February 10, 1932
Manufacturers' Publications Publications mentioned in this column will be s e n t free, unless otherwise noted, by the firms issuing them, to readers of INDUTSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY who request them on their business stationery. In writing it will b e appreciated if you will mention INDUSTRIAL, AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY.
BARNSDAL.L ADMIX (meta-colloidal tripoli silica) is described in Bulletin F, a new 16-page pictorial pamphlet. I t s use as a workability agent a n d integral waterproofing for concrete, mortar, stucco, and cement products is discussed in Bulletin G. BADRNSDALL TRIPOLI C o . , 2111 Bailway Exchange Bldg., St.
A new series of self-priming centrifugal
pumps i s announced i n Bulletin 37. This new series is o f the direct-mounted type and t h e models shown a r e more compact t h a n previous La Bour pumps. Included in t h e bulletin is a brief explanation of t h e principles of centrifugal p u m p s and the unique patented means of priming used. T H E LA BOUR C o . , I N C . , 111 Sterling Ave., Elkhart, Ind. CENTRIFUGAL P U M P S . Bulletin 217, 8 pages, describes the class L-S single-stage centrifugal pump. I t also includes details of construction, dimension tables, etc. PENNSYLVANIA PUMP & COMPRESSOR C O . , Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL STONEWARE. The GENERAL CERAMICS C o . , 71 "West
35t3i St., New York, N . Y., has recently issued several bulletins to replace previous issues: A-l replaces AA, tanks a pots, and storage equipment; CA replaces C, faucets, faucet fittings; HA, H, towers, tower packers, raschig rings; J, old J, system for storing acids, etc.; BA, RR, exhausters and. injectors ^ AP Supplement, o l d AP Supplement, laboratory sinks, sirmps, catch basins, neutralizing tanks. D U S T FnvTERS. Bulletin 50O-1 i s a 4-page leaflet descriptive of t h e changes and improvements that have been made in Norblo continuous-operating air niters. Construction details are given, as well as information regarding their operation. THE
NORTHERN BLOWER C o . , W e s t 65th St. and Barberton
A v e . , Cleveland, Ohio. E X P L O S I O N - P R O O F M O T O R STARTERS AND P U S H BUTTONS.
A 4-
p a g e leaflet deals with this equipment for providing safe operation in oil refineries, gasoline, dry-cleaning, paint, varnish, and lacciuer plants.
& JMFG. CO.,
is an 8-page
boo-klet descriptive of the Stearns type K induction separator. T h i s unit is a recent development of the Magnetic Mfg. Co, and operates o n a wholly different principle from the nsualmagnetic separator. The bulletin explains the features and characteristics of this machine in detail. MAGNETIC M F G . Co.,. Milwaukee, Wis. LINEI> DREDGING P U M P S .
143 is a 12-page bulletin de-
scribing Morris heavy-duty lined dredging pumps f o r specially severe services. The renewable lining and other features that h a v e been designed t o provide economical maintenance are fully described. This bulletin will be of particular interest to users of centrifugal pumps where the material t o be handled is h i g h l y abrasive.
A booklet entitled
"Columbia Liquid
Caustic Soda" discusses t h e economics of the question a s to whether liquid caustic soda i s more economical t o use than solid or Hake. It also gives a simple resume of t h e necessary equipm e n t and methods for handling the product, together with certain technical data useful t o engineering and operating starrs. T H E ^COLUMBIA ALKALI C o . , E m p i r e State Bldg., N e w York, N l Y. O V E N S . Bulletin 100 is a 12-page booklet describing Despatch ovens. I t gives the specifications of standard ovens a n d includes a number of dimension tables. DESPATCH OVEN CO., 622-28 Ninth St., Southeast, Minneapolis, M i n n . STEAMT-PRESSURE REDUCENG V A L V E S .
a catalog
on Mason pressure-regulating appliances, which includes general data, terms, tables for obtaining sizes of pressure-reducing valves, etc. Other bulletins in loose-leaf form o n this equipment are: Bulletin 101, auxiliary-operated type for power plant a n d process service; Bulletin 102, direct-operated spring control type for heating systems; Bulletin JOS, lever s t y l e for heating systems; Bulletin 104, combination reducing v a l v e s for larger units i n industrial work; Bulletin 105, small reducing valves for steam, air, a n d oil; Bulletin £06, water pressure reducing valves and regulators; a n d BvMet&n 107, rem o t e control, pilot-operated pressure regulators. M-ASON REGFULATOR C o . , Dorchester Center, Boston, Mass. STORAOE B I N S , C H U T E S , AND CONTROL. G A T E S . Bulletin
9ISO is
a 16-page booklet illustrating t h e Richardson, storage bins, chutes, and control gates for powdered compounds, pigments, drug's, chemicals, dyestuffs, precipitates, insecticides, etc, RICHARDSON SCALE C O . , Clifton, N . J. T E M P S R A T U R B CONTROL. Bulletin 125 i s a 36-page catalog de-
scribing temperature control of liquids.
I t contains details
of" various units and a» large number o f pictures and diagrams of* typical installations- Bulletin 150, 12 pages, gives informat i o n regarding temperature control o f refrigerating systems. 3-ulletin ITS is a 20-page bulletin describing temperature c o n t r o l of a i r a n d gases.
FULTON S T L P H O N C O . , Knoxville,
Term. TURBINE MDOBR. Bulletin 1326 is a 12-page catalog illustrating a n d describing t h e Rlaw-Knox turbine mixer. It includes characteristics, applications, etc. T h e information contained is rather unique and interesting- BL*AW-KNOX CO., Farmers B a n k Bldg.„ Pittsburgh, PaVAI/VES. Bulletin &50 contains 8 pages descriptive of t h e Cash standard class I> single-seat, pressure-reducing valve. This v a l v e i s now furnished, with, woriking units made of Nitralloy. A price list is included. A . VV- CASH. C O . , P . O. Box 135, D e c a t u r , 111-
Financial News A L L I E D CHEMICAL & D Y E CORP.
A report in t h e Wall
Journal states that the Allied Chemical & D y e Corp. i s one of all American group w h i c h is understood t o have made a contract with, the French Government for t h e importation of 25,000 tons of n i t r a t e s at the same price as that agreed upon in France's recent larger purchase from Germany. This marks a victory over the Chilean nitrate syndicate, winch apparently is continuing i t s refusal t o deliver nitrates a t that price, and also is likely to mean, the collapse o f the Chilean-Norwegian-American gentlemen's agreement whereby t h e three were united to fight French import restrictions. A renewed struggle for control of European markets would result. A T L A S POWDER C O .
T h e n e t ineome o f the Atlas Powder Co.
for t h e year ended December 3 1 , 1931, w a s $746,453, equivalent after dividends had been paid on preferred stock to 59 cents a share on the common stock. In t h e preceding year the net income amounted to $1,246,432, equivalent to $2.67 a share on the common. Sales for the year s h o w e d a decline of 26 per cent from 1931 and 45 p e r cent from 1929. D o w CHEMICAL C O . Dividends o f the Dow Chemical Co. have been declared payable o n February 15 t o stockholders of record February 1, a s follows: preferred stock, 1.75 per cent; no-par value stock, 50 cents a share. At t h e recent meeting of t h e board of directors it w a s noted that b y t h e end of January the earnings of thte company, after allowing for depreciation and income tax fortne period, were more than sufficient t o cover t h e annual dividends on both preferred and common stock. As t h e fiscal year ends M a y 31, for t h e remainder of the period the earnings will accumulate as surplus. B-