Manufacturers' Literature

multaneously. Postrun and interactive graphics capabilities includechro- matogram subtraction and selected area integration. Laboratory. Data Sys- tem...
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within 30 and 60 min for cyanides and phenolics, respectively. Lachat Instruments 408 Pore characterization. Porometer II features an integrity test that allows testing of cartridge characteristics and a permeability test that measures flowthrough characteristics. The instrument also offers bubble-point and flow-rate testing. Coulter Electronics 407

DeSorb 2300B is a multiport degassing unit designed for sample preparation for flowing-gas surface area analyzers. Up to three samples can be degassed simultaneously. Micromeritics 401

Detector. Model LS-40 is a programmable fluorescence LC detector with fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence capabilities. The system features a 4-pL illuminated flow cell optimized for peak resolution and clearance. PerkinElmer 409

Amino acids. AminoSys HPLC system includes a choice of UV or fluorescence detection, software for system control and evaluation, and an autosampler that provides minimal carryover and allows derivatization using up to eight reagents. Pharmacia LKB 404

FT-IR. Baseline series of sampling accessories includes a horizontal ATR accessory for sampling gels, pastes, semisolids, and sheet films; a diffuse reflectance accessory for solids sampling; and a specular reflectance accessory for analyzing highly reflective surfaces. Spectra-Tech 410

Chromatography. Midas M888 chromatography data-handling system collects, analyzes, and manipulates data from up to eight chromatographs simultaneously. Postrun and interactive graphics capabilities include chromatogram subtraction and selected area integration. Laboratory Data Systems 405

AA. Model Z-8100, a tandem flame/ furnace-polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrophotometer, includes a built-in CRT and printer/plotter for data presentation. Both the flame and furnace atomizers are permanently installed and aligned. Twenty analytical methods can be stored in non-volatile memory. Hitachi 411

Circular dichroism. Double-CD spectrophotometer, which allows for the acquisition of two CD spectra simultaneously, is also capable of acquiring true absorbance data as a function of wavelength or wavenumber. The two CD channels are independent; only the wavelength range and scanning speed are the same for both samples. Olis 406

Titration. Model DL70 autotitrator provides simultaneous method development and titration, automatic switching of up to four burettes and electrodes, and full control of attached peripherals. The memory is preprogrammed with 10 standard methods and contains room for 25 additional user-developed methods. Mettler 412

Distillation. Micro-Dist provides distillation of environmental samples for cyanides and total recoverable phenolics. Disposable tubes are placed into a 21-position heating block and heated to 135 °C; distillations are complete

Spectrometer. SpectraPro-500 contains a triple grating turret that allows one, two, or three gratings to be installed at the same time. Features include direct digital scanning and compatibility with focal plane detectors. Acton Research Corp. 413


Software Hazardous chemicals. SCS Access contains key regulatory and advisory information on more than 5000 hazardous industrial chemicals. The software allows users to determine which federal and selected state regulations apply and if a chemical is a known carcinogen. Logical Technology 415 Graphics. ProPLOT is a 2D graphics package for scientific and engineering applications. The program produces any combination of scatter, line, and bar graphs; there is no limit to the number of graphs per page or to the number of data sets and axes per graph. Cogent Software 416

Manufacturers' Literature Vacuum technology. The Vacuum Chronicles focuses on techniques, tips, and applications in vacuum technology. Vol. 1, No. 1 features an article entitled "Getting the Most Out of Your Cryopump."Danielson Associates 418 Pyrolyzer. Brochure describes the Pyroprobe 1000, a digital microprocessor-controlled filament pyrolyzer for GC, MS, and FT-IR analyses of polymers, geological samples, and a variety of other materials. 4 pp. Chemical Data Systems 419 LC newsletter. Interaction Separations, No. 2, discusses enhancement of detection sensitivity, optimization parameters for anion-exclusion chromatography, and principles of solid-phase extraction. 8 pp. Interaction Chemicals 420 ICP. Poster of the periodic table includes information on preparing samples and on choosing appropriate wave-

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