Ion measurement. CM-X, designed for the microanalysis of pH, Ca 2+ , Na + , and other ions in living cells, features a xenon excitation source, a dual-wave length illumination configuration that interfaces directly to an epifluorescence microscope via a fiber-optic ca ble, and photon-counting detection of fluorescence. Spex 413
Software Graphs. Grafit generates graphs and charts for interpretation and presenta tion of technical data. Features include curve smoothing and regression, text formatting, full axial control, and mul tiple chart composition. Graphicus 416 UV Crossllnker binds nucleic acid samples to hybridization membranes in 15-30 s. Four modes of operation are provided. Fisher Scientific 401
Oil. OCMA-220 oil content analyzer, designed for the determination of oil in water and soil samples, uses a halogenated solvent to separate oil from water for subsequent IR analysis. The solvent is insoluble in water and does not ab sorb IR energy in the 2-4.5-/*m band. Horiba Instruments 405
Process analysis. Model 206 IR ana lyzer is designed for the determination of a single component in either a liquid or gas stream. Features include sepa rate housings for the source and detec tor, an isolated sample cell, remote readout, and computer-control capa bility. Anacon 409
Clinical analysis. ES 300 immunoas say analyzer is a multichannel system capable of processing up to 100 tests per hour. Tests include T4, TSH-S, FT4, Τ uptake, T3, TBG, ferritin, IgE, LH, FSH, prolactin, HCG, insulin, Cor tisol, and digoxin. Boehringer Mann heim 406
Electron microscopy. CM20 FEG is a 200-kV TEM/STEM system equipped with a thermal field emission gun. Ca pabilities include high-resolution im aging in macromolecular structure re search, STEM imaging, electron holog raphy, and EELS near-edge studies. Philips 410
Oxygen. Model 3060 ultratrace oxygen analyzer features ranges of 0-50/0-100 ppb and 0-1.0/0-10 ppm 0 2 , 1 ppb 0 2 sensitivity, and ± 2% full-scale accura cy. The instrument automatically se lects the appropriate range for a given measurement. Teledyne Analytical In struments 407
L C / M S . Benchmark bench-top LC/ MS system is designed for QC, routine methods development, organic synthe sis, and new pharmaceutical compound analysis. Features include a mass range of 2000 Da; ion profile, scanning, and SIM modes of operation; and scanning speed of 4000 Da/s. Extrel 411
Solvent delivery. Model 325 metalfree digital HPLC pump, which can be controlled remotely via an RS-232 con nection, includes a self-flush pump head, built-in pulse dampener, and 40 front-panel diagnostics. The flow rate is programmable from 0.05 to 10.0 mL/ min. Alltech Associates 408
Spectrophotometer. HP 8452A op tion 003 diode array spectrophotome ter incorporates a tungsten lamp and an optical system with no optically ac tive moving parts. Wavelength range is 470-1100 nm. Scanning speed is 0.1 s for a full spectrum. Hewlett-Packard 412
Electrophoresis. Database includes more than 250 articles on the technol ogy, development, and applications of capillary electrophoresis. The search system allows users to sort by molecule type, separation technique, and detec tion method, as well as by author, title, and journal. Waters Chromatography Division of Millipore 417
Manufacturers' Literature Newsletter. Retention Times, Vol. 13, No. 1, includes information on a GC/ MS system for analysis of drug and en vironmental samples and on cholester ol determination by LC/FID. Tracor Instruments 419 Environmental analysis. Brochure describes the use of HPLC for environ mental monitoring and analyses. PAHs, phenols, phthalates, carba mates, herbicides, and pesticides are discussed. LDC Analytical 422 Spectrophotometry. Application note discusses the optimization of UVvis spectrophotometry for the quanti tative analysis of microvolume samples of nucleic acids and proteins. Beckman Instruments 423 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards