Manufacturers' Technical Publications - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 4, 2010 - Booklet 386-A . THE E. F. KEATING PIPE BENDING & SUPPLY CO., 452 Water St., New York, N. Y.. Proportioning Pumps for feeding treating ...
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Manufacturers' Technical Publications (Continued from page 13) Pipe Fabrication. An attractively bound 67-page booklet gives a thorough engineering treatise o n pipe bending for a large number of industrial applications. Accessory equipment such as supports, nozzles, and flanges is included. M a n y useful engineering d a t a on pipe bends a r e also given. T h e booklet is available, free of charge, for industrial men who w r i t e for i t on their company letterhead. Booklet 386-A. T H E E. F . K E A T I N G P I P E B E N D I N G & SUPPLY C O . , 452 W a t e r St., N e w York, N . Y .

Proportioning Pumps for feeding treating agents into crude oil charging stock, boiler water, etc., are illustrated and described in a new 8-page folder. These proportioning p u m p s a r e finding extensive application for injecting a n d intermixing chemicals i n process plants and for other metering; uses. HILLS, MCCANNA C O . , 2549 Nelson St., Chicago, Ill. Pulverizing Equipment. Mead mills for crushing a n d pulverizing bulk materials a r e illustrated and described in a 20-page bound catalog. T h e mills are o f the high-speed, impact t y p e . They come i n five sizes from a 1-horsepower machine for small-scale plant o r laboratory work up t o t h e larger size for handling 10 tons o r more per hour. M R A D CO., Nineteenth St. and M . C. R. R., Detroit, Mich. Pumping Heavy Liquids. A recently designed new type of pump for handling molasses, cils, and other viscous a n d heavy liquids is illustrated a n d described i n a n e w 12-page catalog. The very simple a n d efficient d e sign of t h i s pump is clearly portrayed in this bulletin. T H B W. B . C O N N O R Co.. INC., Lincoln Park, N . J. Pumps. Several different types of corrosion-resisting p u m p s for handling m i n e water, chemical solutions, etc., are illustrated a n d described in a recent 12-page bulletin. A feature given considerable attention is a n arrangement for self-priming, s o that liquids can be lifted from a considera b l e deptii without the necessity of priming pumps for starting. T H B LAJBOUR C o . , Chicago Heights, III. Reagent Feeders. A 16-page catalog illustrates a n d describes t h e R u t h feeder, of particular importance in flotation work in mining and metallurg i e s ! processes. I t is available i n several different types for feeding both dry and liquid chemicals and is well suited for many other chemical engineering processes. T H B RUTH C O . , Denver, Colo. Rust-OProoflrtg Process. X h e Parker process for rust-proofing iron a n d steel is discussed in detail in current bulletins. T h e process is based on chemical reactions, with the surface of the metal forming insoluble compounds which provide a n ornamental and corrosion-resisting surface. Details of t h e process and the necessary equipment are discussed, also numerous applications including t h e rust-proofing of highly machined parts. P A R K E R R U S T P R O O F Co., 2177 E a s t Milwaukee Ave., Detroit, Mich. Silver Solder. A new 20-page bound bulletin describes t h e advantages of silver solder for heavy industrial soldering. Industrial tanks, coils, etc., of copper, brass, nickel, monel metal, stainless steel, and other metals are mentioned as having been very successfuly soldered with this material. HAJSDY & HARMON, 57 William St., N e w York, N . Y . "Sweetaloy" Castings. A recent 4-page folder is devoted chiefly to a veryuseful c h a r t on different chrome-iron a n d chrome-nickel castings. Chemical analyses, physical properties, applications, and comments about each different alloy are included. W M . J. S W B E T FOUNDRY Co., Irvington, N. J . "Water Softeners. "Crystalite" is the subject of illustrated Technical Bulletin 183, 1 6 pages. T h e booklet discusses the chemistry of zeolite water softening, t h e early history and development of zeolites, t h e advantages of trpflow softening illustrated w i t h curves, t h e adaptability of Crystalite to upflovv softening, a n d important uses of Crystalite. INTERNATIONAL F I L T E R C O . , 333 West Twenty-fifth PL, Chicago, Til.

Industrial N o t e s Evans-Wallower Electrolytic Zinc Plant A n e w industry for the S t . Louis district is t h e electrolytic zinc plant of the Evans-Wallower Zinc Co., now almost completed a t M o n s a n t o Village, Ill. T h i s company operates lead a n d zinc mines in the Joplin district and in Colorado a n d manufactures oxides of lead a t Charleston, W . Va. T h e Monsanto electrolytic zinc plant, which is to operate under the Tainton process, is of interest because of t h e m a n y innovations in electrometallurgy and t h e extent to which all the valuable constituents in the ore are extracted and c o n v e r t e d to marketable form. T h e Tainton process presents m a n y radical departures from t h e Anaconda practice, especially in the use of more concentrated solutions and a higher current density in the electrolytic precipitation of the zinc A further difference is t h e employment of the batch method of leaching instead of the continuous countercurrent system. T h r e e modified wedge roasters will handle the flotation concentrates from the c o m p a n y ' s mines near Joplin. The sulfur dioxide gases will be cleansed in a Cottrell treater before going t o the sulfuric acid plant, while the roasted ore travels t o the leaching plant. _ Here zinc, cadmium, copper, and manganese are extracted by t h e sulfuric acid leach, leaving a residue which may be treated f o r lead a n d silver. # A comparatively simple method of purification, b y means of powdered zinc, i s used to remove metals other t h a n zinc before the solution i s electrolyzed. F o r this purpose, there are 190 leadlined cells containing alloyed lead anodes and sheet aluminum cathodes on which the z i n c is deposited. High-grade manganese dioxide is also obtained from t h e cells. T h e present plant unit is designed t o produce daily 50 tons o f zinc of 99.99 per cent purity a n d corresponding amounts of byproducts.

Gasketed Metallic Filter Cloth T h e Newark Wire Cloth, Co., N e w a r k , N. J., has recently developed a n improved method of attaching gaskets to metallic filter cloth. They attacb. canvas, sheet lead, or sheet rubber packing a n d use special staples made of the same metal a s the wire cloth. This prevents galvanic action, which, might occur, when t h e staple i s not of the same metal a s the filter cloth.

Agitator Drives with DCL Speed Reducers To meet t h e growing demand for a compact enclosed unit drive for operating mixers, agitators, paddles, etc., Foote Bros. Gear & Machine Co., 215 North. Curtis St., Chicago, 111., has added a complete line of vertical wormgear speed reducers. These speed reducers are fully enclosed, self-lubricating, and dnstproof. T h e worm is made of a high-grade alloy steel, carbonized, hardened, ground, a n d polished, with worm gear of either semi-steel or bronze.



T h e Combustion Engineering Corp., 200 Madison Ave., Mew York, N . Y., has recently p u t on t h e market a simple device which permits the placing of


Vol. 7, No. 10

water-level indicators at a n y desiraole location o r elevation. T h e usual water column is connected t o the b o i l e r drum- Inside the water column is a non-corrosive float suitable for the maximum -working pressure for which the boiler is designed, direct-connected t>y mearas of a non-corrosive wire extending downward through a small p i p e to at-n indicator in the water glass. The indicator is so adjusted that whven the f l o a t in t h e water column on t h e drum is in its normal position, the indicator \?vithin t h e lower glass is also in the center of the glass, its normal l e v e l con