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Eight types of gear motors are shown for application to various horizontal and vertical arrangements. ALLIS-CHALMERS MFG. CO., Milwaukee, Wis. LINCOLN...
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SEPTEMBER 10, 1935


direction of the authors. The subject matter is divided into three parts. The first deals with general considerations, suehi as sampling and methods for the solution and separation of aluminum, The> second part covers the occurrence and determination of the impurities that may be expected in metallic aluminum, as well at< the elements that are commonly alloyed with aluminum. The third part covers less common constituents of :ihirninum alloys. T*he procedures are in general very well chosen and are preceded by helpful «lise*ussions of the problems that are in­ volved, the amounts of the constituents that: can be expected, and references to the literature. The scope of the booklet ftin be judged by the fact that thirtysevcm elements are covered. The work fills a real need, and should he ^velcorned by all who are interested in applied chemical analysis, particularis­ ai the field of aluminum and aluminum alloys.


A nalytische Methoden fur die Unter-TL· suciiung von Kokereigas. Pub­ lished b y Ruhrgas A ktiengcsellschnft. 2nd edition (paper-bound), 52 pages, 14 illus­ trations. Vulkan-Verlag, Dr. Classen, rhlenkrtiggarten 5, Essen, 1933. T H I S manual gives methods for sam­ pling coke-oven gas, for analysis using Orsat-type apparatus, for determina­ tion of heating value with the Junkers calorimeter, and for density by the ISunsen-Schilling method. Operation details and difficulties of the Junkers automatic calorimeter are discussed with corisiderable detail. Separate procedures for determination of tar, ammonia, hy­ drogen sulfide, organic sulfur, copper, naphthalene, oxygen, and nitrogen are also des bribed. In general, the methods are star dardized and sufficiently precise for mos ι technical purposes. The procedure described for determi­ nation of combustibles is absorption of car-bon monoxide in acid cuprous chloride and combustion of methane and hydrogen over cupric oxide at appropriate tem­ peratures, whereas the procedure pre­ ferred i n America is combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen together over cupric oxide and slow combustion of paraf­ fin hydrocarbons. The latter method is believed to be more precise. I n tlie description of t h e separate method for determination of oxygen it is not clear how loss of the sample gas is avoided during pressure equalization. Tkie loss involved may be insignificant; bint, if s o , the fact should be stated. The method given for determination of naphthalene appears t o be less cumber­ some tlian t h e corresponding American method.


Inorganic Syntheses CCORDING to H . S. Booth, editorin-chief of "Inorganic Syntheses," excellent progress has been made in the preparation of "Inorganic Syn theses." It is hoped b y the Board of Editors that t h e first volume of this work will be ready fox the press next winter. The syntheses in each volume will be arranged in chapters on the basis of the periodic groups, with introductory chapters oil special subjects. Each synthesis sub­ mitted will be checked by another chem­ ist before publication. Syntheses will be either new, more efficient, or simpler methods, older ones improved, or those wihich have been inadequately described wlien published in the journals. Each synthesis will include precise directions,



and the yield and purity of product as indicated b y analysis. Sources of raw material, where starting material is not on the open market, will be given. There is still time to receive contribu­ tions to the first volume. They should be sent t o the editor-in-chief, H. S. Booth, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, or to the members of the Board of Editors, who are: L. F. Audrieth, Uni­ versity of Illinois; W. C. Fernelius, Ohio State University; W. C. Johnson, Uni­ versity of Chicago; R. E. Kirk, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Mack Printing Co. t o Distribute U· S. Pharmacopeia X I PPOINTMENT of Mack Printing Co., Easton, Pa., as distributor of the United States Pharmacopeia X I has been announced by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention. This new revision represents the cooperative study of the members of the Committee of Revision and many other experts. The book will reach the market this autumn. The first U. S. Pharmacopeia was published in 1820 and there have been eleven decennial re­ visions. Mack Printing Co. also will be distribu­ tor of the National Formulary VI and Pharmaceutical Recipe Book ΙΓ, which also are in the course of preparation.



Sub-depositories will be established in the larger cities for the convenience of t h e pharmaceutical and medical professions. Business Opportunities in Patents a n d Formulas ENERAL facts concerning patents and the protection of inventions are pre­ sented in Bulletin 26 of the Kansas City Testing Laboratory, 700 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Procedure in obtain­ ing patent, time required, interferences, and information regarding the Patent Office are included, as well as a list of patents and processes which are offered for sale or license by t h e Kansas City Testing Laboratory, and the service available through that laboratory. T h e frontispiece, entitled ''Chemistry," is a reproduction from a mural by Grant Wood at the new library of the Iowa State College.


Elektrische Ôf en. Fortschritte d e s chemischen Apparatewesens. Band I. Lieferung 2, 3, and 4. Adolf Brauer and Josef Iteitstotter, editors. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m. b . H., Leipzig, Germany, 1935. Price (each part), 28 marks; to purchasers of complete work (each part), 22 marks; to members of Dechema, 20 marks.


Publications mentioned in these columns will b e sent free, unless otherwise noted, by the firms issuing them, t o readers of INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY who request them on their business stationery. In writing it will be appreciated if you will mention INDUSTRIAL AND E N G I ­ NEERING CHEMISTRY.

DULUX. A 15-page booklet describes the use of Dulux as a finish for refrigerator cabinets and other household products. Finishes Division, E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & Co., INC., Wilmington,






This 7-page pamphlet should prove of interest to all small laboratories where gas is not available.


Co., 709-17 Forbes St., Pittsburgh, Pa* GEARMOTORS. Leaflet 2203 on AllisChalmers gear motors is a well-illus­ trated publication describing these compact, self-contained speed reducers, with integral or attached motors that permit low-speed drives with high over­ all efficiency. Eight types of gear motors are shown for application to various horizontal and vertical arrange­ ments.


Milwaukee, Wis.



M F G . Co.,



leaflet describes automatic a. c. motor starters designed to meet Underwriters' requirements. A 7-page pamphlet describes welding in construction work such as all-welded penstocks for dam construction, arcwelded bubble towers, drag-line buckets, etc.


land, Ohio.





describes the Type " U " magnetic separator, which is a wet-type separator and is used for removing metallic or partly oxidized iron from a saturated or partly saturated solution of a liquid by a solid. I t s widest application is found in the ceramic industry, where ail clay slip and glaze must pass through or over magnets so that the iron which is contained in it is removed. DINGS MAGNETIC SEPARATOR CO., Milwaukee,






DECALORATOR. Bulletin 1041 describes the Ross storage tank heater, which is suited for use in any installation where hot water is required a t irregular intervals. It consists of a tubular heating element inserted in a storage tank filled with water. All these storage tank heaters are designed with a shell plate and head thickness in accordance with the A. S. M. E. Boiler Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels. The bulletin contains many tables and illustrations. Bulletin 1043 is a 31-page bulletin describing the Ross Decalorator, which is offered for cooling by steam. In this device a jet of steam and a flow of condensing water function to produce cold, refrigerated water at any temperature above 35° F. There are no moving or rotating parts other than pumps, and •water is the sole refrigerant. T h e Decalorator is distributed for process cooling, especially that involving tubular heat exchange apparatus, in t h e petroleum and chemical industries, and for comfort conditioning, air washing, and process work. The bulletin is well illustrated and details are given concerning the principles of operation with specifications for typical installations and layouts. Ross HEATER & M F G . Co. INC., 1407 West Ave., Buffalo, Ν. Υ.



This 4-page leaflet describes how t h e TOLEDO SCALE CO., Toledo, Ohio, has

adapted its photoelectric control to the filling of whisky barrels. It oper­ ates as a cut-off with great accuracy. The material contained in this leaflet is of special interest to the distillers, engi­ neers, and superintendents of the dis­ tillery industry.