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Nov 4, 2010 - ARC-WELDING HANDBOOK. Revised and enlarged edition of Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding Design and Practice. 586 pages, with over ...
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Bulletin 102, illustrated, gives a de­ tailed description of fundamental prin­ ciples of this system of automatic combustion control. The application of the system is described t o boilers fired with fuel burned in suspension, stoker-fired boilersA typical pul­ verized coal installation and an oilfired boiler installation are described. B A I L E Y M E T E R C O . , Cleveland, Ohio.

ARC WELDERS. Bulletin HW-4, just pub­ lished, in 24 pages covers the complete line of Ρ & Η-Hansen arc welders from 50- to 800-ampere units, as well as weld­ ing fixtures and accessories. HARNISCHFEGER C O R P . , Milwaukee, Wis. A R C - W E L D I N G HANDBOOK.

Revised and




680F-B devotes its 4 pages t o a dis­ cussion of the details of construction of this type of belt. Charts and dia­ grams illustrate valuable technical data of interest to users of flat belting. There are also installation views illus­ trating the wide applications of this t y p e of belt. T H E MANHATTAN R U B ­ BER MFG. D I V . , RAYBESTOS-MANKAT-

TAN, INC., Passaic, N . J. ELECTRIC F U R N A C E S .

Bulletin 9, 4 pages,

illustrated, discusses t w o new furnaces and a new discharge gap. A J A X ELEOTROTHERMIC CORP., Trenton, N . J. E L E C T R I C LIGHT B U L B S .

D a t a book


lamp purchasers answers questions about lamp quality, efficiency, burning life, test, voltage, e t c . W A B A S H A P ­

enlarged edition of Procedure Handbook PLIANCE CORP., 331 Carroll St., Brook­ of Arc Welding Design and Practice. lyn, Ν . Υ. 586 pages, with over 700 illustrations, covering practically every use and ap­ T H E FITZ-SIMONS VISCOMETER. This 4plication of arc welding. LINCOLN ELEC­ page bulletin describes this new instru­ TRIC Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Price, SI.50 ment which consists essentially of t w o per copy. suspended level capillary viscometers of different ranges mounted in a vapor A U D U B O N W I R E CLOTH. Catalog 40 is bath. The tubes are so arranged that really three catalogs in one. The first either one can be instantly selected 12 pages are devoted to mesh wire cloth. depending o n the viscosity of the sample. I t covers various grades of cloth from The vapor bath affords a degree of a mesh of 1 to 120 in a variety of metals. temperature control superior to t h e I t also features extra fine mesh and average thermostat and does not require filter cloth in all metals, meshes, and the use of motors, stirrers, thermoweaves. Section 2 is devoted to regulators, or relays. ACCURATE coarser a n d heavier grades of Vibraloy, INSTRUMENT C O . , I N C . , 3229 North abrasive-resistant screens, a n d plain Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111. steel-woven wire cloth. Flexible wire cloth is covered in Section 3 . It de­ G - R T U B E F L O SECTIONS. Production and scribes t h e various combinations of engineering executives of refineries and spiral weaves which make woven-wire chemical plants where dirty or corrosive cloth useful as conveyor and processing fluids are heated or cooled will be in­ belts. Photographs throughout are well terested in a n e w bulletin, N o . 1620, chosen t o illustrate the mesh construc­ describing G-R Tubeflo sections. Special tion of t h e various fabrications and the reference is made to the application of book contains a number of valuable the G-R Tubeflo section o n transfer of tables. A U D U B O N W I R E CLOTH CORP., heat in the high-temperature highCastor A v e . and Richmond S t . , Phila­ pressure liquids which are frequently delphia, P a . wasted because standard types of heattransfer surface cannot b e kept free BAROMETRIC C O N D E N S E R S . This bulletin from deposits of tar. The bulletin also is a concise description of the ejector-jet contains a detailed tabulation com­ type of barometric condensers specifi­ paring the construction of this unit cally recommended for processes such with that of shell-and-tube designs, a as evaporation, drying, and digesting. number of typical flow sheets showing It is suggested that the rate of pro­ applications, complete specifications of duction m a y be increased a n d costs the unit as built for low, medium, and decreased by t h e maintenance of such high pressiires, and a chart for solving a vacuum system. Features of design mean temperature difference formula. insuring efficient operation are described T H E GRISCOM-RUSSELL C O . , 285 Madi­ in detail and there is a useful table of son Ave., N e w York, Ν. Υ . sizes and capacities. INGERSOLL-RAND, Phillipsburg, N . J. INTERFEROMETER. Bulletin 185, 4 pages, describes t h e Michelson interferometer CELITE. A 12-page brochure descriptive and accessories. T H E GAERTNER SCI­ of a new type of inert for paint, Celite ENTIFIC CORP., 1201 Wrightwood Ave., No. 110, is illustrated, with photographs Chicago, 111. of paint films greatly magnified. The booklet includes data on the effect of JOHNS-MANVTLLE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS. Celite N o . 110 in flatting inside flat This is a comprehensive 48-page catalog wall paints, increasing the durability of giving valuable information on insulat­ outside house paints, improving night ing materials, refractories, floorings, visibility and wear of traffic paints, and roofings, and various forms of transite. in assuring better adhesion, sanding, and Photographs, tables, drawings, and filling properties in undercoats. JOHNScharts have been used liberally i n order M A N V I L L E , 22 East 40th St., N e w York, to make this catalog a valuable "work Ν. Υ. book" for the industrial man. Insula­ tion for modern industrial equipment COMPARATORS OF R E C E N T D E S I G N . Bulle­ is given considerable space. There tin 186, 8 pages, illustrated, describes are detailed recommendations for its the company's comparators, with de­ application in a large number of specific tails of design and construction. T H E fields. JOHNS-MANVILLE, 22 East 40th GAERTNER SCIENTIFIC C O R P . , 1201 St., New York, Ν . Υ. Wright wood Ave., Chicago, 111.

VOL. 13, N O . 1 9

MIKRO-PULVERIZER for laboratory, pilot plant, and small production work i s described in a bulletin of the PULVERIZ­ ING MACHINERY C O . , 126 Valley Road, Roselle Park, N. J . OVER





booklet, profusely illustrated, issued a s a guide to successful methods of keeping floors, roofs, walls, and foundations in good repair. T H E STONHARD C O . , 401 North Broad St., Philadelphia, P a . ROLLER





3 - and 4-roll mills useful in t h e m a n u ­ facturing of printing ink, paints, lac­ quers, and coatings, a s well a s in other industries. The bulletin is amply illus­ trated. With a description of each t y p e of machine is a concise statement of construction features. CHARLES R o s s AND S O N C O . , 148 Classon Ave., Brooklyn, Ν . Υ. SPECTROPHOTOMETER ASSEMBLIES for the

determination of absorption and de­ flection coefficients are discussed in Bulle­ tin 184, 8 pages. T H E GAERTNER SCIENTIFIC C O R P . , 1201 Wrightwood

Ave., Chicago, 111. S P E E D - C O N T R O L HANDBOOK.

112 pages,

bound. Gives authoritative informa­ tion on modern methods of variable speed regulation for industrial machines of all types. Contains 18 pages of illus­ trated applications in specific industries, as well as practical engineering informa­ tion with dimension drawings and tables. R E E V E S P U L L E Y C O . , Columbus, I n d . STEAM T R A P .


Τ 1720 gives in­

formation regarding the Yarway im­ pulse steam trap for the mechanical field. It is more complete than pre­ vious circulars.


Chestnrt Hill, Philadelphia, P a . S Y N T H A N E LAMINATED B A K É L I T E .


illustrated folder gives data on physical, electrical, chemical, and mechanical properties of Synthane, with material strength values, representative uses, machinability, types of stock, shapes, and colors. One section deals with Synthane silent stabilized gear material and methods of gear cutting. Έ Η Ε S Y N T H A N E C O R P . , Oaks, P a . TAG N O . 40 CONTROLLERS.

An attractive

4-page bulletin describes this new con­ troller which is said to be ideally suited for the majority of control applications. The principle of control is basically the T A G movement which has served industry for m a n y years. It has been redesigned for compactness i n such a fashion that the few simple parts are accessible w i t h exceptional ease. Tube systems can be interchanged with surprising facility. C. J. TAGLIABUE M F G . C O . , Park and Nostrand Aves., Brooklyn, Ν . Υ. TIME




8 pages, illustrated, describes G-E types T-17 and T-27 time switches. G E N ­ ERAL ELECTRIC C O . , Schenectady, Ν . Υ.

H E Ralph M . Parsons Co. has con­ T tracted to design and build a Dubbs cracking unit for Malco Refineries, Inc., at Artesia, N . Mex. The unit will have a charging capacity of 700 barrels a day. Push.-Button Master Switches N E W Une of water-tight push-button master switches, mounted i n molded phenolic-compound enclosures and in­ tended for naval-type installations or equivalent industrial applications, has been announced by the General Electric Co., Schenectady, Ν . Υ.