Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1923, 15 (11), pp 1205–1205. DOI: 10.1021/ie50167a050. Publication Date: November 1923. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the ...
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November, 1923



MANUFACTURERS’ TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS Notice-Any publications mentioned under this heading will be sentfree, unless otherwise noted, to readers of This Journal, on request to thefirm issuing the publication. When writing for any of these items kindly mention Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Abbe Specialties. Catalogs A, B, C, E, G. H, covering crushing, cutting, grinding, mixing, pulverizing, and sifting machinery. 8 to 32 pp. PAUL 0.A B B ~INC., . 73 Murray St., New York, N. Y. Acimet Valve. Catalog showing patterns, sizes, and prices of corrosionresistant valves. 24 pp CLEVELAND BRASSMFG.Co., 4606 Hamilton Ave., N. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Barnstead Water Stills. General catalog showing uses and applications of this apparatus, with specifications and tables. 34 pp. BARNSTEAD STILL & STERILIZERCo., INC., Boston, Mass. Beach-Russ Rotary Pumps. Bullatin 32, illustrating and describing this equipment. 8 pp. BEACH-RUSS Co., 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. Brown Electrical Indicating and Recording C o t Meters. Catalog 30. Contains diagrams, illustrations, and instructions concerning applicaCo., Philation and use of these meters. 8pp. BROWNINSTRUMENT delphia, Pa. Buflovak Apparatus for Producing Dry and Evaporated Milk Products. New booklet showing applications of this equipment, with useful & MACHINECo., 1549 data and tables. 36 pp. BUFFALOFOUNDRY Fillniore Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. California Redwood. Brochure giving interesting and instructive information in regard t o general and industrial uses of this material. 36 pp. PACIPIC LUMBERCo., McCormick Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory Supplies. Gcnnal Catalog AA, showing complete line of such equipment and supplies withillustrations, specifications, and prices. Cloth. 606 pp. EIMER & AMEND,Third Ave., 18th to 19th Sts., New York, N. Y. Chemical Equipment of Metal. Catalog illustrating and describing BethleFOUNDRY & MACHINECORY., hem apparatus. 48 pp. BETHLEHEM Room 1716, Grand Central Terminal, New York, N. Y. Chemicals and Drugs. 206 pp. EIMER& AMEND,New Yorlr, N. Y. Christie Dryers, Calciners, Coolers. Illustrated treatise covering the design and application of such equipment for the chemical industries, with data and charts of special interest t o the chemical engineer. 16 pp. L. R. CHRISTIECo., 307 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Con Recorder Accessories. Bullelin 116-A,describing three new accessories in this line designed to reduce operating attention. 8 pp. UEHLING INSTRUMENT Co., 473 Getty Ave., Paterson, N. J. Current Duriron Literature. Bulletin revised t o September, 1923, giving complete data and tables on uses and applications of Duriron corrosionresistant metal. 48 pp. Loose-leaf with binder. DURIRON Co., Dayton, Ohio. Data concerning Platinum. General catalog covering the subject, with tables and sizes, capacities, and weights. 88 pp. BAKER & Co., INC., Murray and Austin Sts., Newark, N. J. Dopp Equipment. Catalog VII, describing seamless-jacketed kettles, MANUmixers, vacuum and pressure apparatus. 64 pp. SOWERS FACTURING CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Duriron Acid-Proof Drain Pipe. 24 pp. DURIRONCo., Dayton, Ohio. Electric Furnaces for the Laboratory. 22 pp. NORTONCo., Worcester, Mass. Electrical Instruments for Ion Concentration Measurements. BROWN INSTRUMENT Co., Philadelphia, Pa, Elementary Photographic Chemistry. A technical treatise on this subject, containing much valuable information and precise data of interest t o those engaged in this special field. 80 pp., EASTMAN RODAK Co., Rochester, N. Y. Elyria Glass Enameled Equipment. Bulletin 31. Technical treatise on glass-enameled ware for the chemical, pharmaceutical, and* allied inENAMELED PRODUCTS Co., Elyria, dustries. 20 pp. THE ELYRIA Ohio. Engelhard Equipment. Series of bulletins in loose-leaf binder, covering impervite porcelain and refractories, LeChatelier pyrometers, electric thermometers, electric furnaces, and quartz glass. CHARLESENGELHARD, XNC., 30 Church St., New York,N. Y. Hard Rubber Chemical Equipment. Bulletins on hard rubber pumps, pipe, fittings and utensils. Loose-leaf with binder. AMERICAN HARDRUBBER Co., 11 Mercer St., New York, N. Y. Hartman Sterilizers. A series of bulletins in loose-leaf binder, describing, with illustrations and charts, this electrolytic water-purifying apparatus. 24 pp. UNITEDSTATESOZONECo., Scottdale, Pa,

Heusser Precision Balances. Bulletin 65, containing tables of dimensions SUPand weights, with illustrations. 24 pp. THEMINB & SWELTER PLY Co., P. 0. Box 119, Denver, Colo. Kewaunee Book of Laboratory Furniture. New edition. General catalog covering complete line of this manufacturer. Cloth. 408 pp. KEWAUNEE MPG. Co., Rewaunee, Wis. Knight Chemical Stoneware. General catalog fully describing and illustrating this apparatus, with comprehensive data and illustrations. 54 pp MAURICEA. KNIGHT,Kelly Ave., East Akron, Ohio. Koerting Condensers and Recooling Systems. Group of bulletins in looseleaf binder covering multi-jet condensers, atmospheric heating valves, high-vacuum, air-jet oil pumps, recooling nozzles, vacuum traps, oil & ROERTING Co., 12th and Thompseparators, etc. 60 pp. SCHUTTB son Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Material of a Thousand Uses. Brochure, illustrated in color, describing the uses and applications of the phenol condensation products, Bakelite, Condensite, and Redmanol. 24 pp. BAKELITECORP., 8 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Norton Refractories, Alundum-Crystolon. Fused alumina refractories and laboratory ware. Catalog. 64 pp. NORTONCo., Worcester, Mass. Physical Apparatus and General Laboratory Supplies. Catalog R-D. 1923. 106 pp. WM. GAERTNER & Co.,5345 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Potentiometer Pyrometers. Catalog 87, containing comprehensive and valuable data and charts in regard t o pyrometer practice. 44 pp. Co., 4901 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. LEEDS& NORTHRUP Proctor Dryers for Cotton. Illustrated handbook covering application of drying equipment for cotton. Fully illustrated. 32 pp. PROCTOR & SCHWARTZ, INC., Philadelphia, Pa. (Also published by same firm: Proctor Dryers for Hair, Leather, Silkapiece Goods, Knit Goods and Cloth; Proctor Dryers for Yarn.) Pulverizing, Grinding, and Mixing Machinery. Bulletin 20, giving tech. nical data on this subject, with tabular matter and illustrations. 12 pp, A B B ENGINEERING ~ Co., 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. “Scientia” and “Studentia” Calorimeters. Catalog C. 34 pp. WM.GAERTNER & Co., 5345 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sharples Super Centrifuges. Illustrated bulletin on commercial applications of this type of equipment. Diagrams and complete exposition, list of processes successfully employing the super-centrifugal systems. 24 pp. THE SHARPLES SP~CIALTY Co., 23rd and Westmureland Sts., ’ Philadelphia, Pa. Sperry Filter Press, Catalog 14, containing illustrations, charts, and technical data on the use and application of filter press equipment of special interest to the chemical engineer. 60 pp. D. R. SPERRY& Co., Batavia, Ill. Standard Laboratory Apparatus. Adopted by the Manufacturing Chemists Association of the United States. 50 pp. EIMER& AMEND,New YORK, N. Y. Stokes Pharmaceutical and Chemical Apparatus. General catalog with MACHINE complete data and illustrations. 100 pp. F. J. STOKES Co., Cedar Grove Station, Philadelphia, Pa. Swenson Evaporators. Technical Bulletin E-122. Illustrated. 16 pp. SWENSON EVAPORATOR Co., Harvey, Ill. The Truth about Ozone. 64 pp. UNITEDSTATESOZONECo., Scottdale, Pa. Vertical Cylindrical Electric Furnaces. Znstrudion Book 88,712. Looseleaf bulletin with illustrations, diagrams, and much technical data on electric furnaces for various uses. 26 pp. GENERALELECTRIC Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Vitreosil Data. Technical booklet giving useful data, tables, and prices on fused silica ware. 16 pp. THERMAL SYNDICATE, LTD., 350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Spring Meeting Reservations Members planning to attend the spring meeting of the SOCIETY, which will be held in Washington, D. C., during the week of April 21, 1924, should make their reservations now. The meeting will be held a t the time when the hotels will be overcrowded, and n: order to be sure of good accommodations reservations should be made immediately. The New Willard has been chosen as hotel headquarters, but if you do not desire to write to the hotel directly requests for reservations may be sent to H. C. Fuller, chairman of the Committee on Hotels and Transportation, Institute of Industrial Research, 1845 B Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.