Manufacturer's Publication - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - DUST ARRESTER TEST DATA BOOK. This booklet consists of a report on the dust removal efficiency of a multiwash dust collector, the work ...
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304 (Miscellaneous Continued)


VOL. 15, NO. 13


F O R SALE: Beiletein, perfect, vols. 1-13 and Supplementary vols. 1-5; Chemical Abstracts, 1915-1921, bound. 1922-1931 unbound; Berichte. 1919-1921, bound, 1923-1925, unbound (less last issues of 1923 and 1924); Meyer-Jacobson, com­ ln asking for any of the» balletlae described below» please designate them by number. Reqneets plete, mostly bound; J . Schmidt. OrganLsche should be addressed t o Advertising Manager, ladostrisl and Engineering Chemistry· 332 West 42nd Chemie, 2nd Edition; A. Staehler, Arbettsmethoden, 5 vols; Hans Meyer, 4 t h Edition; St., Hew York, If. Y.» mnd all each requests mast show business connection and title. Thorpe Dictionary, δ vols; Vamo, 2 vols. Winter Patente for 1877-1905; Heumann, Anilinfarben, CELBCTRAT PYROMETERS. In this new tal difference between the Solenoid 7 vols: Chem. Zentralblatt. 1921 bound, 19221923 unbound, most of 1924 and 1925; Industrial t y p e of recorder a sensitive mirror gal­ type of motor starter and the conven­ & Engineering Chemistry, 1915-1921 bound, vanometer is the primary controlling tional Clapper type starter. T h e au­ 1922-1931 unbound, lacking issue 12 of 1929. element i n which a beam of light takes thors have adopted the question and All good condition. No reasonable offer refused. M. Auerbach, 74 South Hawk St., Albany, Ν. Υ. t h e place of the customary pointer. answer type of presentation, illustrat­ T h e movement of t h e beam of light on ing their material with small drawings. F O R SALE: Three kilos Indium, 100 grams Gallium, 50 grams each metals Caesium, Coa n d off a phototube operates relays, In addition, the booklet describes a lumbium, Didymium, Germanium, Lanthanum, which in turn control t h e moving connumber of typical Solenoid starter ap­ Uranium, also salts of Gadolinium, Hafnium, t a c t of t h e potentiometer. This catalog Praseodymium, Scandium, Terbium, Ytterbium. plications, some of which are selected Tholium, 25 kilos Boron Fluoride, 100 lbs. Allyl is a 20-page publication fully up t o t h e from the process industries. T h e final Alcohol. Box 6 2 - N - 7 . I n d . & E n g . Chem., ' high standard of the literature pro­ pages illustrate different types of Sole­ Ea8ton. Pa. duced by this well-known manufacturer. noid starters designed to cover a wide F O R SALE: Berichte der Deutschen ChemA 7-96. variety of equipment. A7-100. ischen Gesellschaft: Vols. 12-69 (1879-1936). complete with all yearly indexes, mostly bound, DOUBLE-SUCTION CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SPECTROMETRY EQUIPMENT. This ma­ 58 years, $350. Meyer & Jacobson: Lehrbucb This 4-page bulletin describes the con­ terial is described in detail in a 24-page der organischen Chemie: First A Second editions, struction and operating features of a 1902-1929; Vol. I, Parts 1 A 2. Vol. I I . Parts booklet which is really a handbook on 1, 2, 3 , 4, & 5. Abt. 1, complete set, mostly bound, well-known line of double-suction hori­ the use, theory, and practice of this type $55. Journal of Biological Chemistry: Vols. 59zontally split centrifugally operated of equipment. Different types of spec­ 81, bound, fine. Vols. 84, 86-90. unbound, 28 Vols. $98. A. Calvert, 222 Seaman Ave., New pumps. A good-sized sectional view trometers are described, including four York. Ν. Υ. makes it easy t o follow the engineering specialized outfits designed for research CAPITAL W A N T E D : Chemist to join es­ construction. One page consists of a and industrial laboratories. A7-Î0Î. tablished New York firm and invest $600. Ex­ table of ratings showing gallons per UTAH ELECTROMAGNETIC VIBRATING perience in cosmetics a n d allied industrial pro­ minute against total head in feet. SCREEN. This 4-page bulletin describes duction and management. Good character and credentials. Rare opportunity. Curiosity seekers A7-98. a recently introduced vibrating screen do n o t communicate. Box 6 6 - N - 7 , Ind. & Eng. which is said to be particularly adapted D U S T ARRESTER T E S T DATA BOOK. This Chem.. East on. P a . for the medium and finer sizes of screenbooklet consists o f a report on the WANTED: Chemical Reviews, 1924-1936. ing, both wet and dry. T h e manufacd u s t removal efficiency of a multiIndustrial &. Engineering Chemistry, 1910-1936, except 1923 & 1929. The same. Anal, éd., 1930turer claims that high efficiency is obwash dust collector, the work having 1936. Journal of American Chemical Society. tained, owing to the fact that the screen been done by the Department of En­ 1910-1936. Journal of t h e Chemical Society, gineering Research at the University cloth is vibrated uniformly over its enLondon. 1910-1936. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1910-1921. Physical Review, of Michigan. T h e bulletin is an 8t ire area. The bulletin carries a detailed 1910-1919. Proceedings of t h e Royal Society, page publication which gives a general description of the design, together with Section A. 1920-1934. Reviews of Modern description of the plant in which the an interesting illustration of a large Physics, before 1937. Transactions of the Amer. Inst, of Chemical Engineers, 1908-1936. Zeittests were made, and then follows industrial installation. A7-95. schrift fur angewandte M a t . u. Mech. 1921-1933. through with the results in tabular W A T E R ANALYSIS. A small 32-page bulleZeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1923-1936. Zeitform. A7-97. tin describes the methods used by a schrift fur Physik, 1920-1932. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, 1920-1933 (Abt. A A B ) „ well-known organization in its work of METALASTIC PACKINGS. This 16-page Box 6 7 - N - 7 . Ind. A E n g . Chem.. Easton. Pa. boiler-water correction. The bulletin bulletin describes a wide variety of F O R SALE: American Chemical Journal describes the chemical tests used in a packings which have been developed (Remsen's) vols. 1-24 (1879-1900) with General good deal of detail and gives the prices Index 1-10, complete (first 20 vols, bound), 8145. in t he research laboratories of the manu­ Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. charged for various services and pieces facturer. Until 1930 this manufac­ vols. 1-69 (18Θ8-1936), complete with General of apparatus. A7-99. turer produced only bulk packings but Index to 1868-1927, bound (about 55 years are has since developed a long line of formed bound), 14 years unbound, $585. W. Westerfield. 536 West 113th St.. New York. Ν. Υ. packings t o meet t h e growing demands F O R SALE: Standard Laboratory Equip­ of industry. Basically these packings Healthguard Respirator ment. Excellent values now available. Zeiss are composed of antifriction metal, Photomicrographic outfit, new, Pulfrich Pho­ ECENTLY developed, and approved by fiber, lubricant, a n d binder, so com­ tometer, new, Spencer Abbe Refractometer. Hilger Spectrophotometer, Spencer Microscopes. the United States Bureau of Mines, pounded that they form a permanently L A N Galvanometers. Suter Tester, Inter­ Cesco N o . 9 0 Healthguard Respirator, is plastic mass. The packings have been national Centrifuges, New Standard Drying for use particularly in Type A dusts (those used in such diverse industries as Ovens. Incubators. Harnstead Water Stills, Auto­ claves, etc. Your inquiries invited. Laboratory tending to produce silicosis). refrigeration, dry cleaning, and distilla­ Exchange. 24 E. 21st St.. New York. X. Y. tion. A7-98. T h e filtering element removes all dust, F O R SALE: Chemical Abstracts 1920-1933 even of microscopic fineness, y e t allows PATTERSON AGITATORS AND M I X E R S . at 15c per copy, also J. A. C. S. and Industrial A free passage of air. There is only one filEng. Chemistry at $1.50 per volume, carriage Twelve pages of concisely written in­ tering surface, of large area, and a superextra. Complete sets, odd volumes, odd oopies formation give the reader an accurate are available in many Foreign and American sensitive outlet valve permits no inside picture of the construction and operat­ Journals at low prices. Write us your require­ air pressure; hence users report no apparent ments. Laboratory Exchange, 24 E . 21st St.. ing details of this well-known line of resistance to easy breathing. N. Y. C. mixers. The booklet deals primarily


Moneanto's Tennessee Plant Starts Operations OWER has been turned on the first electric furnace a t Monsanto Chemi­ cal Co.'s new phosphorus plant at Mon­ santo, Tenn., and, according to company officials, is operating satisfactorily. T h e second and third furnaces are scheduled to begin production shortly. These furnaces have the largest capacity of any yet con­ structed in this country. T h e company has invested in excess of $3,000,000 in the plant.


S o u t h e r n P l a n t o f Solvay Process Co. HE Solvay Process Co. has commenced T construction of a large chlorine plant at Baton Rouge, La., t h e first unit of which is expected to be completed by the end of 1937.

with one variety of t h e liquid mixer line—the Typhoon portable mixer. However, the catalog also illustrates various other high-speed propellert y p e agitators. T h e type of mixer il­ lustrated i n this bulletin is built u p to 5 horsepower only. A7-92. PLEXIGLAS. This attractive booklet de­ scribes acrylic resins marketed under the trade-name, "Plexiglas." These ma­ terials are colorless, transparent, and are said t o have a very high degree of chemical stability. Some of the resins are soft, sticky liquids, while others have a high degree o l hardness. Varia­ tion in t h e manufacturing process pro­ duces any desired degree of softness or hardness. It i s pointed out that these resins have t h e marked advantage of not requiring the use of plasticizers. A7-9U. SOLENOID MOTOR STARTERS.



page booklet brings out the fundamen­

Of equal importance with the filter, as a precaution against breathingdust, is the seal a t the facial contour. T h i s seal is effected with the aid of a soft metal band which serves t h e additional purpose of so reducing the headband pressure that it is no longer noticeable. T h e respirator is engineered and manufactured by t h e Chicago E y e Shield Co., 2300 Warren Blvd., Chicago, 111.

Patterson Begins Expansion Program HE Patterson Foundry & Machine Co., East Liverpool, Ohio, recently announced a comprehensive plan t o double its production facilities within the next two years. As an initial step in this program, additions have increased the capacity of the Machine and Fabricating Divisions approximately 50 per cent, while the construction of a new tunnel kiln a t the Porox Division will greatly increase the capacity of that department.