Dibutylphthalate. drums. wks ...... lb . Dibutyl tartrate. drums ........... lb . Dichlorethyl ether. 6O-gd . drums. Diethyladline. drums . . Diethyle...
2 downloads 9 Views 330KB Size






.16 . 27 .38 .26 .21

. ........... .

Aeetaldehyde. drums IC-l., wks .....Ib Aoetaldol drums Ib Aoetamide. drums .Ib. Acetanilide U 8 P powd., bbls .Ib. Aoetic anhydride. 92-95%. cbya Acetone. drums. wks., c/l ..... Aeetphenetidin. bbls ...............Ib Acid. abietic . . . . . . . .Ib Acetic. 28%. c a. 100 Ibs 56%. c/l., bblr 100 lbs Glacial. o/L. drums ....... 100 Ibs Glacial. U f3 P., c/L, carboys 100 Ibs

. . ................ .. ...


.. 1...073120 . 2.45


. .


.. ......................


.............. . ....... .. .................... .................... ......

Benzoic. tech., bbls Ib Boric. teoh., bbls .ton Butyric. 100% basis. cbys .Ib. Chloroacetic. mono.. bbls., wks .Ib. Di.. cbys .Ib. Tri-. bbla . Ib. Chlorosulfonic. drums. wks .Ib. Chromic. 99% drums .......... .I b. Cinnamio bottles ...............Ib. Citric. U S P., cryet., b


. . . .

4.75 8.43

11.00 70 .72 85 40 95.00 80 18 1.00 2.60 03% 14% 3.25 28 68 11 35 77

. . .


. . . . . . .

. ... .Ib. ........ .......... .ga1. .....

Furfuryl. tech., drums Isoamyl. drums Isobutyl. ref., drums Isopropyl. ref., drums .. Propyl. ref., drums Wood. see Methanol Aldol. 95%. drums. c/l Alpha.naphtho1 bbls ..




....I b.


...............I b. Hydro0uosilic. 35%. bbls., wks ....Ib. Hypophosphorus. 30%. U . 8 . P.,6gal . demis.................... Ib . 60%. bbls., wks



......... ..... ............ ..

. ..



. .


. . 04% .05% .33 .16% .39 .08 5.50 . 10%

Ammonium ac

Lactic. 22% dark. 48%. light. bbls., Linoleic. drums Maleic. kegs

. 11% . 16 .29 .07


........ ......... . Ib. ................Ib.. .

Naphthionic. tech., bbls Nitric. a P., cbya Nitrio. 36'. c/l., cbys., wk8


Sebacic. tech., drums

. . .

. . . . . .

........................ . ........... ........... ... ........... .............. . . ................. . . ......... . .

1001bs 66O. tanks. wks 60'. tanks. wks Oleum. 20% tanks. wks 40%. tanks. wks .ton .I b. Tannic. tech., bbls Tartaric. U S P., cryst., bbls ... .I b. .I b. Tungstic. kegs Valeric. a P., bot .Ib. Alcohol. U S P., 190 proof. bbls ..ea I. Amyl. from pentane. tanks Amyl. Imp . drums Butyl. drums. e L wks .I b. .I b. Capryl. tech Pure .I b. .I b. Cinnamic. Denatured. No 5. oomp denat., cP., drums .ga1.


......... ................... ....................... ......... .

.008 1.25 14 nom 11

5.00 11% 14 $65 a0 1.60 33 58 -10 18




3.40 .12 .08% . 10 24


. .


1.60 16.00 10.50 18.50 42.00 23 25 1.35 2.50 4.486 143 1.76 12 85 2.50 3.50

. .

. . .


.21 .66 .33

Alum. ammonia. lump. bbls., wks ........................ 1001bs. 3 . 0 0 7.00 Chrome. casks wks 100 Iba 3.00 Potash. lump. bbls., wks 100 Iba 4.00 Soda. bbls., wks 100 Iba Aluminum. metal. N . Y 22.90 Aluminum chloride. anh meroial. wks., drums extra. c/l . Ib. 05 Aluminum stearate. . bbl .....Ib . . 18 Aluminum sulfate. comm'l. bags. wks ..................... 100 Ibs 1.35 bags. wks 100 Ibs 1.90 Aminoazobenzene. . k 1.15 16%

. 67 .45 1.35 07 15 .11



1.40 .66

Hydriodic. 10%. bot Hydrobromic. 48% cbys., wks Hydrochloric. 20'. tanks. wks


35 4.00 -11% .45 76

20 .08%


Sulfate. bulk. wks 22.00 Amylene. tanks. wks .Ib. 09 Amyl acetate. tech., from pentane. tanks. delivered lb 135 Amyl chloride. normal. drums. wks Ib .56 Amyl ahloridea. mixed. tanks. wks lb .06 Amyl mercaptan drums. wks .Ib. 1.10 Aniline oil drums .................Ib. . 16% Anthracene. 80-85%. casks. wks .Ib. 75 Anthraquinone. subl., bbls 50 Antimony. metal 12% Antimony chloride. drums .........Ib. 13 Oxide. bbls .13 Salt. dom., bbla .22 Sulfide. crimson. bbls ... .25 Golden. bbls 22 Argols. red powder. bbls .I b. .07 Arsenic. metal. kegs., Ib .44 Red. kegs. cases .. 15% .04% Asbestine. bulk. c/l .ton 15.00 Barium carbonate. bbls., bags. wks ..ton 4 5 . 0 0 Chloride. bbls .. wka .ton 74.00 Dioxide. drs., wks 12


............... .

.. . ... . ......

. .


. . . .

......... ............ ........ .........

........... ............. .

.............. ............ .....


. .






Barytes. floated bbls., wka


. 27


ton 2 3 . 0 0 Benzaldehyde. tech., dr Ib 60 F F C., cbys Ib . 1 . 4 0 U 9 P., cbys Ib 1.15 Benzidine base. bbls ...............I b. 72 Benzine. tanks wks .............. .gal 18 Benzoyl chloride. drums .I b. 40 Benzyl acetate. F F C., bottl .60 Alcohol. drums 75 Chloride. tech., drums .I b. 30 Beta.naphtho1 bbls Ib 24 Beta-naphthylamine. bbls Ib 58 Bismuth. metal. caaes., . Ib. 1.00 .I b. Bismuth. nitrate jars. 1-10

. . . .



........ ........


. .

. .

. . ............ .......... ................ . .......... . . . .......... ...... 263

. . .

.. . .

. . .. .............. . ........................ . .................. ................. ........... ............. . ............... .... ............. ................ . .....

Oxychloride. boxes .............. Ib 2.95 Subnitrate. U S P., 26-lb jars .Ib. 1.40 Blanc fixe. dry. bbls .ton 6 6 . 0 0 Bleaching powder. drums. wka 100 Iba 2.00 Bone ash. kegs., .Ib. *06 Bone black. bbls .Ib. 08% Borax. bags .................... .ton 40.00 Bordeaux mixture. bbla .Ib. 10% Bromine. bot .................... .I b. .36 Ib Bromobenzene. drums .60 Bromoform. jars.. .Ib. 1.78 .Ib. Butyl acetyl rioinoleate. drums 24 Acetate. drums. c/l .I b. 12 Ib Aldehyde. drums .18 Carbinol. norm., drums. wks .Ib. .60 Carbinol. sec., wks ..............Ib. .60 .22% Oleate. drums .. 26 .26 65 1.25 Cadmium sulfide. boxes Ib 1.00 Caffeine. U S P., cans ....... .Ib. 1.85 2.10 Arsenate. bbls 06% Carbide drums .I b. .05% Carbonate. U S P., precip., 175-lb bbls .Ib. .06% .ton 19.60 Chloride. bags. wka., flake lb Cyanide. drums .30 * 57 .28 Nitrate. bags. 15% N .ton 2 5 . 5 0 Phosphate. monoba Ib .07% Tribas., bbls ..... .Ib. 11 Camphor. Jap., slabs .lb .56 Carbazole. bbls .I b. .80 Carbon. activated. dru ..I b. .os lb Carbon bisulfide. drum 051 Carbon black Ib .04t Carbon dioxide. lis, cy1........... .I b. .06 Carbon tetrachloride. drums ........Ib *OS% Casein. stand gr., bbla Ib 14% .80 25 Charcoal. willow. powd., bbls .I b. .06 .ton China clay. bulk 8.00 Chloral hydrate. drums 70 Chlorine. lip CA., cyl.*. 058 Chlorine. tanks 2.15 Chlorobenzene. mono-. drums Ib .06 Chloroform. tech drums Ib. .20 Chromium acetate. 20' s o h . bbls .Ib. .OB Coal tar. bbls., wks 8.60 Cobalt. metal. kegs 2.60 Cobalt oxide. bbls 1.39 14.00 Copper. metal. elec 100 Ibs 9.25 Copper carbonate. bbls., 52/54% .I b. 16% Chloride. bbls .Ib. Cyanide. drums .................Ib. Oxide. red. bbls .................Ib. Sulfate. c/l., bbls ...........100 Ibs 3.86 Cotton. soluble. bbls ...............I b. .40 Cream tartar. bbls .Ib .16% Crotonaldehyde. drums. c/l ..Ib. .26 Cyanamide. bulk. N . Y ..Ammonia unit 1.07% Diaminophenol. kegs .......... 3.80 Diamylamine. drums. wks 1.00 Diamylene. tanka. wka ............ .I b. 08% Diarnyl ether. drums. wks .I b. .09 Diamyl sulfide. drums. wks .L b. 1 . 1 0 Diamyl phthalate. tanka .I b. .18

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .



............ .


................ . . . ........................ ...... . .......... . .......... .... . .. ............. . .................. . ... . ......... ... . . . ............. .


................ . . ......... ...... . .. .......... ..

... .. .... ............ . .. ..................






. .


. ................ .

. . ................

...... ......... ........



. . .

1 This 18 the approximate F 0 B shipping Dint price . Quotations are now all on a delivered gasis and vary with the section F 0. B destination

* .






Dibutylphthalate. drums. wks lb Dibutyl tartrate. drums . Dichlorethyl ether. 6O-gd drums.



Diethyladline. drums Diethylene glycol. drum Monobutyl ether. dru Monoethyl ether. drums Diethylene oxide. drums Diethyl carbinol. drums. wks Diethyl phthalate. drums ...... Diethyl sulfate. tech., drums


..... ... ...

.42 .a0 .20

. ..

.35 .21 ..31 02% .62 .15% .26 .15


Ferrous chloride. cryst., bbls Ferrous sulfide. bbls 100 lbs



Formaldehyde. bbls Formaniline. drums

works . . . . . . . . . . . .




...................... .................

G salt. bbls . I b. Hexamethylenetetramine. teoh., drums Hydrogen peroxide. 25 vol., Hydroquinone. kegs ....... Indigo. 20% paste. bbls .... Iodine. resubl., jars ............... I b. bon acetate. liq., 1 7 O . bbls., c/l .I b.


Sulfate. bbls ....

. . Limestone. ground. bags. wks ......ton Litbopone. bbls Lime. hydrated. bbls ..........100 lba Lime. live. chemical. bbls., wks

. ...........................

Magnesite. oalcined. 600-lb bbls., wks .ton

.... ....... ..........


. 88 '05%


Red. bbls ....... Soy bean. crude. Sperm. 38'. bbls Whale. bbls., natural. refined . . . . .I b. 0rtho.aminophenol. kegs ...........Ib 0rtho.dichlorobensene. drums ......Ib Ortho-nitrochlorobenzene.drums ....Ib. Ortho-nitrophenol. bbls., ..........I b. Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums . . . . . . . . Ib .. Ortho-toluidine. bbls Ib Paraldehyde. 110-50-gal drums . . . . Ib. Para-aminophenol. keg8 Para-dichlorobenzene..... Para-formaldehyde. 0aee.s. Paraldehyde. tech., drums Para-nitraniline. drums lb Para-nitrochlorobenzene.drums .....Ib. Para-nitrophenol. bbls., . . . . . . . . . . lb . Para-nitroeodimethylaniljne. bbls .I b. Para-nitrotoluene. bbls

.75 .17

. 20 . 15 .16% .21

. .


10.00 .05

............... .



06 2.50 31.00 .06 37% 6.50


. ............ . . ...

. 10 1.00 3.14 14% 28 .29 .23

. .

.03 .35

.05 12.00 15% .07% .19 3.25 2.65 . 13 . 52


... . 106 . 36

. 13% : 14%

.78 . 08% . 0934 .. 07% 56

Peroxide. cases

. 09 .099 . 075


Phosphate. trisodium. bbls., 100 Ibs


. . . 055,. . 32

Sulfate. anhyd., bb

1.30 .0234 03% .30 02% .90 . 07%


. .

. 08 .28 .85 . 07 . 14 .16 . 78 . 16 .38 . 20% . 47 . 25 . 45 .92 . 35

. 60


1.20 . 12 1.65 .03


1.25 18.00 .05 03% .07

. . 10

..2508% .47% .24%


3.75 15.00 20.00






. 11 .08 .06 .20 .07 .06 ..06% 85

. 52 .17% 30 1.25 1.10 09%

4 ~

PhosphoruR. red. cases . Ib. . 45 20 Oxyohloride. 175-lb cylinders . . . .lb. Trichloride. cyl., ...............Ib. .18 Phthalic anhydride. bbls .......... . Ib. . 14% Platinum. metal . . . . . . . . .oz. 36.00 Potash. caustic. 06% .06 Potassium abiet




Triphenyl phosphate bbls . Ib. Tungsten. powder., ...............I b. Urea. pure. oases.................. I b.

Bioarbonate. casks .. Binoxalate. bbls................ . I b. Bromide ....................... lb Carbonate 8046% ca!~., casks . .I b. Chlorate. kegs ..................I b.





Meta-bisulfite. bbls ............. . lb. Muriate. fert., bulk. per EGO unit Permanganate drums Ib


.... ........... .

24.80 .07% 17 .20 2.10 2.30 .67 11% 80




. 50 . 56 . 23 .1







. . .


Cottonseed. oil refined. tanks . Ib. Linseed. boiled. bbls ............. Ib. Menhaden. crude. tanks .ga1. Neat's-foot. pure. bbls .Ib. Oleo. N o 1. bbls., lb. Olive oil. denat., bbls ...........ga1. Foots. bbls ................... Ib. Peanut. crude. tanks . . . . . . . . . . ..Ib . Perilla. bbls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ib.


1.70 4.50 04%

2.60 00 05 64 .40 1.85


1.80 .09 . 75 0734 $37 . 50 1.85 30 . 22 .50 5.00 30



.14 .52



32 50.00 4.50

Peroxide. drums


13.00 06 22.00 . 36%

....... . . . ......... .



Glauber's salt. bbls ..... Gluoose. 70°. bags. dry 100 lbs Glyoerine. c P., drums ............I b. Glyceryl phthalate. drums


. .

Monoamylamine. drums. wks lb Monoethanolamine. drums .........Ib Monomethylamine. drums . . . . . . . . .Ib Naphthalene. flake. bbls., . Ib. Nickel. metal., ...................Ib Nickel salt. single bbls ............. Ib. Double. bbls .................... Ib. Niter cake. bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ton Nitrobenzene. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . .lb . Octyl acetate. tanks ............... I b. Oil. castor. No 1....... China wood. bbls ...... Coconut. tanks . . Cod. N . F., bbls


........... . . . . .........



.35 .18 .32 1.30 2.40





................ .. .......

Methyl acetone.

. 14% . 34 . 23 .15 .31 .36

Furorate. 1-lb tins ..............Ib. lb Methyl ketone. drums Ethylbenzylaniline. 300-lb drums .. .lb. Ethylene dichloride. 5 0 . d drums ...Ib Ethylenechlorohydrin,anhyd., Glycol. o h . , wks Monobutyl ether. drums Monoethyl ether. drums ......... Ib. Monoethyl ether acetate. drums . .I b. Monomethyl ether. drums ...... .I b.



Prussiate red. caiks .............Ib. Yellow. casks .Ib. Titanium oxalate. bbls Pyridine. drums., Pyrocatechin. c P., drums Resorcinol. tech., kegs Rochelle salt. bble., U S P.........Ib. R salt. bbls ...................... . Ib.


. 24 . 95 . 29 . 60 . 45 .20 .17

Chlorcarbonate. carbo

. .



. 26 . 60 . 18% . 20

Bromide. drums ......

........... ....... .

Magnesium. metal. wks . Ib. 30 Magnesium carbonate. bags .Ib 06% Chloride. drums ................ton 36.00 Fluosilicate cryst., bbls., .I b. .10 .42 Oxide. U 8 P., light. bbls .I b. Manganese chloride. casks 8 0 :: % Dioxide. 80%. bbls ............ .ton Sulfate. casks . Ib. Mercury bichloride. cryst., 100 lbs.. . Ib. Mercury flasks. 76 lbs ............flask




VOL 28 . NO . 2



. 14

.35 .06

.09 .04% .55

. 10%


. .

Zinc. metal. E S t Zinc ammonium c

.40 .35 .58 137 1.65

. 15

1.00 7.00 .30 36 4.85 0465

. .


.05 Stearate. bbls .... Zinc d u s t . bbla.. c.'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I b.

1.25 1.25 .20 .066