Manufacturers' Literature - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 24, 2012 - Manufacturers' Literature. Anal. Chem. , 1974, 46 (4), pp 478A–478A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60340a713. Publication Date: April 1974. ACS Lega...
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Manufacturers' Literature

GC Application Reports Four-page Application Reports deal with specific procedures based on gas chromatography and include hightemperature motor oil analysis with the flame ionization detector, 5020 442 and with the specific nitrogen detector, 5030 443

Polymers An 8-p catalog, 731, lists over 200 research-grade polymers selected or synthesized for highest purity. The materials can be used as analytical standards. Cellomer Assoc, Inc. 435

Electrophoresis Reagents A 12-p electrophoresis pamphlet lists 169 reagents for electrophoresis and 90 literature references to their use. Polysciences, Inc. 436

Shakers A 6-p brochure describes the unique build-up design of a complete line of wrist action shakers. Burrell Corp. 437

No. 5034 deals with the analysis of milk fat methyl esters. Hewlett-Packard 444

Water Stills A 6-p folder describes a new series of "energy saving" water stills which operate on the principle of "Thermocompression." Barnstead Co. 446

IR Sample Cells A 4-p brochure describes the following four sample cells used in infrared spectroscopy: demountable cell mount, sealed liquid cell, sealeddemountable cell, and variable pathlength liquid absorption cell. PerkinElmer Corp. 447

UV/VIS Spectrophotometer

Plastics Catalog

An 8-p brochure describes Model 55 UV-Visible spectrophotometer which with suitable accessories can be converted to semiautomatic or automatic operation. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 438

The 1974 catalog of plastics labware, 56 p, includes a chemical resistance chart. New products include labware, notebooks, pressure-sensitive labels, and protective coating for lab furniture. Nalgene Labware Div. 448

Optical Teaching Aids

Spectroscopic Glassware

A 40-p catalog describes optical instruments for natural sciences and technical teaching. Information on applications and available accessories is also given. E. Leitz, Inc. 439

Catalog 5007, 48 p, covers glassware and accessories for NMR and EPR spectroscopy. Wilmad Glass Co., Inc. 449

Trace Chemical Detection

Quantitative TLC

A 6-p folder describes the company's complete line of chemical test kits for environmental and industrial testing. Over 30 kits based on classic colorimetric methods are covered. Koslow Scientific Co. 440

A 2-p sheet provides a list of technical papers that deal with quantitative thin-layer chromatography. Subjects covered include drugs, steroids, amino acids, lipids, and sugars. Schoeffel Instrument Corp. 450

CHN Analyses

LSC Cocktail

A 22-p booklet describes in detail improved techniques for the automatic determination of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen with an automatic CHN + O analyzer (based on combustion gas chromatography). Sanda, Inc. 441

An 8-p brochure describes the use of Aquasol in liquid scintillation counting. Included is a list of over 130 published references and 12 specific application descriptions. New England Nuclear 451

Fluorescence News

Mass Spectrometer

Fluorescence News, Vol 7, No. 5, 8 p, includes articles on the influence of heteroatoms on the fluorescence and phosphorescence spectral maxima of aromatic molecules and basic fluorometry for technicians. American Instrument Co. 445

A 24-p color brochure describes the MAT 311 double-focusing mass spectrometer. Sections deal with technical features, sensitivity, automatic data processing, metastable ions, inlet systems, and specifications. Varian MAT/U.S. Operations 452


Air Generator A 4-p bulletin describes the 737 Series pure air generators. The instruments provide reliable sources of clean dry air for instrumentation. AADCO 454

Radioisotope Assays A new brochure covers 40 clinical applications of radioisotope assays now available from the company. Included are drugs, vitamins, and biological substances. Damon/Medical Services Group 455

Ion-Exchange Celluloses A 20-p manual gives complete descriptions of Whatman advanced ionexchange celluloses, microgranular and fibrous. H. Reeve Angel & Co., Inc. 456

Clinical Products Med-Lab Reporter, Vol 13:3, 8 p, offers capsule reports on new products for the clinical lab. Information is provided on simplified radial immunodiffusion tests, 11 new kits for radioactive assays, Safe-Tin containers for flammable histological solvents, and other lab products. Fisher Scientific Co. 457

Mineral Powder Diffraction Data A descriptive brochure on a Data Book and Search Manual dealing with "Selected Powder Diffraction Data for Minerals" is available. Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards 458

Mixed and Specialty Gases An up-to-date pricing catalog for users of mixed and specialty gases includes information on regulators, valves, manifold systems, and other accessories. Big Three Industries 459

Clinical Enzyme Testing Procedures A new series of methods data sheets on semimicro enzyme testing procedures with the company's Enztrate test kits is available for determination of GOT, GPT, LDH, CPK, HBD, and AP tests. The procedures are used with the Model 24 spectrophotometer "Sipper" system. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 460