Marathon Oil Company - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Feb 1, 1982 - Marathon Oil Company. Anal. Chem. , 1982, 54 (2), pp 192A–192A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00239a751. Publication Date: February 1982. ACS Legacy ...
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Program Free Chromatography Catalog

4:30—511. Mathematical Approxima­ tion for Calibration Curve of Electro­ chemical Sensors. A. Pebler, J. S. Schruben (Westinghouse R&D Center) 4:45—512. Reaction Rate Measure­ ments Using an Amperometric Detector. D. M. Morgan, S. G. Weber (U of Pittsburgh)


A reference book is sometimes the best time-saver in your lab. Alltech's new catalog is just that, a reference book. Catalog #45 has over 300 pages devoted to chromatograms, reference charts, and every product you'll ever need for your chromatographic analysis -and It's FREE! When looking for answers, turn to Alltech Associates. Call or write for your free copy of Catalog #45, Alltech Associates, 2051 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, IL. 60015. 312/948-8600


Room B-C Playboy Ventnor 2:00—513. Measurement of Gas and Vapor Concentrations in the Per Cent Range Using the Miran-IA Infrared Analyzer. L. D. Vanell (Foxboro) 2:15—514. Infrared Analysis of N 0 2 Generated by High-Voltage Electric Arc. R. C. Williams, Ε. Μ. Carlson, P . G. LeFevre (B. F. Goodrich) 2:30—515. Hydrazine and Ammonia Monitor for the Space Shuttle. J. R. Holtzclaw (Naval Research Lab), T. M. Cardis, W. B. Telfair 2:45—516. Microvolume Trace Gas Analysis: Infrared vs. Mass Spectrometric Determinations of Water Vapor. J. A. Mucha (Bell Labs) 3:00—517. Applications of Microinfrared to Semiconductor Processing Problems. R. M. Scott, J. N. Ramsey (IBM Corp.) 3:15—518. Precision Methods for De­ termining Carbon-Oxygen Concentra­ tions in and Epitaxial Thickness on Silicon Wafers by FTIR Spectroscopy. K. H. Kelleher, M. V. Kulkarni (IBM Instruments) 3:30—Recess 3:45—519. Automatic Phosphorus Concentrative Calculation of Silicon Wafers by Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy. E. G. Bartick (PerkinElmer) 4:00—520. Quantitative Infrared Anal­ ysis of Multicomponent Systems Using Nonlinear Beer's Law. M. A. Maris, C. W. Brown (U of Rhode Island), D. S. Lavery 4:15—521. Remote and Fast Analysis of Organic Matter in Minerals by Infrared Radiometry. J. L. Lauer, K. K-P. Lau, V. W. King (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 4:30—522. Multicomponent Analyses of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Isomers by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectros­ copy. J-Y. T. Chen, A. M. Gardner (Food & Drug Administration) 4:45—523. Rapid IR Quality Control Analyses. M. B. Furlong, W. L. Truett (Foxboro) (continued on page 197 A)



in Denver, CO — The Colorado Section of ACS Presents...

Hands-on course A practical approach to the principles of modern instrumentation

Electronics for Laboratory instrumentation March 25-26, 1982 The purpose of this course is to provide scientists with an understanding of the principles and applications of modern electronic devices and techniques in laboratory measurement and control systems. The course is based on a study of the measurement process and the various forms the information may take as it is converted from the chemical or physical quantity to a number related to that quantity, since the number of ways data can be represented electrically is limited, the functional basis of a complex electronic system can be readily understood in terms of the ways in which the data are represented and transformed. Participants will learn the capabilities of modern transducers, instruments, and analog and digital integrated circuits and, through examples, how these are used to solve a variety of laboratory problems. The course will benefit all those who use or select modern instrumentation, who are involved in laboratory research, who interact with people in electronic repair, design, or sales, and who want to better appreciate the technology which is rapidly transforming the scientific world. No prior knowledge of electronics is required. Experiments Participants will individually perform a variety of experiments with analog and digital circuits. An experimental kit which inclu'desa ±5 volt power supply, an E&L SK-10 breadboard socket, integrated circuits, other components, and a digital multimeter will be used for these experiments. Each participant will be given this kit (approximate value — $130) which can be used to do additional experiments after the course. Faculty Professor Howard Malmstadt, university of Illinois; Professor Chris Enke, Michigan state University and Professor Stan Crouch, Michigan State university. Fee Acs Members, $410.00; Nonmembers, $465.00. (includes experimenter's ket and digital multimeter) Registration contact Sonia Hoffner, Marathon oil Company, P.O. Box 269, Littleton, CO 80160, Telephone: 303/794-2601, ext. 275 Class size is limited and the deadline is March 10,1982.