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Nov 8, 2010 - Publication Date: January 18, 1988. Copyright © 1988 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem...
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MANVILLE DIATOMITE CATALYST CARRIERS, The low-cost, high-porosity carriers with pore sizes controlled to meet your process needs. *W23>s Controlled surface area and pore size—can be processed from 200 Angstroms into the micron range ^s and beyond.

Inorganic—won't shrink or swell to interfere with critical engineering B^ parameters. L

Chemically inert—stable within a variety of chemical andpH [ conditions.

Thermally stable— insensitive to L· temperatures up to 1500°F (800C).


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Highly porous—up to 6x more porosity than other conventional carriers

High mechanical strength—ensures durability even under heavy loading.

Scanning electron micrograph of a 15-million-year-old silicon diatom skeleton, the basic low-cost material for Manville Celite catalyst carriers.

Manville Celite® catalyst carriers are diatomaceous silica, the ideal carrier for catalysts in many diverse industrial processes. Manville carriers are readily available in a variety of grades—both powder and pellet form. Or Manville R&D will work with you to develop a custom carrier to meet your specific requirements.

We can even supply the catalyst with the carrier. Investigate Manville diatomite today and let us match a carrier or carrier/catalyst to your needs. Call Jim Larsen at 805-735-7791. Or write Manville, Filtration & Minerals,


P.O. Box 519, Lompoc, CA 93438-0519 U.S.A.

Available internationally, telex: Etobicoke, Canada-06984559 MANVILLE TOR · Rueil-Malmaison, France-MANVL A 203089F · Twickenham, Middlesex, Great Britain-928635 MANVIL G · Milano, ltaly-311136 MANVII · Tokyo, Japan-3822496 M V U · Mexico City, Mexico-171316 HOLME < Singapore-MANVIL RS21073 · Lompoc, CA U.S.A.-216115 MANV UR (RCA) or 454404 JOHNMANVL DVR(WU). CIRCLE 24 ON READER SERVICE CARD