Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment | Analytical Chemistry

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Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment ACS Symposium Series No. 18 Thomas M. Church, Editor A special symposium sponsored by the Middle Atlantic Region of the American Chemical Society.

Now available—a comprehensive volume containing the most recent advances in this new and increasingly important field.

The collection represents an indispens­ able source of information for every marine scientist. Emphasis is not merely on describing coastal problems but on showing the potential in applying the tools of modern oceanography and chemistry to solve these problems.

Forty-one chapters cover six major areas: physical, organic, and tracer marine chemistry; estuarine geochemistry; hydrocarbons and metals in the estua­ rine environment; ocean disposal forum; applications and resources in marine chemistry; and organic and biological marine chemistry.

710 pages (1975) Clothbound $35.75 (ISBN 0-8412-0300-8) LC 75-28151

SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash.. D.C. 20036 Please send copies o( No. 18 Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment at $35.75 per book D Check is enclosed for $ , . D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere. Name Address City



nity embrace newly emerging pyrolysis GC and pyrolysis MS as a promis­ ing analytical technique. T h e varied areas of analytical applications of the technique include the analysis of ma­ terials such as rubber, polymers, tex­ tiles, biologically active compounds, and microorganisms. Also included are papers on laser-induced G C - M S and developments in the automation of analytical pyrolysis instruments. T h e book is a poor quality reproduction of author-furnished typewritten text. Tabulation of Infrared Spectral Data. David Dolphin and Alexander Wick, xvi + 549 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1977. $19.50 This book tabulates infrared spec­ tra of all of those organic functional groups for which characteristic frequencies have been established. These functional groups are classified according to the type of vibrations in­ volved. T h u s , starting with X — H sin­ gle-bond vibrations in Chapter 1, the book continues with C—C, C—N, C—O, N—N, and Ν—Ο vibrations, respectively, in the following five chapters. Since the organic chemist now uses a wide variety of inorganic and organometallic intermediates, chapters on thionyl and phosphoryl compounds and on inorganic vibra­ tions are also included. For each of the functional groups treated, there is a brief discussion on steric, electronic, and solute-solvent interactions t h a t bring about changes in the character­ istic group frequencies. T h e tables fol­ lowing the discussions show changes in group frequency as the electronic and steric environments around the group are varied. A total of 47 func­ tional groups are covered. Colloquium Spectroscopicum Interna­ tionale—XVIII. J. P. Robin, Ed. 105 pages. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 0BW, England. 1977. $8.00 The seven plenary lectures given at the XVIII Colloquium Spectroscopi­ cum Internationale, Grenoble, France, 15-19 September 1975, are presented. Titles of the lectures and their respec­ tive contributors are: current capabili­ ties and future goals in x-ray spectros­ copy, L. S. Birks; effet Môssbauer et applications à la physique du solide, C. Janot; design of fluorometric analytical methods, D. N. Kramer; les propriétés spectrochimiques de certaines sources lumineuses, E. Plsko; electron spectroscopy and molecular structure, Κ. Siegbahn; recent devel­ opments en spectroscopie instrumen­


tale, M. Soutif; and some recent as­ pects in the structure elucidation of natural products, W. Voelter. Lectures are presented in the original language in which they were delivered. Atlas of Thermoanalytical Curves, Vol­ umes 1-5. George Liptay, Ed. Distribut­ ed by Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadel­ phia, Pa. 19104. 1977. $175 ($35/volume) This five-volume atlas published in London by Heyden & Sons, Ltd., pre­ sents DTA, DTG, and TG curves for 350 selected organic and inorganic compounds. T h e atlas is complete with references, notes on curve inter­ pretation, and experimental data on the changing factors for analyses. In­ cluded with Volume five is a cumula­ tive index for the entire set, consisting of an index to compounds, a chemical formula index, and a class index.

ASTM Publications The following are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadel­ phia, Pa. 19103 (USA, Canada, and Mexico add 3% shipping charges. Other countries add 5% ) Methods for Emission Spectrochemical Analysis—1977 Supplement. 268 pages. 1977. Paperbound. $10.75 This supplement is published as a companion volume to the 1971 edition of "Methods for Emission Spectrochemical Analysis". T h e supplement consists of 21 new suggested methods, 3 new proposed methods, and 15 new or revised standard methods. Stan­ dards t h a t have been reapproved without revision are not included. Part 31 of 1977 Annual Book of ASTM Standards on Water. 1130 pages. 1977. $34 P a r t 31 on water analysis contains 139 A S T M standards t h a t are new or changed in status since the 1976 edi­ tion. This book supersedes all previ­ ous editions and is brought up-to-date and published annually. Among the new standards are a test for evaluating water testing membrane filters for fecal coliform recovery; a test for polychlorinated biphenyls in water; tests for cadmium, cobalt, and lead in water by atomic absorption spectrometry; a test for oxygen demand in water by combustion-infrared analysis; tests for lithium, potassium, and sodium ions