A Cornwall Drive. 9575 West Higgins RcJ. 2121 S. Leo Avenue fast Brunswick, N.J. 08316. Rosemont, 111. 60018. Los Angeles, Ca. 90022. (201) 257-7900...
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Just the Right Combination.

A delicate cheese with a fine, light wine. Each brings out the best in the other. A n d the same holds true for any great combination. MC/B and EM have created a strong, diversified resource for the full range of laboratory chemicals. The result is just the right combination of sales and marketing, manufacturing, research and service.


ι te of E. Merck, Darmstadt, Ger­ many, serves the market with reagents and spe­ cialties for laboratory testing and research, and intermediates for chemical processing. An inno­ vative, new resource capable of responding quickly to your particular needs. MC/B and EM. Just the right combination for you. MC/B^PPST?



A s s o c i a t e o f E. M e r c k , D a r m s t a d t , G e r m a n y


229< 909 H i g h l a n d A v e n u e , C i n c i n n a t i , O h i o 45212

T e l e p h o n e : (513) 6 3 1 - 0 4 4 5

R E G I O N A L SALES OFFICES East West Central Suite # 1 6 P.O. Box 7 Suite # 4 0 4 4 Cornwall Drive 2121 S. Leo Aven 5 West Higgins Rd. East Brunswick, N.J. 08816 Los Angeles, Ca. 90022 Rosemont, III. 60018 (201) 257-7900 1)85-5280 123-1778 CIRCLE 1 3 9 O N READER SERVICE CARD