Manufacturers' Literature

riboflavin in milk, determination of car- bamazepine and the 10,11-epoxide me tabolite in serum and urine, ... ysis controller, and the Model 316 auto...
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Manufacturers' Literature Drug and Metabolite Analysis in Bio­ logical Samples. Describes the use of liquid chromatography to separate and quantitate drugs and metabolites in such complex sample matrices as blood, urine, tissue, and spent hemodialysate fluid. 16 pp. Waters Associates Inc. 420 Fume Hoods. Reviews the different types of fume hoods currently available and includes air flow diagrams of each to illustrate the differences. 8 pp. Labconco Corp. 421 Electromagnet System. Describes a 4-in. laboratory electromagnet system designed to meet needs that require high, uniform field strengths in narrow air gaps. 4 pp. Varian Instrument Div. 422 Spectrum Analysis. Discusses in detail the Model FFT 5 1 2 / S narrowband, real time spectrum analyzer. 20 pp. Rock­ land Systems Corp. 423 Digital Titration. Gives instructions for using the Model 16999 digital titrator and the reasons why this method of t i ­ tration analysis is better than conven­ tional buret titration. 6 pp. Hach Chemi­ cal Co. 424 GC/IR System. FTS-GC/IR can be used in conjunction with any commer­ cial gas chromatograph and provides infrared identification of minor frac­ tions, enhancement of the chromato­ graphic separation using subtraction routines, and separation of peaks as close as a f e w seconds. 6 pp. Digilab Inc. 425 Electrophoreses and Densitometry Systems. Describes the full line of electrophoresis equipment and ac­ cessories including specifications and applications. Corning Glass Works 426 Columns. Vol. 3, No. 1 discusses reversed-phase HPLC on a new bonded microparticle reversed-phase pre­ packed column, Partisil-10 ODS-2; of­ fers a highly practical solution to " i o n pair" HPLC problems; and contains other technical information of interest to chromatographers. 4 pp. Whatman Inc. 427 Chromatography Newsletter. February 1977 issue features articles on drug overdose screening by GC, determina­ tion of benzodiazepines in serum, de­

termination of trace amounts of N,Ndimethyl formamide, determination of riboflavin in milk, determination of carbamazepine and the 10,11-epoxide m e ­ tabolite in serum and urine, and short glass open tubular columns. 17 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 429 Electrofocusing and Electrophoresis Equipment. Model 2117 Multiphor of­ fers the possibility of several tech­ niques in one instrument: analytical electrofocusing, electrophoresis, Immu­ noelectrophoresis, preparative electro­ focusing, and SDS in polyacrylamide gels. 4 pp. LKB Instruments, Inc. 430 Sterilizable Single-Probe Electrode. Two data sheets describe the new pH measuring/reference electrodes and insertion mounting assemblies. Leeds and Northup Co. 431 Polarographic Instrumentation. Con­ tains complete descriptive information on the Model 374 microprocessorbased polarographic analyzer, the Model 174A polarographic analyzer, the Model 315A automated electroanalysis controller, and the Model 316 auto­ matic cell sequencer. 16 pp. Princeton Applied Research Corp. 432 Thin and Ultrathin Foils. Describes 1600 different foil materials ranging in thickness from 0.1 μ to 1 m m and vary­ ing in sizes from 1 X 1 in. to 4 X 4 in. 5 pp. Reactor Experiments, Inc. 433 Retention Times. February 1977 issue features the Tracor Hall electrolytic conductivity detector and its application for analysis of halomethanes in drinking water, capillary columns, Mini-Lab inte­ grator, 980A solvent programmer, and the Auto Scan option for the 970 LC detector. 4 pp. Tracor, Inc. 434 Standards for Spectroscopy. Lists over 177 aqueous single-element SpectroStandards for AA, flame emission, xray, and optical emission spectroscopy. 2 pp. Chemplex Industries, Inc. 435 Amino Acid Analyzer. Details analysis procedures, ranges, and sample flow rates of the Model 121M, and compares the new instrument to conventional an­ alyzers. 10 pp. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 437 Desk-Top Computer. Fully describes the HP 9825, designed for stand-alone

computing or industrial and scientific system control applications. 12 pp. Hewlett-Packard Co. 436 Lasers. An extensive bibliography on submillimeter waves and their applica­ tions, compiled during the development of the Model 118 far-infrared laser, is available to interested readers by re­ quest on letterhead. Apollo Lasers, Inc., 6357 Arizona Circle, Los Angeles, Calif. 90045

Catalogs Organic Chemicals. Catalog 49 lists the complete line of Eastman organic chemicals. 180 pp. Eastman Kodak Co. 440 Process Instruments. A quick refer­ ence guide to the complete line of pro­ cess control and analysis, air and water quality, vehicle analysis, automotive test, and occupational safety instrumen­ tation. 16 pp. Beckman Instruments 441 Laboratory Products. Catalog 20 fea­ tures products for gas, liquid, and thinlayer chromatography; biochemicals and standards; isotope-labeled c h e m i ­ cals; reagents; and pilot plant services. 145 pp. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. 442 Chromatography Supplies. Features supplies for GC, HPLC, and TLC includ­ ing columns, packings, syringes, purifi­ ers, phases, vials, recorders, analytical standards, and capillary columns. 150 pp. Alltech Associates 443 High-Performance Liquid Chromatog­ raphy. Includes complete modular sys­ tems, pumps, programmers, detectors, injectors, prepacked columns, empty columns, fittings, tubing, filters, and valves. 36 pp. Altex Scientific Inc. 444 Laboratory Instruments. Contains infor­ mation on controls, flow meters, flow meter assemblies/valves and kits, gages, pipeters, syringes, valves, and Warburg instruments. 32 pp. Roger Gilmont Instruments, Inc. 445

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Manufacturers' Literature

Vacuum Products. Includes sections on leak detection systems, deposition systems, evaporation sources and power supplies, instrumentation, ultrahigh-vacuum components, vacuum components, and technical data. 176 pp. Veeco Instruments Inc. 456

HPLC Accessories. Includes information on Spherisorb packings, stainless steel and glass-lined packed columns, resins, sample injectors, syringes, fittings, and Cheminert components. 48 pp. Laboratory Data Control 446

Vacuum Pumps. Presents performance and size information on the complete line of rotary vacuum pumps. Also contains information on accessories, gauges, and controls. 17 pp. Edwards High Vacuum, Inc. 457

Standards for Spectrochemistry. Lists the expanded line of accuracy-certified standards for atomic absorption and other instrumental analyses. Also includes sample preparation equipment, grinders, sieves, presses, and graphite electrodes. 22 pp. Spex Industries, Inc. 448

Products for Science. 1977 catalog features many items of interest including a hand-held battery-operated minispectrophotometer, illuminated monocular and stereo microscopes, digital thermometers, thermocouple probes, vacuum-pressure pumps, pH meters, and stainless steel utility items. 32 pp. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 458 Chemical Reagents and Laboratory Equipment. Includes chemicals and reagents used in amino acid analysis, sequence determination, structure and function analysis, peptide synthesis, and gas and liquid chromatography, and related laboratory equipment. Pierce Chemical Co. 459 Balances. Features top loading electronic balances, electronic analytical balances, mechanical analytical balances, and two-pan balances, weights, and accessories. 6 pp. Ainsworth Div., Denver Instrument Co. 460 Thin-Layer Chromatography and Laboratory Equipment. Covers a broad selection of precoated TLC plates and accessories ranging from developing chambers and visualization systems to TLC separations kits designed for specific purposes. 32 pp. Analtech, Inc. 461

Nuclear Instruments and Equipment. Features nuclear instruments, equipment, devices, and accessories for the fields of radiology, health-physics, nuclear medicine, research, and reactor technology. 85 pp. Atomic Products Corp. 449 High-Purity Compounds. Contains 500 compounds and elements and lists typical spectrographic impurities and levels for all the HiPure inorganics. Also includes an example of the certificate of analysis which c o m e s with each c h e m i cal. Spex Industries, Inc. 450

High-Purity Reagents. Features the complete line of Suprapur reagents and corresponding certificates of guarantee. 20 pp. EM Reagents 447 OEM Recorder Modules. Provides details and specifications on the full line of Gulton OEM oscillographic recorder modules, from single-channel low profile through eight-channel models. 8 pp. Gulton Industries, Inc. 451 Nuclear Accessories. Features instruments, dosimeters, medical products, scintillation vials, protective clothing, safety aids, and many other nuclear products. 15 pp. Dosimeter Corp. of America 452 Nalgene Labware. Covers the full line of Nalgene plastic laboratory ware including several new and improved products. Specifications and prices are listed for all products. 60 pp. Nalge Co. 453 Research Chemicals. Lists over 40 000 organics, inorganics, organometallics, dyes, stains, and biochemicals. Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc. 455

Reliable. Fast and Easy. MCI automatic analyzer. Utilizes ASV method to simultaneously measure concentrations of 5 different trace heavy metals. Ultra-high sensitivity and automatic sample feed/discharge measuring cell assures fast, precise results. Reproducibility is 3-to-20%. Range: 0.1 PPB—10 PPM.

Radiation Sources. Features sources for well-logging, environmental monitoring, instrument calibration, moisture and density gauging, x-ray fluorescence, and industrial gauging. 24 pp. New England Nuclear 462 Particle Counting and Sizing Instruments. Lists the complete family of automatic particle and sizing instrumentation for liquids and gases. 8 pp. Royco Instruments Inc. 463

Laser Products. Lists the full line of laser dyes, cells, and other products. 24 pp. Eastman Kodak Co. 464

AS-01 Trace Metal Analyzer

MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Instruments Dept.. Mitsubishi Bldg . 5-2, Marunouchi 2-chome. Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo, 100 Japan Telex: J 2 4 9 0 Cable Address KASEICO TOKYO CIRCLE 139 O N READER SERVICE CARD