of precision bore stirrers, as well as giving a tabulation of units showing the size of the S T or SJ joint. Wilmad Glass Co. (Bull. 103). L-37

pH Meter. Illustrated technical d a t a sheet describes the company's Electrion p H meter, and lists optional accessory equipment. Sel-Rex Corp. L-29


Arcs and Sparks. C o m p a n y periodical features an illustrated article on the Chicago Spectroscopy Symposium and a report on the move of the company's technical d e p a r t m e n t to new quarters. United Carbon Products Co. (Vol. 6, No. 2). L-34

Automatic Chemical Analyzer. Fourpage illustrated brochure describes the company's Robot Chemist, a modular system for performing all steps from taking in a measured sample to recording the final determination. Some applications are shown in flow diagram form. Research Specialties Co. L-27

· level

A n y o n e c a n use it

also a bibliography of 34 references on spectroscopy in the rubber industry. Unicam I n s t r u m e n t s , L t d . (No. 7; Spring 1960). L-33

Lab N e w s and Views. First issue of new company periodical describes new items for t h e laboratory. T h e current four-page issue concentrates on p H meters and their accessories. Schaar and Co. (Vol. 1, No. 1). L-30 Biochemicals Price List. New price list includes over 300 compounds, almost 100 of t h e m for the first time. Includes amino acids and derivatives, purine and pyrimidine compounds, sugars, enzymes, biochemical reagents, and labeled compounds. Schwarz BioResearch, Inc. L-31 Stirrer and Heater. Illustrated single sheet describes the company's hot plate and magnetic stirrer combination, as well as an electric heater. Prices are listed. E . H . Sargent & Co. L-32 Spectrovision. Twelve-page issue of company periodical has several articles, including one on the technique of flame p h o t o m e t r y and another on scale expansion of infrared spectra. T h e r e is

The Catalyst. Company quarterly catalog publication describes and illustrates a variety of laboratory equipm e n t and supplies, including the Colem a n nitrogen analyzer, a plastic glove box, the Cahn Electrobalance, and others. Wilkens-Anderson Co. (Vol. 2, No. 2). L-38 Environmental Chambers. Illustrated 32-page brochure describes t h e company's line of chambers providing controlled atmospheric conditions, and gives a variety of applications. Included are several pages of tabulated physical data. Webber Manufacturing Co. (Brochure 600). L-39 Ionization G a g e Controls. D a t a sheet gives specifications for four models available for rack mounting or for cabinets. F . J. Stokes Corp. (Data Sheet 563). L-40 Boron Booklet. Illustrated 24-page booklet has d a t a on production, uses, and chemistry of borax, borax glass, and boric acid; also has properties on about 30 other boron compounds. Stauffer Chemical Co. (Borax and Other Boron Products). L-41