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AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY who request them on their business stationery. ... An 8-page pamphlet describes Amaloy, a single, continuous coating of ...
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Vol. 10, No. 9


Manufacturers' PublicationsWESTINGHOUSE CORROSIONOFWELDS T H E E F F E C T OF CORROSION is becoming s o important in w e l d e d Publications mentioned in this column will b e sent free, unless otherwise noted, by t h e firms issuing them, t o readers of INDUSTRIAL AND E N G I KBBRIN-O CHEMISTRY who request them on their business stationery. I n writing it will be appreciated if you will mention I N D S T R I A L AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY.

ACID PUMPS. A 6-page folder shows the Olivite p u m p , for hydrochloric, phosphoric, sulfurous, and sulfuric acids, and a wide range of metallic chlorides and sulfates. Also used f o r circulating chlorinated water in treatment process work. O L I V E R U N I T E D FELTERS, I N C . , 33 West 42nd St., New York, N . Y. AIR COMPRESSORS. Catalog 86 is a 36-page manual for air-compressor users, to help in selecting equipment, using i t economically and efficiently, and enjoying maximum profits. I t contains a large number of illustrations. B R U N N E R M F G . C o . , Utica,N. Y . AMALOY. A n 8-page pamphlet descnbes Amaloy, a single, continuous coating of 9 9 per cent lead, which when applied t o ferrous and cuprous alloys affords protection against corrosion.

boilers, pipes, and containers for oil and chemicals that the Westinghouse Research Laboratories, East FittsL:'rgh, Pa., are s t u d y ing i t with special apparatus. A special corrosion device has been built which greatly hastens the slow process of rust. In i t t h e test specimens are subjected t o intermittent immersions in a corroding liquid. T h e apparatus suddenly immerses t h e samples for a definite period, leaving them at rest, and then removes a n d exposes them to air for a definite period. They are m o v i n g oniy when being lowered or raised—a time which i s a very small fraction of t h e cycle. Samples are suspended from a rack b y glass hooks, horsehair, or silk, and a motor-driven crankshaft raises and lowers t h e rack. The driving motor is controlled by a timing device c o m posed of a synchronous motor operating a contact, which causes the motor periodically to turn the crankshaft a half revolution. The timing can be set for any cycle of t e s t operation. To obtain reproducible results the corrosive liquids are kept at a constant temperature by circulating water of a constant temperature along the outside of the vessels.

AMERICAN M A C H I N E & F O U N D R Y C O . , 5 1 1 Fifth A v e . , N e w

York, N. Y . BAFFLE WALL. T h e Beco-Turner baffle wall is discussed in a 6-page illustrated folder, recently issued b y t h e BOILER E N GINEERING Co., 744 Broad St., Newark, N . J. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. Bulletin 5 SOS is a 4-page leaflet describing Fairbanks-Morse F i g . 5803 centrifugal pumps. Detailed specifications indicate refinements in design a n d t h e choice of materials that add years to their usefulness. FAIRBANKS, M O R S E & Co., 900 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. CHROMEX. A 24-page pamphlet describes Quigley Chromix, chrome plastic fire bricK, a plastic neutral base super-refractory for monolithic (jointless) furnace construction and repairs wherever extreme temperatures and destructive slagging o r abrasive conditions are encountered. QUIGLEY C O . , I N C . , 5 6 West 45th St., N e w York, N. Y . CIRCUIT BREAKERS. T W O 8-page illustrated circulars, N o s . 1937 and 1939, describe t h e new De-ion circuit breakers of t h e WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC & M F G . Co., E a s t Pittsburgh, Pa.

CRUSHERS A N D D R I E R S . Bulletin 16, second edition, is a 112page catalog of crushers, driers, ball a n d tube mills, and related equipment for mining, crushing, chemical, and cement plants. KENNEDY-VAN SAUN MFG. & ENG. CORP., 2

Park A v e n u e ,

New York, N. Y . GUNITB- A 32-page catalog describes Gunite, a mixture of cement, sand, and water applied under air pressure. T h e catalog is well illustrated and gives a large number o f uses. NATIONAL G U N I T B CONTRACTING CO., 82 West D e d h a m S t . , Boston, Mass. HEAT EXCHANGERS. Bulletin HE-2, 8 pages, well illustrated, describes Vogt shell and tube heat exchangers and multitube pipe heat exchangers.

HENRY VOGT M A C H I N E C O . , I N C . , 10th

and Ormsby Sts., Louisville, K y . HYDROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS. Catalog C-200, 24 pages, describes Streamline Silvertip hydrometers, a n d etched-scale and Herco easy-reading thermometers. One feature i s t h e shatterproof quality of t h e glass, which can be hammered without breaking. W M . HIERGBSELL, & SONS,. 295 Pearl S t . , New York, N. Y . LJUNGSTROM AIR PREHEATER. A 76-page book descriptive of a continuous regenerative counterflow s y s t e m for recovering heat and improving boiler efficiency and steaming capacity in i n dustrial power plants. Discussion of stack temperatures and losses, combustion conditions, etc. Bulletin SS2. T H E A I R P R E H E A T E R CORP., Wellsville, N . Y. M O N B L M E T A L U T E N S I L S . A 4-page leaflet describes utensils



the result of several years' research conducted at t h e Burside Laboratory, is announced by t h e Smokeless Powder JDepartment of the D u Pont Co. An outstanding feature is that, even under severe storage conditions, its ballistic stability remains unimpaired. It is non-hygroscopic, its physical qualities insure uniformity i n loading, and it i s remarkably clean-burning.

Off t h e Press EMULSIONS

TRIETHANOLAMINE, its properties, a n d emulsions made with i t , are discussed in a 56-page booklet entitled "Emulsions" a n d distributed .by the Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp.. 3 0 E a s t 42nd S t . , N e w York, N . Y. Four methods of emuLsincation— soap, water, soluble oil, and triethamolamine—are treated i n considerable detail, including numerous formulas a n d s u g g e s tions as t o t h e most satisfactory application of various procedures. The booklet was prepared by the Research Department of t h e company and an effort has been made to make it authoritative in every^ respect. I t contains much valuable and interesting information.


A VISCOSITY-TEMPEBATTJRE chart has recently been adopted a s a tentative standard by unanimous a c t i o n of Committee E - 1 0 on Standards of the American Society for Testing Materials. This chart, prepared b y the society's Committee JD-2 o n P e troleum Products and Lubricants, endeavors t o incorporate t h e best features of all previous charts and will be o f distinct service to the petroleum, automotive, and other industries. The charts are available from the American Society for Testing Materials, 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa., at 2 5 cents p e r single copy, o r $1.50 per pad of 25 copies.

made of corrosion-resisting monel metal for the chemical, food, and t e x t i l e industries.


INC., 6 7 Wall S t . , N e w York, N . Y. M O R S E PULLMORE CLUTCH.

A 12-page description of a


tiple-disk unit which combines compactness, pulling capacity, ease of operation, and long life. Bulletin C66. MORSE C H A I N CO., Ithaca, N. Y. MOTORS. Bulletin 211 illustrates special motors—motors having a special frame, special end bell, special shaft, special winding or speed, special length of leads, or method of mounting. T H E OHIO ELECTRIC M F G . CO., 5900 Maurice Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. PEROXYGEN COMPOUNDS. A 24-page booklet dealing with R & H peroxygen compounds, their properties, and uses. I t includes sodium, hydrogen, magnesium, calcium, zinc, a n d strontium peroxides, and zinc and sodium perborates. T H E


T H E MERRIMAC CHEMICAL C O . , INC., Everett Station, B o s t o n , Mass., has prepared a pocket-size booldet o f 14S pages, e n t i t l e d "Industrial Chemicals, Their Properties, Uses, Shipment." This is the fourth edition of a very useful compilation, which discusses industrial chemicals under such headings as acids, salts, aluminum salts, sodium salts, ammonia, iron salts, intermediates, miscellaneous chemicals, zinc salts, chemicals i n stock, lacquer division, containers, shipping information, testing and mixtures, t a b l e s , and weights. The information i s presented compactly a n d in a practical form for ready use.


N.Y. P I P E BENDING. A. 6-page folder describing specialized pipe bending for power-plant and industrial uses. Keating squarecornered l a p (Van Stone) joints are also s h o w n . E . F. K E A T ING P I P E B E N D I N G C o . , 452 Water S t . , N e w York, N . Y . SAMPLE STORAGE B O X E S . Circular 10 describes new m o d e l s

added to t h e line of sample storage boxes of E. P . C ARGELLE, 2 6 Cortlandt St., N e w York, N . Y .

N E W RUSSIAN FERTILIZER JOURNAL T w o SPECIAL INSTITUTES i n the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences—the Fertilizer Institote and t h e Institute o f Soil Science—have now been combined into one Institute o f Fertilizers a n d Soil Sciences, which has begun publication o f a new monthly journal, Chemintkizatz£a Socialisticheskogo ZmZedelia, t h e first issue of which appeared i n January, 1932.