Manuscript of Albrecht von Haller - Journal of Chemical Education

Manuscript of Albrecht von Haller. J. Chem. Educ. , 1929, 6 (11), p 1994. DOI: 10.1021/ed006p1994.2. Publication Date: November 1929 ...
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Manuscriptsof Albrechtvon Haller. According to thc London 7'i,nes of Jan. 3lst. Signor Xlucsolini has prrsrnted to Sritrrrland s part of th:rcitntific m:musrriptsuf ilbrrchl von Haller, which were deposited a t the Brera Library in Milan and in the Universiiy of Pavia. Haller has sometimes been called the father of modern physiology. Born a t Beme on O d . 16, 1708, as a boy he acquired knowledge with ease, and as a man displayed immenSe industry and unusual versatility. His medical studies were prosecuted at Tubingen and a t Leyden, where he came under the influence of Boerhaave. He practiced for a time in his native town, and from 1736 until 1753 was professor of anatomy and botany a t GMingen. Returning to Berne, he there compiled his "Elements Physialogiae" and other works, took part in public affairs, and corresponded with eminent men in all parts of the world He died at Rerne on Dcc. 12. 1777.Nature (London), 123,220 (Feh. 9. 1929).