MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 3, 2012 - MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (7), pp 46A–47A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60091a751. Publication Date: July 1954...
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mate limit of 200 mesh. The mill has been used successfully with such materials as sesame seed, flaxseed, corn, peas, and tomatoes. 18





THE IDEAL PRESS FOR MAKING KBR PELLETS FOR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS • 2 0 Ton capacity Hydraulic Press • Accurate alignment in op­ eration • Guided moving platen • Sturdy 3 column construc­ tion • Even pressure distribution for uniformly dense pellets • Self-contained • Bench mounted • Hand operated • 9 " χ 9 " platen area • 2 2 " m a x . vertical opening, adjustable

A multi-purpose unit with quickly adjusted vertical open­ ing, by handwheel, permits many different set-ups in mini­ mum time. Used around the -world for RESEARCH, C O N T R O L , & TESTING. Available accessories include: Heat­ ing and Cooling Platens; Temp. Con­ trols; Auxiliary low pressure gauges; Fast air closing; Extruding units; Testing units, etc. Other capacities and sizes available. Write for Bulletin.

LOOMIS ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING CO. 1 3 3 So. 1 4 t h St., N e w a r k 7, N . J. Circle No. 46 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A 46A

Laboratory Chemicals. A 245-page reference catalog lists prices and speci­ fications of entire line of reagents avail­ able from J. T. Baker Co. 19 Laboratory Chemicals. Catalog lists prices of reagents, technical chemicals, indicators, and other materials for chemical, clinical, biological, bacterio­ logical, and metallurgical laboratory and industrial use. Arthur S. LaPine & Co. 20 Drying Agents. Four-page folder describes various grades and forms of Drierite anhydrous calcium sulfate and their applications. W. A. Hammond Drierite Co. 21 Magnetic Stirrers. Four-page bulletin describes magnetic stirring apparatus with enclosed or separate rheostat control and magnetic stirring bars en­ closed in Kel-F, Teflon, or borosilicate glass. Also listed are electric stirrers. Arthur H. Thomas Co. (Bull. 118). 22 Timers. Two-page sheet describes two models of elapsed time indicators—for reading to 0.001 minute through 10minute range and reading to 0.1 sec. through 1000 seconds. Dimco-Gray Co. (Models 201 and 202). 23 Glassware Washers. Brochure of 4 pages describes and gives specifications for automatic washing machine for laboratory glassware. Eochester Scien­ tific Co. (Unormatic Washing Ma­ chine). 24 Glassware Washers. Bulletin de­ scribes series of washing machines for laboratory use in cleaning and sterilizing glassware or animal cages. Industrial Systems Co. 25 Analytical Services. Booklet of 8 pages describes services in making analyses on various types of materials and in analytical research offered by Foster D. Snell, Inc. 26 Flow Counter. Two-page sheet de­ scribes windowless flow counter designed to permit rapid sample change-over in Geiger or proportional counting of solid samples in an inert atmosphere. Atomic Instrument Co. (Model 952). 17 Alternating



Bulletin describes alternating


For further information, see coupon on page 39 A

I m m u n e to Extreme Chemical, T h e r m a l a n d Electrical Conditions. Non-catalytic. Nonporous. VITIteOSIL CRUCIBLES permit the production of compounds of real purity; and do not absorb material. It is possible to wind Vitreosil Cruci­ bles with wire for direct electrical heating. Made in glazed and unglazed finish. VITREOSIL DISHES for concentrat­ ing, evaporating and crystallizing acid solutions. Made in large and small sizes and types as required. VITREOSIL TRAYS are made in two types; four sided with overflow lip a t one end for continuous acid con­ centration; and plain. Our Techni­ c a l Staff places itself a t y o u r disposal for further data. For details as to sizes, prices, etc..

Write for Bulletin No.17 THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. 14





Circle No. 46 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A A N A L Y T I C A L


LITERATURE test set consisting of 4 separate instru­ ments designed to be used together in measuring up to 2000 watts, 10 amperes, or 300 volts full scale. Sensitive Re­ search Instrument Corp. (Universal 60 Set). 28

TEMPERATURE CONTROLS Preferred in Thousands of Laboratories the World Over!

Vacuum Tube Voltmeters. Fourpage brochure gives description, specifi­ cations, and applications of millivoltmeters and micromicroammeters for di­ rect currents. Millivac Instrument Corp. (Models MV-11B, ISC, and 17C). 29

THERMOREGULATORS For extremely close t e m p e r a t u r e control, A m i n c o offers t i m e tested, reliable thermoregulators for use in water, oil, or a i r . Thousands now in successful use. Convenient t o m o u n t . Pro­ tecting tubes available. Quickset bimetal adjustable t y p e for t e m p e r a t u r e ranges as low as m i n u s 73° t o plus 177° C , and as high as 260° t o 538° C . M e t a s t a t i c mercury (glass) type a d j u s t ­ able f o r t e m p e r a t u r e s f r o m m i n u s 30° t o plus 250° C.

Function Plotter. Data sheet of 2 pages presents information on use and applications of recorder that contin­ uously measures and plots, on a single chart, two independent variables as a function of a third. MinneapolisHoneywell Regulator Co. (Data Sheet 10.0-17). 30 X-Ray Analysis of Metals. Re­ print of 4 pages discusses three x-ray analysis methods for evaluating the properties of metals. North American Philips Co., Inc. 31



PUMPS Ideal for stirring liquids in laboratory baths a n d for circulating liquids t h r o u g h laboratory apparatus on a c o n t i n u o u s - d u t y basis. No l u b r i c a n t used in p u m p proper—circulating liquid does not become c o n t a m i n a t e d w i t h o i l . C e n t r i f u g a l , bearingless t y p e , for heads up t o 6 f t . Driven by 1/30 h p . 1550 r p m . f a n cooled i n d u c t i o n motor. Available w i t h support rod m o u n t i n g (illustrated), C - c l a m p m o u n t i n g , or flange m o u n t i n g . Also available in t a b l e m o d e l .

Excitation Unit. Eight-page bulletin covers features and specifications of various models of an excitation unit for spectrochemical analysis. Jarrell-Ash Co. (Varisource). 32 pH Electrodes. Catalog of 19 pages describes pH electrodes and electrodes for measuring redox potentials, as well as assemblies and accessories, and dis­ cusses their use. Leeds & Northrup Co. (Cat. EN-SS). 33 Methanol. Booklet of 16 pages con­ tains data on uses, physical properties, and specifications of synthetic meth­ anol, including 14 graphs on proper­ ties. Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co. (F-8141). 34 /3-Benzoylacrylic Acid. Eight-page bulletin covers properties and chemi­ cal reactions of chemical with four reactive groups. Bibliography. Na­ tional Aniline Div., Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. 35

Electronic relay (illustrated) has a power amplification of 200,000,000 and provides a n ultrasensitive, reliable means for controlling a power circuit f r o m a low-current or high-resist­ ance circuit. Supersensitive t y p e (power a m p l i f i c a t i o n , 50,000) is designed particularly for actuation by thermoregulators and other delicate c o n t a c t - m a k i n g devices. All are available for o p e r a t i o n on 117, 208, or 230 volts, 60 cycles. N o r m a l l y open or n o r m a l l y closed single-pole operation obtained by a flip of a switch,



Q u i e t , powerful, efficient u n i t s for use in constant t e m p e r a t u r e baths. A variety of types are available for every laboratory need : (1) universal variable-speed t y p e : slow speed, 100 t o 500 r p m . ; high speed, 1000 t o 5000 r p m . ; 1/80 h p . ; 115 volts a-c. or d-c. (2) h e a v y - d u t y induction t y p e : 1550 r p m . ; 1/30 h p . ; 115 volts a-e. (3) m i d g e t induction t y p e : 1550 r p m . ; 1/150 h p . ; 115 volts a-c. (4) m i d g e t variable-speed t y p e : 500 t o 5000 r p m . ; 1/100 h p . ; 115 volts a-c.

IMMERSION HEATERS Ideal f o r precise constant t e m p e r a t u r e applications w h e r e i n s t a n t response t o t h e r m o s t a t i c action Is desirable. Patented LoLag construction, w i t h sheaths of copper, steel, or stainless steel, for 115 or 230 volts. Flexible type can be bent t o a n y shape t o fit inside any vessel. Wattages f r o m 125 t o 2000. Pipef i t t i n g t y p e for screwing Into walls of vessels are available f o r wattages f r o m 600 t o 2500.

Other Aminco

Laboratory Instruments

Radiochemicals. Catalog contains 2page list of prices of carbon-14 labeled compounds, including acids, alcohols, aldehydes, amino acids, ring labeled compounds, purines, pyrimidines, sug­ ars, and others, available from Re­ search Specialties Co. 36 Oxygen Analyzer. Bulletin describes continuous analyzer designed for low range measurement of oxygen in gaseous streams by bubbling gas through solution of cuprous ammonium chloride and measuring color change photometrically. Davis Emergency Equipment Co. (Bull. 11-40). 37 For further information, see coupon on page 39 A V O L U M E 2 6, NO. 7, JULY



Electrophoresis Apparatus W a r b u r g Apparatus Metabolic Shaker-Incubators Light-scattering Microphotometers P h o t o m u l t i p l i e r Microphotometers F l a m e Photometers Mechanical DIalyzer C o l e m a n Spectrophotometers, Fluorometers, Nophelometers, Colorimeters, 4, p H Meters O p t i c a l Absorption Cells Freeze-d ry Apparatus High-speed Angle Centrifuges A u t o m a t i c Pipetting M a c h i n e s C o n s t a n t T e m p e r a t u r e Baths I ncu bators Ovens Steri I izers

Laboratory Instruments


AMERICAN INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. Silver Spring, Maryland · In Metropolitan Washington, D. G Far further Information, circle number 47 A on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A

47 A