Manuscript Preparation: Text and Figures - Environmental Science

Sci. Technol. , 1996, 30 (1), pp 52A–52A. DOI: 10.1021/es951303z. Publication Date (Web): June 7, 2011. Cite this:Environ. Sci. Technol. 1996, 30, 1...
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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY a form suitable for photo reproduction, should accompany the manuscript for consideration by the editor and reviewers. The material should be typed on white paper with black typewriter ribbon or printed on a high-quality (300 dpi) laser printer. If individual characters for any of the material, computer or otherwise, are broken or disconnected, the material is definitely unacceptable. Figures and illustrative material should preferably be original high- contrast drawings or good prints of originals. Optimum size is 22 x 28 cm. Minimum acceptable character size is 1.5 mm. The caption for each figure should appear on the same piece of copy with the figure. Be sure to refer to supplementary material in text where appropriate. Supplementary material may be obtained in photocopy or microfiche form at nominal cost. Material of more than 20 pages is available in microfiche only. Photocopy or microfiche must be stated clearly in the order. Prepayment is required. See instructions at the end of individual papers. The supplementary material is abstracted and indexed by Chemical Abstracts Service. Subscribers to microfilm editions receive, free, the supplementary material in microfiche form from individual papers in any particular issue. For information, contact Microforms Program at the ACS in Washington, DC, or call (202) 872-4554.

Manuscript preparation: Text and figures Manuscript submission on disk General information. The final accepted version of the manuscript should be submitted on disk. Manuscripts prepared with the software packages listed below will be used for production, providing the following guidelines are adhered to. Documents prepared with other word-processing packages will be handled on an experimental basis with the understanding that the use of these files in production cannot be guaranteed. Failure to adhere to the following instructions may prevent all or part of the material supplied on disk from being used in production.

A hardcopy version of the manuscript is required for review. The disk should accompany the final accepted version of the manuscript. The version on the disk MUST exactly match the final version accepted in hardcopy. When preparing a manuscript, use the document mode or its equivalent in the word-processing program; i.e., do not save files in "Text Only" (ASCII) mode. Do not include any page-layout instructions such as placement information for graphics in the file. The text should be left-justified, and automatic end-of-line hyphenation should be turned off. Use carriage returns only to end headings and paragraphs, not to break lines of text. Do not insert spaces before punctuation. References must conform to the format printed in the journal. Ensure that all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example, 1 (one) and 1 (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh), x (ex) and x (times sign). Check the final copy carefully for consistent notation and correct spelling. The Editorial Office conversion program will faithfully translate any errors to the typeset copy. Check the disk with a virus detection program. Disks containing viruses will not be processed. Label the disk with the manuscript number and the corresponding author name. Provide the platform, version of software used, and filenames on the Diskette Description form. All text (including the title page, abstract, all sections of the body of the paper, figure captions, scheme or chart titles and footnotes, and references) and tabular material should be in one file, with the complete text first followed by the tabular material. It is best to use the fonts "Times" and "Symbol." Other fonts, particularly those that do not come bundled with the system software, may not translate properly. Ensure that all special characters (e.g., Greek characters, math symbols, etc.) are present in the body of the text as characters and not as graphic representations. Consult the documentation for the specific software package being used on how to detect the presence of graphics in the files, and replace them with the appropriate text characters. Tables may be created using a word processor's text mode or table format feature. The table format feature is preferred. Ensure each data entry is in its own table cell. If the text mode is used, separate columns with a single tab and use a line feed (return) at the end of each row.


Graphics (e.g., figures, schemes, etc.) should be in a separate file. Most packages for creating them will allow the user to choose a format in which to save a file. TIFF (tagged image file format), PostScript, or Encapsulated PostScript is preferred. The filename for the graphic should be descriptive of the graphic; e.g., Figurel, Figure2, or Schemel would contain the artwork for the graphic in Figure 1, Figure 2, or Scheme 1, respectively. The programs to enable the use of graphics and equations are currently under development, and all files received will help our development effort. As additional features become available, these instructions will be updated on the ACS fileserver. Users with World Wide Web browser can obtain up-to-date information on the submission of softcopy manuscripts at "http://pubs." Gopher users should use the address "acsinfo." Information on submission of softcopy manuscripts is in the document "Manuscript Submission on Disk" located in the directory "ACS Publications." Currently acceptable word processing packages Macintosh: WordPerfect 3.0, Microsoft Word up to version 6.0, MacWrite II, MacWrite 5.0 (usually), Microsoft Works 2.0, WriteNow 2.0, and FrameMaker 5.0. IBM and Compatibles: WordPerfect up to version 6.1, Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0a, Microsoft Word for DOS up to version 5.5, and FrameMaker 5.0. Special instructions for specific word processors. Microsoft Word. Greek letters and special symbols (to the extent that it is possible) should be created by applying Symbol font to ASCII characters typed into the file. If characters are selected from the symbol pallet and pasted in, they may be lost when the file is converted. The "ALLCAPS" option in the character format box should not be used. The SEO field should not be used. WordPerfect. Use the normal SUP and SUB codes, not AdvUP and AdvDn, to create superscript and subscript characters. For further information. American Chemical Society, Journals Publishing Operations, 2540 Olentangy River Road, P.O. Box 3330, Columbus, OH 43210. Phone: (614) 447-3665, fax: (614) 447-3745, e-mail: [email protected].