Dec 1, 1971 - MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE. Anal. Chem. , 1971, 43 (14), pp 90A–91A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60308a789. Publication Date: December 1971...
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P I P 32, 9 pages, provides a concise explanation of the principle of scintillation techniques and cites examples of its application as a research tool for developing data on biological systems. The company offers 24 solvents, solutes, and standards for scintillation work. J. T. Baker Co. 201-859-2151 601


Plastic Labware. A 32-page illustrated catalog features 125 categories of plastic apparatus and utensils for lab and plant applications. Included are bottles, tanks, basins, baskets, beakers, flasks, containers, dispensers, pumps, tubing, and fittings for liquid circulation systems. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 312-647-0272 602

Order your MCB Spills Bucket So you're not "Harry the spiller"! But spills are inevitable no matter how careful you are. That's why we're sure you'll agree that a nearby spills bucket is one of the most basic safety aids for any laboratory. Send for yours t o d a y ! Contains about 7 pounds of sand and soda ash plus a handy plastic scoop. Count your benches and order a > bucket for each — just to be on the safe side.

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spills buckets at


Chemical Services. A 12-page brochure shows the company's expanded facilities and services for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Described are various equipment for chemical reactions and analytical tools in addition to the company's USP and NF testing programs. Hexagon Laboratories, Inc. 212-324-7550 603 Ir Instruments. A 20-page price list details all of the company's infrared instruments plus the sampling accessories available. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 203-7621000 604 Amino-Acid Analysis. An 8-page brochure describes an analytical system for the rapid single-column analysis of amino acids. Diagrams show how present analyzers may be easily modified to the new system. Also included are descriptions of four new compounds of interest to amino-acid chemists. Pierce Chemical Co. 815-968-0747 605 Ir Supplies. A 68-page catalog, Bulletin 83-A, lists the company's complete line of ir spectrophotometer supplies and accessories. Included are liquid and gas sampling cells, dies and presses, ATR units, beam condensers, and miscellaneous supplies. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714-871-4848 606 Atomic Absorption in Clinical Analysis.





Norwood, Ohio: Baton Rouge, La.; East Rutherford, N.J.; Los Angeles, Calit. CIRCLE 8 9 O N READER SERVICE CARD

A 20-page manual describes applications of the Aztec atomic analyzer by use of three techniques: atomic absorption, flame emission, and atomic fluorescence. Sample preparation, selected clinical methods, theory of operation, measurement limitations, and specific application data are discussed. OCLI Instruments. 203-853-2224 607


Corrected Spectra Ratio Spectrofluorometer. Nine pages describe a new research grade corrected spectra ratio spectrofluorometer. The bulletin covers fluorescence, phosphorescence, absorption, nephelometry, turbidimetry measurements, and other new measuring techniques. Schoeffel Instrument Corp. 201-664-7263 608 Atomic Absorption Supplies.


82-A, 8 pages, lists the company's full lines of hollow cathode lamps, standard reference solutions, chart paper and recorder supplies, and gas and water equipment. Included are descriptions, prices, and ordering information. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714-871-4848 609 Light Boxes. A 6-page brochure describes four different sizes of light boxes designed to accommodate various sizes of graph paper and chart. They range in size from 8 1 / 2 X 11 in. to 12 X 36 in. Instruments for Research and In610 dustry. 215-745-4440 Chromatography/Lipids. Catalog 1972, 50 pages, includes complete information and prices on gas chromatography supplies, lipids, pesticide standards, apparatus, reagents, and liquid and thin layer supplies. The company also describes its contract research and analytical services. Supelco, Inc. 814359-2732 611 Lc Glass Supplies. A 6-page catalog introduces a complete line of all glass column assemblies, fittings, and chambers for liquid chromatography. Each column sold is fabricated to the customer's specifications. Laboratory Glass Apparatus. 415-849-3430 612 AA Analysis of Iron, Calcium, and Cadmium. Application sheets detail the quantitative detection of iron, calcium, and cadmium by atomic absorption techniques. Data show the performance of the GloMax demountable hollow cathode lamp as a primary source in AA analysis. Barnes Engineering Co. 203-348-5381 613 Micro Glassware. A 40-page catalog contains detailed illustrated information on miniature glassware for the lab. Included are prices of Minilab interchangeable components. Ace Glass Co. 609-692-3333 614 Ultrasonic Cleaners. A 12-page small brochure contains full information and illustrations and prices of the company's ultrasonic cleaners. Four new units have been added plus various accessories. Heat Svstems Ultrasonics, Inc. 516-694-9555 " 615

Manufacturers' Literature

Clamps. An 8-page bulletin describes the company's complete line of labora­ tory clamps including extension and utility clamps, buret and double buret clamps, support, double jaw and bath clamps, hose clamps, and clamp hold­ ers. Also described are the company's Lab-Frames, designed for easy versatile support for lab set-ups. Precision Sci­ entific Co. 312-227-2660 616 Blood Cell Counter. An 8-page bulle­ tin explains the Autocytometer II and its new homoglobin accessory. Used together, the system provides a simul­ taneous homoglobin determination with each white cell count in 48 sec. Fisher Scientific Co. 412-391-1330 617 Instruments. Data sheets for about 60 AEC NIM format modules, bins, and power supplies are available. The in­ struments include high voltage power supplies, preamplifiers, amplifiers, sin­ gle-channel analyzers, discriminators, coincidence units, a puiser, and com­ plete printing systems. Mech-Tronics Nuclear Corp. 312-344-2212 618 Temperature Measurement Handbook and Catalog. This 144-page handbook contains the latest calibration tables for thermocouples released by NBS. The catalog also includes temperature mea­ surement data, facts, statistics, and ma­ terial properties information needed by scientists working with temperature. Omega Engineering Inc. 203-322-1666 619 Turbidimeters. A 6-page folder fea­ tures surface scatter; in-line/trace, fall­ ing stream, low range, and laboratory turbidimeters for the analysis of water and other fluids. Hach Chemical Co. 515-232-2533 620 Thermal System. An 8-page brochure describes a modular thermal system for the automatic determination of melting points, melting ranges, and other values. The system includes a melting and boil­ ing point furnace, microfurnace, a drop­ ping and softening point furnace, and a control unit. Mcttler Instrument Corp. 609-448-3000 621 Quartz Fiber chure lists springs, and 5 μ. Misco.

Products. A 22-page bro­ quartz balances, helices, quartz fibers as small as 415-843-1282 622

Laboratory Equipment. Publication K17B, 12 pages, describes and gives spe­ cifications for laboratory table tops, sinks, and drain troughs. Kewaunee Scientific Equipment Corp. 313-2635731 623

Liquid Scintillation Counting.

An 8-

page catalog, LS-95, of supplies and ac­ cessories for liquid scintillation counting features vials, fluors, and premixed scin­ tillators. Nuclear Assoc, Inc. 516333-9344 624 Chemical Reagents. A 220-page lab­ oratory chemical catalog provides de­ tailed information on chemical reagents, solvents, ion exchange resins, and chromatography needs. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, Science Products Div., P.O. Box 5439, St, Louis, Mo. 63160 Flash Photolysis. A 22-page booklet introduces flash photolysis and describes the company's 705C, 710C, and 720C instrumentation. Subsystems and com­ ponents are pictured and described, and technical data are given. Xenon Corp. 617-395-7634 625 Viscosity Measurement. A 12-page publication describes the application of the company's Ferranti-Shirley vis­ cometer system, a push-button instru­ ment that provides plotted curves of viscosity over a wide range of inde­ pendent variables. Ferranti Electric, Inc. 516-293-8383 626 Spectroscopic Electrodes. A 4-page brochure describes ultra superior purity (USP) electrodes for spectroscopic analysis. Presented are 10 preformed USP electrodes for use in emission or solid mass spectroscopy. This grade has a purity of 99.99999%. Ultra Car­ bon Corp. 517-893-4575 627 Thin Metal Foils. A 54-page foil cata­ log lists over 100 metal foil items. The catalog is printed in English/ French/German and includes a price conversion table. Standard thicknesses vary from 0.5 to 150 μ in 30+ motals and 20+ alloys. Goodfellow Metals, Ltd. ESHER 65391 628 Gel Column Electrophoresis. A 16page instruction manual covers the setup and clinical lab operation of the EC250 gel column electrophoresis unit. The manual illustrates the step-by-step setup and gives detailed procedures for many clinical separations. E-C Ap­ paratus Corp. 215-382-9100 629 Multichannel Analyzers. Application Note 138, 30 pages, describes some 30 uses of the company's 5400 Series multichannel analyzers including appli­ cations in X-ray fluorescence, radionu­ clide assay, pollution monitoring, etc. Application Note 139, 12 pages, de­ scribes stabilization of y-ray spectrom­ eter systems with the company's 5586A spectrum stabilizer. Hewlett-Packard Co. 415-493-1501 630

Company Periodicals

Requests for copies of the following publications should be sent directly to the address shown. Business or pro­ fessional letterheads are requested. Gas-Chrom Newsletter.

Vol 12, No. 5,

8 pages, announces the availability of some new high purity materials to use as standards: labeled chlorpromazine and D-amphetamine, 4 cyclopropane fatty acid methyl esters, and carbohy­ drate standards. Information is also given on phosphorescent adsorbents for tic, n-butylboronic acid, and procedures for ordering drug standards. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc., State Col­ lege, Pa. 16801 Traces. Vol 9, Nos. 5 and 6, 4 pages, contains summaries of the current lit­ erature of fluorescence applications in all fields. G. K. Turner Associates, 2524 Pulgas Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Current Peaks. Vol 4, No. 3, 6 pages, includes an article on rapid screening for morphine and other drugs with a dedicated gas chromatograph. Also de­ scribed is a student gc experiment for chemical engineers. Carle Instruments, Inc., 1141 East Ash Ave., Fullerton, Calif. 92631 Fluorescence News.

V o l 6, No. 2, 8

pages, features an article, "Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in the Study of Photo­ synthesis," by Govindjee and P. Mohanty of the University of Illinois. Also included is information on complete narcotic and dangerous drug screening by spectrofluorometry and gas chroma­ tography, and a selected bibliography. American Instrument Co., 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Chromatography/Lipids.

V o l V , No.

5, 4 pages, describes a new microozonizer and contains information on methylation and butylboronate deriva­ tives. Company new products include an acetylation kit, neutralizing agent, mixed triglyceride products, derasin and phrenosin, and synthetic phosphatidyl ethanolamines. Supelco, Inc., Bellefonte, Pa, 16823 The Informer. Vol 11, No. 1, 4 pages, includes information on the CRS-85S Coulter data system for the medical market, new CRS-204 and 208 integra­ tors for gas chromatographs, and other analytical instruments. Infotronics Corp., 8500 Cameron Rd., Austin, Tex. 78753


91 A