100 lbs . Aluminum chloride. anbyd., com- mercial. wks., drums extra. c/l ... .I b. Aluminum stearate. 100-lb . bbl .... .I b. Aluminum suliate. comm'...
3 downloads 10 Views 321KB Size




Acetaldehyde. drums 1c.l.. wks . . . . . I b. Acetaldol. 50-gal drums . . . . . . . . . . lb .. Acetamide. drums .I b. Acetanilide. U . S P., powd., bbla . . . I b. Acetic anhydride. 92-95%. cbys ... . I b. Acetone. drums. wks., c/l . . . . . . . . .. I b. Acetphenetidin, bbls .. Acid. abietic .................... . I b. Acetic, 2875, c/l., bbls 100 lbs

. ................ .



. 18 . 27 .38 .26 . 21

. 12 1.30 . 07 2.40 4.75 8.26

9.63 .70 .72 Boric, bbls . . . . . . . . . . .


Chloroacetic. mono-. bbls., wks lb . Di-, cbys . I h. Tri-. bbls., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I h. Chlorosulfonic. drums. wks . . . . . . .I b. Chromic. 99%. d r u m s . , . Ib. . Cinnamic. bottles., . . . . . . . . . . . . lb Citric, U S P .. cryst., Cresylic, pale. drums . . . Formic. 90%. cbys., N . Furoic, tech., drums . . . . . . . . . . ..Ib. Gallic, U . S P., bbls . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ib. Glycerophosphoric. 2 5 % . 1-lb

................... ........


. .







Hydriodic 10% U S . P 5-lb . b o t . . ....................... .Ib. Eydrobromic Eydrobromic, 48% cbys cbys., wks . .I b. Hydrochloric. 20'. H;drochloric. 20°.tan!&, tanke. wks . ........................ 100 lbs Hydrofluoric. 30%. bbls., wks . . . . I b. 60%. bbls., wks . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ih. Hydrofluosilic. 36%. bbls., wks . . . I b. Hypophosphorua. 30%. U S P., 5gal demis ............ lb Lactic. 22yo.dark. bbls ..........Ib. 48%. light. bbls., wks . I b.

. . ..



. .




Molybdic. 85%. kegs ............ I b. Naphthenic. drums. ............. I b. Naphthionic. tech., bbls. .I b. Nitric. c . P .. cbys . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I b. Nitric. 36'. c/l., cbys., wks


....... .

. 85 .40 .04 .80 . 18




. 13% 3.25 28 . 60


.11 . 35 . 77


.65 . 67

.45 1.35 .07 15 . 11


.75 . 04

. 11% . 16 . 29 .07 .008

1.25 -14 nom . . 11 5.00

. 11%

Oxalic. bbls., wks .

. 14 .65 . 30 1.60 .33 .58 . 10%



Tartaric. U S. P., cryst., bbls . . . . Ib. Tungstic. kegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lb Valeric. c P., 10-lb . bot . . . . . . . . ..I b. Alcohol. U S . P., 190 proof.




Amyl. I m p drums . . . . . . . Butyl. drums. c/L. wks Pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denatured. No . 5 . comp . d c/L. drums


1.60 15.00 10.50 18.50 42.00 23

. . 25

1.35 2.50 4.485 143 1.75 . 072 . 13 .85



.3 5 %

. ... . .........

. 35 Furfuryl. tech., 500-lb drums .I b. 4.00 Isoamyl. d r u m s . . . 60 Isobutyl. ref., drums . g a1. 45 Isopropyl. ref., drums . . . . . . . . .. p aI. 75 Propyl. rei., drums . . . . . . . . . . . .ga 1. Wood see Methanol 21 Aldol. 95%. drums. c/l . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. .. 65 Alpha-naphthol. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . Ib 33 Alpha-naphthylamine. bbls . . . . . . . . .lb Alum ammonia lump bbls .. wks . ........................ 100 Ibs . 3 . 0 0 7.00 Chrome. casks. w k s . , . . . . . . . 100 lbs . 3.00 Potash. lump. bbls., wks 100 lbs 4.00 Soda bbls w k s . , . . . . . . . . . .100 lbs . Aluminum. metal. N . Y . . . . . . .100 lbs . 22.90 Aluminum chloride. anbyd., com. 05 mercial. wks., drums extra. c/l . . . .Ib. Aluminum stearate. 100-lb. bbl . . . . .I b. . 18 Aluminum suliate. comm'l. bags. 1.35 wks ..................... 100 lbs . 1.90 Iron-free. bags. wks . . . . . . . . .100 lhs. 1.15 Aminoazobenzene. 100-lb. kegs lb . Ammonia. anhydrous. c 15% . 04% 50.000-lb . tanks. wks . Ammonia. aqua. 26'. t contained NHs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ib. . 05% Ammonium acetate. kegs . . . . . . . . ..I b. .33 Bifluoride. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . b. . 15% Bromide. bbla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ib . . 39












Lump. casks . . . . . . . .


Nitrate. tech., cryst., bbls . I b. Oleate. d r u m s . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Oxalate. kegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Persulfate. cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphate. dibasic. tech., bbls Suliats bulk. wks . . . . . . . . . . . . Amylene. tanks. wks



tanks. delivered . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Amyl chloride. normal drums. wka . . I b. Amyl chlorides. mixed. tanks. wka . . Ib. Amyl lactate. drums. wks ......... . I b. Amyl mercaptan. drums. wka .I b. . I b. Amyl stearate drums w h



. . . . . . . .. Ib.

. . . . . . . ..I b. Oxide. bbls .................... .I b. Salt. dom., bbls., ...............Ib. Sulfide. crimson. bbls .I b. Golden. bbls ..................Ib. Vermilion. bbls ................I b. Argols. red powder. bbls ............ Ib. Arsenic. metal. kegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Red. kegs. cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb ..


Chloride. bbls., wka

................. .................

. . . . .

. 08 5.50 . 10% 3.40 .12 . 08% . 10 . 24 . 20 . 08% 24.00 .09 . 135 .56 .06

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

50 1.10 31 16% 75 50 14% 13 10% 22 25 . 16 38 07 .44 15% 04% 15.00 45.00 74.00 12 05

. .

Hydroxide. bbls lb . Nitrate. casks . Ib. . 08% Barium thiocyanate. 400-lb bbls ....Ib . 27 Barytes. Boated. 350-lb bbls., wks . ........................... ton 23.00 Benzaldehyde. tech., drums . . . . . . . .Ib . 60 1.40 1.15 Benzidine base. bbls ...............Ib. .65 Benzine. tanks. wka . . . . . . . . . . . . ..gaI. . 15 Benzoyl chloride. drums ...........Ib 40 Benzyl acetate. F E'. .60 Alcohol. d r u m s . , 75 Chloride. tech., drums . . . . . . . . . .. I b. 30 Beta-naphthol. bbla . 24 Beta-naphthylamine. bbls . . . . . . . . . .Ib .58 Bismuth metal. cases . I b. 1.10 Bismuth. nitrate. 254b jars .I b. 1.10








.. .

............ . ....... 603


. . .

2.95 1.40 65.00 1.90 .06

. OSX .018 . 10% .36 .50 1.75

Bordeaux mixture. bbls Bromine. bot. . . . . . . . . . Bromobenzene. drums . . . Bromoform. jars . . . . . . . .


Acetate. drums c/l . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Aldehyde drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ib. Carbinol. is0 tanka. wka . . . . . . . . . I b. Carbinol. norm., drums. wks . . . . .Ib. Carbinol. sec., a k a . , . . . . . . . . . . .. Ib. Lactate. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Oleate. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ib .. Stearate, drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I b. Cadmium. metal. cases . . . . . . . . . .. I b. Cadmium bromide. 50-lb. jars . . . . . . Ib. Cadmium sulfide, boxes. . . . . . . . . . . lb . Caffeine. U . S . P., 5-lb . c a n s . , . . . . . .Ib.

. .



.13 .18 .326 .60 .60 .22% .25 .25 .65

1.25 .60 1.85 210

. 064; . 054;

Cyanide. 100-lb. drums .......... I b. Gluconate. U . S . P..............I b.

. 06% .

19.60 30 .57 .28 25.50


. 11

.50 .80 . 08 .051 .04t .06

Carbazole. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . Carbon. activated. d r u m s . ,

. 05%

. 12% .80 .25 Chloral hydrate. drums Chlorine. tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 lbs . Chlorobenzene. mono-, drums Ib . Chloroform. tech., drums . I b. Chromium acetate. 20' soln., bbls . I b. Coal tar. bbls., wks Cobalt. metal. kegs

...... .........


Copperas. c/l., bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ton Copper. metal. elec . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . lbs Copper carbonate. bbls., 52/54% . . .I b. Chloride bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . b.



Oxide. red. hbls Cream tartar. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ib . Crotonaldehyde. 50-gal . drums. c/l

. .Ammonia unit . . . . . . . . . . . .. l I.. Diamylamine. drums u.ks . . . . . . . . .Ib.


Diamyl ether. drums. wka . . . . . . . . .. Ib. Diamyl sulfide. drums. wks . . . . . . .. l b Diamyl phthalate. tanks . . . . . . . .

. .

. . .

.06 9.00 .70 .055 2.00 .06

.20 .05 8.50 2.50 1.26 27.00 14.00 9.00 15%


.37 .15 3.85 . 40 .16% .26 1.074; 3.80 1.00 08% .09 1.10 .18


? T h i s is the approximate F 0 B . shipping point price . Quotations are now all on a delivered basis and vary with the section * F . 0 . B destination .



VOL . 27. NO . 5


Dianisidine. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb . Dibutoxyethyl phthalate. wks., drums



............................ lb Dibutyl ether. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I b. Dibutylphthalate . drums . wks., . . . .Ib .

.42 .30 . 20 .35

. . . . . . . .. I b. . drums, .......................... .I b.

Dibutyl tartrate,.drums.-. Dichlorethyl ether. 50-gal c/l Dicbloropentanes, tanka Diethanolamine drums . Diethylaniline. drums Diethylene glycol, drums

. 21 .02% . 31 .52 . 15% .26 . 15 .26 .60 . 18% .20 .24 . 95 -29 .60 ..4520 . 17 ..3414% ..2315 .31 .36


......... .I b.


.... .

Diethylene oxide. 50-gal drums .Ib Diethyl carbinol. d r u m , wks .I b. Diethyl phthalate, drums ......... .I b.




Diphenylguanidine bbls ............Ib Epsom salt, tech., bble., c/L, N Y . 100 Ibs . 1.80 Ether, conc., drums ...............I b. .09 Ether, nitrous bot 75 Ethyl acetate. tanka, c/l 07% Acetoacetate, 110-gal drums .I b. 37 .I b. Bromide, drums .50 Carbonate. SOY0, 50-gal drums . .gaI. 1.85 Chlorcarbonate, carboy: Ib 30 Chloride, drums. .I b. 22 Ether, absolute, 50-gal drums Ib 50 Furorate. 1-lb tins ..............I b. 5.00 Methyl ketone. drums ...........I b. 30 Ethylbenaylaniline. 300-lb drums .. . Ib. . 88 Ethylene dichloride 50-gal drums . .I b. .05% Ethylenecblorohydrin.anbyd., 75 Glycol, c/l nka . I b. 17 Monobutyl ether, drums .........I b. 10 Monoethyl ether, drums .I b. 15 M . onoethyl ether acetate, d r u m . .I b. .16% Monomethyl ether, drums . . . . . ..I b. 21 .I b. Oxide. cy Iinders 75 Feldspar bulk .ton 10.00 Ferric chloride, tech., bbla ......... .I b. 05 Ferrous chloride, cryst., bbls .. 06 2.50 31.00 .06 Formaniline, drums Ib . 37% Fuller's earth, bags, c/L, mines .ton 6.50 Furiural, drums tech., contract, worka .I b. .IO Acetate, tine . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I b. 6.00 Glauber 8 aalt bbls.... 1.00 Glucose, 70'. bags, dry 3.14 Glycerine. c . P., drums . 14% Qlyceryl phthalate. drums 28 Qlycol phthalate, drum 29 Stearate, drums .I b. 23 G salt bbls . I b. 42 Hexainerhylenetetramine tech., drums .I b. 87 Hydrogen peroxide, 25 vol., bbls ... .I b. 05% .I b. 1.20 Hydroquinone, kegs 12 Indigo, 20% paste. bbls .......... .I b. Iodme, crude. kgs 15s Id . Iodine. resubl., jars 1.90 iron acetate. liq 17", bbls c/l ..I b. 03 Iiobutyl carbinol (12S-lUZo C.), 32 Ether, drums ... 07 Kieselguhr. bags . . . . ton 50.00 Lead. metal N . Y 100 Ibs. 3 . 5 5

........................ . . ......... ....


. .... ............... . ......... . .............. . .... . . .




. . . .

. . . . .

............... ........


................ ..................


. .

. .



... . ...................... .



... .












. . ......

. .


.. ...

. .



Oxide litharge. bbla., 20-ton Iota . I b. Peroxide, drums .I b. Ib . Red. bbls., 2 Suliate. bbls Ib . White. baeic carb., bbls . . . . . . . .Ib Lime. hydrated. bbls ..........100 lba Lime, live. chemical. bble .. m ks .. 280 Ibm. Limoatone ground. bags. wka ..... .ton Lithopone. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I. b. Magnasite calcined, 500-lb bbla











..08 11 . 0515 0615 .. 08 ..85 06%

1.70 4.50 04%



............ .......

Magnesium. metal. u ks Ib . .30 hfagnesium carbonate. bags . I b. 06% Chloride. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t o n 3 6 . 0 0 Fluosilicate. cryat., bbla ..........Ib 10 Oxide. U . S. P., light. bbls .Ib. 42 Manganese chloride. casks .........Ib .07% Dioxide. 80%. bbls . . . . . . . . . . ..ton 80.00 Sulfate. casks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I b. . 09 Mercury bichloride. cryst., 100 Ibs .. . I b. . 71 Rlercury. Baeks. 76 Ibs ...........flask 7 3 . 0 0 .. hleta.nitroaniline. hbls . . . . . . . . . . . Ib 67 Meta-phenylenediamine. bbls .......Ib . 82 Meta.tolylenediamine bbla . .67 lfethanol pure. synthetic. drums. delivered. c/l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . 37% Taliks. delivered . e a I. . 35% Methyl acetone, tanks . al . . 44 Methyl chloride. cyliud Ib . .45 Hexyl ketone. pure . Ib . 1.20 Methyl propyl carbinol. drums. 60 .Ib . JIethyl salicylate. cases 42 Bfichler's ketone. bbls .............. I b. 2.50 Xfonoamylaniine drums, wks . I b. 1.00 Monoethanolamine, drums., . . . . . . .Ib . 31 Mononiethylaruine. drums .I b. 75 . 04% .35 11%

. . .

. ...... .

. .






........... ...... . ........



............ .......... ................ . . ........

Prussiate. red. caaka .Ib. Yellow. csska .................. I b. Titanium oxalate. bbls . I b. Pyridine. drums .gal Pyrocatechin c P., drums .I b. Resorcinol. tech., kegs .............I b. Rochelle salt. bbla., U S. P.........I b. R salt. bbls .I b. Saccharin. cans ...................Ib Salt cake. bulk ..ton






.......... ..................... ............ .........

Silver nitrate. 16.0~. bot .o a. Soda. ash. 5 8 % light, baps. contract, wks 100 Ibs Soda. caustic, 76% solid, druma. 100 Ibs . contract. wka Sodium abietate, drums., . I b.



. . ....... .I b. ...................I b.

Corn crude. tanks. mills. Cottonseed oil refined, tanka Linseed, bbls Menhaden. crude. tanks.


Olive oil. denat., bbls Foots. bbls .....

.......... .gaI .

Perilla . bbls ....................I b. Rapeseed. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .gaI. Red. bbls Soy bean. crude. tanks .......... .Ib. Sperm. 38'. bb \Vhale, bbls., n Ortho-aminophen Ortho-dichlorobenzene. Ortho-nitrochlorobenzene.drums ... .I b. Ortho-nitrophenol, bbls ............Ib . Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums Ortho-toluidine. bbla . . . . . . Paraldehyde, 110-50-gal . Para-aminophenol, kegs ............Ib Para-dichlorobenzene .... Para-formaldehyde. cases Paraldehyde, tech., drum Para-nitraniline. drums . . . . . . . . . . . .Ib . Para-nitrochlorobenzene druma .....I b. Para-nitrophenol. bbls Ib Para.nitrosodimethylaniline, bbls ...Ib Para-nitrotoluene. bbls Ib Para-phenylenediamine. bbls Ib Para-tertiary amyl phenol, drums,


. ............. .

. ............. . ........ .



11.50 .09 . 15 10% . 13%


. 05% . 35

. 09% .12% .093 . 30 .11% . 14% . 85 .08% . 10% . 08 .50 .08% .09 .099 . 064



.28 .85 .07 . 14 . 16 .78 .16 .38 .20% .48 .25 .45 . 92 .35


..50 56 .23 ..6014%

3.75 Phloroglucinol tech., drums ........I b. 15.00 c P., drums . I b. 20.00 Phosphorus. red, cases .I b. 45 Ib . Oxychloride, cylinders 20 Trichloride cy1................ .I b. . 18 .I b. Phthalic anhydride. bbls 14% Platinum, metal. solid ............ . o a. 3 6 . 0 0 Potash, caustic. drums 06% Potassium abietate ............ .06 Acetate, kegs .I b. 27 07% 08% 14 Binoxalate. bbls .I b. Bromide .I b. 35 Carbonate. 8 0 4 5 % calc., casks .I b. 07 Chlorate. kegs .I b. 09 Chloride. crystals, bbla .I b. 04% Cyanide. cases ....... * 55 10% Muriate. fert., bulk per Ks0 unit 40 Permanganate drums Ib . * 18%



............ .... .......... ......... ..................


................ . . ................. .........


. . .............

. . . . . .. . . . .

. ..


18 .32 1.25 2.75 *75 .14 .44 1.70 13.00 .06 22 * 00 39%


1.23 2.60

.06 .05

Bicarbonate. bblr.,

.64 .46


1.85 .06% 03 35 .05 12 * 00 -15% .07% 19 3.25 2.65 .13 .52

. .


...........ton . . . . . . . . . . ..I b. Octyl acetate. tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ib. Oil. castor, No . 1................. I b. China wood. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I b. Coconut. tanks . . . . . . . . . . Cod. N . F., bbls . . . . . . . . .


Chloride. bags. . . . Cyanide, cases . . . . . . Fluoride. bbla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . b. Uetallic. drum& 12'/4-1b bricks . . I b. Metasilicate. cryst 100 Iba Metasilicate gran .. bbls 100 Ibs . Napbthenate. drums .Ib. Napbthionnte, bbla ............. .I b. Nitrate. crude, 200-lb bags, N Y ............................ ton 24.80 Nitrite, bbls ............... .07% Perborate. bble., .17 Peroxide. cases ........ .I b. *20 2.00 Phosphate, trisodium bbls ...100 Ibs 2.60 Picramate. kegs .................I b. .67 Prussiate. bbla . I b. 11% Silicate drums tanka, 40°.. . 100 Ibs *80 Silicofluoride, bhls ............. .I b. .04% stannate. drums., . 32% Sulfate. anhyd., bbl 1.30 Sulfide cryst bbls. 02% 03% Sulfocyanide. bbla ...... .30 .02% Tungstate, kegs .I b. .90 Strontium carbonate, tech bb .07% Nitrate. bbls 08% Peroxide. 100-lb. drums 1.25 Sulfur, bulk. mines, wks . t o n 18.00 Sulfur chloride, red, drums .I b. .05 Yellow, drums ................. .I b. .03% Sulfur dioxide. commercial, cy1 .I b. .07 Sulfuryl chloride, druma .I b. .10 Tetrachlorethane 50-gal . d r u m Ib . 08% .25 47%

. .......... . ..... ........... . . .





. .





. . .



................ .. .............. ..... .......... ........


.... ....





........................ .Ib . .................... . I b. ...... .I b. ...................gaI. ......... Ib. ....... .I b. .............Ib. ... .I b. .....Ib .

bbls Oxide. bbls Titanium dioxide. bbls., wka Toluene. tanks Triamylamine. drums, wks Triamyl borate. drums. wka Tribromophenol. casTrichloroethylene. 50-gal . druma Triethanolamine. 50-gal . drums

........ .............. . ..... ................... .......... . . . ...... . ...... .

Triphenyl phosphate, bbla .I b. Tungsten, powder., .I b. Urea. pure. cases .I b. Vinyl chloride, 16-lb cylinders . I b. Whiting bags .ton Xylene. 10'. tanks, wka .pa I. Xylidine. drums. .................Ib Zinc, metal, E St Louis 100 Ibs Zinc ammonium chloride, bbln Chloride. granulated, drums Ib Oxide, Amer., bbla .I b. Perborate, 100-lb drums .I b. Peroxide. 100-lb drums .I b. Stearate. bbls .I b. Zinc dust bbla., c/l .Ib.



. ............. ........


. ......... ..................


.24% .51 .17% .30 1.25 .40 1.10 09% .26


.40 .35 .58 .37 1.65 1s 1.00 7.00 .30 .36 3.70 0465 .05 .06 1.25 1.26 .20


