Manufacturers' Publications
PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS. A 12-page well-illustrated booklet describing t h e Brady pneumatic conveyor. T H E BRADY CONVEYORS CORP., 2 0 W e s t Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. POWER
NOTICES. Publications naentbssned ia this column will be sent free, unless otherwise noted, by th-e firms iesulns them, to readers of INDUSTRIAL AJÏD ENGINEERING CHESJIBTRT wb ο reqtsuest them o n their business stationery. In writing it will be apprec iatcd 3f you will mention INDUSTRIAL A N D ENCIPHERING CBEMXS^BT.
BOILERS. Catalog l¥T80 describes horizontal tubular boilers, giving general desciipti on, construction details, specification charts, etc. Bulletin 100 descrit>€8 ehwectric—welded steel boilers for heating, with specifications and dimensions. T H E STANWOOD CORP., Cincinnati, Obio. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS*. Buslklin £16 i s a 16-page, well-illustrated bulletin which inckides ggencrai descriptions of class OMS a n d OMSB centrifugal pumfsps and specifications for OMS centrifu gal
Easton, Pa. "CHEMICAL STONEWARE" i s the tdtle of a 14-page booklet contain ing a reprint from Cerai*nic A.&e of an article by Felix Singer. GENERAL CERAMICS Co—, 71 W e s t 35th St., N e w York. Ν. Y . CIRCULATING PUMPS. A S-page leaflet describes t h e Lobee new model L bronze gear-ty-pe circulating pumps for circulating water on marine or autosxnobile motors, forced-feed oil lubrica tion, pumping bilge, ancsi for jDumping liquids under pressure. LOBEE PUMP mbustion control on boilers, steam valves, pressure a n d v o l u m e control, and combustion control for open-bearifch fcirnaces. SMOOT ENGINEERING CORP., 136 Liberty St., N3ew York, Ν . Υ . E X T E N D E D HEAT-TR.ANSFE:B SUIRFACE.
80c4 i s a 5 2 -
page, well-illustrated csatalog dealing with blast, split, a n d booster heating systems, automatic temperature regulation, fan selection and duct design, ventilation, air-cooling, e t c . It includes a number osf chairts giving performance data o n Trane blast heaters undear various steam pressures and tempera tures. T H E TRANEJ Co.,» 310 Cameron Ave., LaCrosse, Wis. GEAR MOTORS. A 4-page Meaflet describes gear motors, consisting of sneed reducers esombbmed with induction motors. I t gives details of construction, application, distinctive features, a n d dimension
Muttall Works, Pititsbur^h, Pa.. "BOT
SOFTENING" is the title of a 24-page
booklet b y t h e Per-mutifs Co. It i s profusely illustrated with photographs and daagrar-ms, amd contains tabulated data, con version factors, me&hods of caloulating chemical charges, chemi cal reactions, etc. ComjmlimeEitary copies will be sent on re quest to T H E PERMTUTIT C O , , 4 4 0 Fourth Ave., New York, Ν. Υ . LABORATORY APPARAJTTJS.
Bulletins 472, 476, 478, and 480 d e
scribe Eppenbach colloid, mills, the R-S surface tension balanee, Seitz germ-proofing laboratory filters, and 20-flask Ross-Ker shaw shaker. EIMDBK & AMESTD, Third Ave., 18th t o 19th Sts., New York, Ν . Υ. LIQUID LEVEL GAGE. A leeaflct describes this instrument which has been designed for isse o n boilers, fire tanks, reservoirs, stand pipes, condenser Eaoiwell oil stills above o r below t h e actual level.
4057 West Van BurenSt—, Chicago, 111. M O D E R N P H A N D CHLORIESJE CONTROL.
A 50-page treatise o n
the practical application* of ρ Ή control and cnlorination b y W. A . Taylor and F . R. EMcCraimb. Explains the meaning of pH in simple terms and Θ.1βο gives a comprehensive theoretical discussion of p E . A. epeoial section details the modern applica tion of.pH control "to maatny different industries a n d processes. Contains operating suggestions a n d describes i n detail t h e complete line o f slide coroiparaitors, pH slide titrators, Enslow slide chlorimeter, ehloriisae elide colorimeter, superpure water still, and other equipment and supplies. W. A . TAYLOR