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Chem. Eng. News , 1924, 2 (3), p 7. Publication Date: February 10, 1924. Copyright © 1924 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives...
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February 10, 1924




A m o n g Chemists H. V. Arny, professor of chemistry in the College of Pharmacy of Columbia University, was the guest of honor a t a dinner tendered him by thirty of his friends a t the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, on t h e evening of January 14. T h e dinner was arranged to celebrate Dr. A m y ' s election to the presidency of t h e American Pharmaceutical Association. He was presented with a gold watch a n d and an engrossed book including the signature of the participants. R. C. Beckett, a graduate of t h e Pennsylvania State College and engaged as an industrial chemist for a number of years, was appointed state sanitary engineer of Delaware at a meeting of the Delaware State Health and Welfare Commission, Dec. 18. H . W. Brooks has been appointed fuel engineer in t h e Department of the Interior, with headquarters a t the Bureau of Mines Experiment Station a t Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Brooks will head the section on efficient use of fuels. He brings t o t h e work, besides a general training, the point of view of the constructing and operating engineer interested in public service plants. George A. Burrell, chemical engineer of Pittsburgh, Pa., has taken over the secretaryship of the Petroleum Division of t h e American Chemical Society. Henry H . Chao, who was graduated from t h e University of Wisconsin last June and since then has been doing work in hydrolysis of cellulose at t h e U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, is now connected with the Calco Chemical Co., Bound Brook, N. J. Wesley H . Childs, a graduate of Cornell, has accepted a position a s sugar chemist for the Central Romana, Inc., La Romana, R. D . John Fuchs, chief sugar chemist, Lower Lafourche Refinery, Lockport, La., has resigned t o become assistant superintendent of the Cuatotolapam Sugar Co., Cuatotolapam, Vera Cruz, Mexico. H . W. Gillett has been appointed chief metallurgist of the Bureau of Standards, to succeed G. K. Burgess, who recently was promoted to the directorship. Dr. Gillett for a number of years has been engaged in work on alloys at t h e Ithaca section of the Bureau of Mines. Sir Heath Harrison, Bart., founder of the chair of organic chemistry in the University of Liverpool, has generously contributed a further sum of 2500 pounds towards the endowment of the chair. A. M. Henry, former assistant chemist for t h e State of Florida, has been a p pointed t o a position in the Bureau of Chemistry and assigned t o t h e Philadelphia Station. G. W. Jones, assistant gas chemist of the Bureau of Mines, has been promoted to associate chemical technologist to fill the vacancy created b y the resignation of Dr. J . L. Sherrick who has gone into private business at 4701 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., in the manufacture of certain gelatin-glue products. M r . Jones will conduct research on the prod-

ucts of combustion a n d detonation of explosives with special reference t o t h e formation of poisonous gases contaminating t h e atmosphere of mines and tunnels. Frank W. Liepsner, formerly engaged in consulting work a t New Orleans, is now chemical engineer for the Central Calcium Arsenate Co., Inc., recently organized a t Shreveport, La. Jacob G. Lipman, of the State University of New Jersey, h a s been appointed a member of t h e International Commission of Agricultural Ecology. L. P . Miller has left t h e National Aniline & Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y., t o accept a position as control chemist for t h e West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., Inc., Piedmont, W. Va. B. S. Proper has become associated with The Eaton-DLkeman Co., manufacturers of absorbent papers, blotting, filter, matrix, etc., as manager of sales and technical director. He will be located at 537 Pearl St., New York, N . Y. R. L. Rissler, formerly of t h e G a s Chemistry Section, Bureau of Standards, has been appointed chemist for t h e Rochester Gas a n d Electric Corporation, Rochester, N. Y . Adolph G. Rosengarten, president of the Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co., Philadelphia, Pa., manufacturers of chemicals, has been elected a director of t h e Philadelphia National Bank. Winfield Scott, well-known accelerator chemist, has become connected with The Rubber Service Laboratories Company. Mr. Scott is t h e author of several interesting papers on accelerators a n d has had many years of experience. H e was formerly connected with t h e Goodyear and the Quaker City Rubber Companies and later with the E . I. d u P o n t Company. His work a t Rubber Service Laboratories will be along t h e line of research on organic accelerators. Pedro Sengson, formerly employed as a chemist in the Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I., completed a course in sugar technology a t t h e Aubon Sugar School, Louisiana State University, and is now studying the sugar industry in different producing regions of the United States, Cuba and Hawaii. H e expects t o return to the Philippines in June. Alexander Silverman, head of t h e D e partment of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, delivered two illustrated lectures on glass manufacture recently. T h e first of these was delivered before t h e Research Club, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, P a . , on January 11, a n d t h e second before the Associated Glass & Pottery Manufacturers, Pittsburgh, Pa., on January 16. Jon Teppema, well known abroad for his researches in applied organic chemistry, a graduate of Leiden University, Holland, h a s joined t h e staff of t h e Research Laboratory of Applied Chemistry a t the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Manufacturers' Technical Pub lications Notice—Any publications mentioned under this heading will be sent free, unless otherwise noted, to readers of This Journal, on request to the firm issuing the publication. When writing for any of these items kindly mention Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Dry Rendering Machinery and Equipment. Bulletin M-6. Covering illustrations and specifications on equipment of interest to packers and Tenderers of meat and fish products. 20 pp. 83/4





TURING Co., Pershing Road and Loomis Street, Chicago, Ill. Foxboro Equipment. Bulletin 96-1, just published, illustrating and describing various types of indicating, recording and controlling instruments. Of particular interest to users of such equipment. 24 pp. 4 X 9 1/4. THE FOXBORO Co., INC., Foxboro, Mass. Heat Insulating Materials. Bulletin 101, High Temperature Heat Insulation. Valuable engineering data developed by the research fellowship of The Philip Carey Company at the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. The first of a series of technical bulletins on the performances and adaptability of heat insulating materials. A convenient loose-leaf binder for assembling these bulletins will be furnished on request.

6 pp.

8 X11.


COMPANY, Lockland, Cincinnati, Ohio. Humidity in the Woolen and Worsted Industry. Bulletin 323. Technical treatise on this subject, containing charts, typical installations and much interesting data. 63 pp. 47/4X 7 1/2. PARKS-CRAMER COMPANY, Fitchburg, Mass. Laboratory Apparatus Blue Book. 1924 catalog complete with illustrations, descriptions and prices on apparatus and supplies of use in laboratories. Indexed. Cloth. 333 pp. 7 1 /4 X 10 1/2. REYNOLDS,


& VOI.K C O . ,

INC., 41 Vesey Street, New York. Lawrence "Vortex" Centrifugal Pumps. Series of bulletins in loose-leaf binder, covering various types of pumps. Contains illustrations diagrams, tables and much interesting data. 6 1/4 X 9 1/4. LAWRENCE P U M P & ENGINE Co.,

90 West Street, New York. Lillie Evaporators. Descriptive bulletin giving illustrations, diagrams and interesting information on equipment for the production of distilled water for boiler make-up feed and other uses. With this will be sent reprint from Journal of The American Society of Naval Engineers on Low Pressure Vacuum Evaporators. G X 9'A. T H E SUGAR APPARATUS M F G . Co., LAND T I T L E BLDG., Philadelphia, Pa.

McClave Grates, Stokers and Steam Biowers. A series of attractive bulletins in loose-leaf binder, covering descriptions, illustrations and detailed diagrams of combustion systems for greater economy. Contains interesting data. 9 X 11 1/2. MCCLAVE-BROOKS COMPANY, Scranton,

Pa. Resisto. Series of bulletins in loose-leaf binder, featuring with illustrations, descriptions and much interesting data, acid-resisting valves, pumps and other miscellaneous equipment. 7 1/4 X 9



PANY, 262 Bridge Street, East Cambridge, Mass. Series of bulletins in loose-leaf cloth binder covering "Buffalo" fan system of heating, ventilating and humidifying, standard pipe coil heaters, Niagara conoidal fans and carrier air washers and humidifiers, illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables and much technical data. 9 1/2 X


Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y.