100 Ibs . Aluminum chloride. anhyd., com- mercial. wks., drums extra. c/l ... .I b. Aluminum stearate . 100-lb . bbl ..... lb . Aluminum sulfate. comm...
2 downloads 9 Views 350KB Size



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4cetaldehyde. drums. lc-l., wks lb 16 27 Acetaldol. drums Ib 38 Acetamide. drums Ib 26 Acetanilide. U S P., powd., bbls .Ib. 21 Acetic anhydride. 92-95T0. cbys .Ib. 09% Acetone. drums. wks., c/l lb 1.30 Acetphenetidin. bbls lb 07 Aaid. abietic lb 2.45 Acetic. 28%. c/L. bbls 100 lbs 4.75 56%. c/l., bbls 100 lbs 8.43 Glacial. c/l., drums 100 lba Glacial. U 8 P., c/l., carboys 100 lbs 11.00 70 Acetylsalicylic. bbla Ib 72 Adipic lb 85 Anthranilic. QQ-lOO%. drums Ib 40 Benaoic. tech., bbls Ib Boric. tech., bbls .ton 95.00 Butyric. 100% basis. cbys .Ib. 80 18 Chloroacetic. mono-. bbls., wks .Ib. 1.00 Di-. ebys .Ib. 2.50 Tri-. bbls .Ib. 03% Chlorosulfonic. drums. wks lb 148% Chromic. 99%. drums .Ib. 3.25'Cinnamic. bottles lb Citric. U S P., cryst., bbls .I b. 27 Cresylic. pale. drums . g s1. 68 11 Formic. 90% cbys N Y . I b. Furoic. tech., drums., Ib 35 Gallic. U 8 P., bbls Ib 77 Glycerophosphoric. 25%. 1-lb 1.40 bot .Ib. H bbls wks .I b. 65 Hydriodic. 10%. U 8 P., 5-lb bot .I b. 67 Hydrobromic. 48%. cbys., wka lb 45 Hydrochloric. 20°. tanks. wks 1.35 100 Ibs Hydrofluoric. 30%. bbls., wks .Ib. 07 60%. bbls., wks .I b. 15 Ib 11 Rydrofluosilic. 35%. bbla., wks Hypophosphorus. 30%. U S P., 5gal demis .Ib. 75 Lactic. 22%. dark. bbls .Ib. 04 48% light. bbls., wks .I b. 11% Linoleic. drums .I b. 16 .Ib. Maleic. kegs 29 Mixed. tanks. wks N unit 07 8 unit 008 .Ib. 1.25 Molybdic. 85% kegs Ib Naphthenic. drums 14 Naphthionic. tech., bbla .I b. nom .I b. Nitric. a P., cbys 11 Nitric. 36O. c/l., cbys., wks 1001bs 6.00 Oxalic. bbls., wks .I b. 11% .I b. 14 Phosphoric. 50% U 8 P Picramic. bbls .I b. 65 Picric. bbla., c/l Ib 30 Pyrogallic lb 1.60 Balicylic. tech., bbls .I b. 33 Sebacic. tech., drums lb 68 Stearic. d p bbls., o/l .I b. -09 Sulfsnilic. 250-lb bbls Ib -18 Sulfuric. 66'. c/l., cbys., wks 1001bs 1.60 66O. tanks. wks .ton 15.00 60°. tanks wks .ton 10.50 Oleum. 20% tanka. wks .ton 18.60 40%. tanks wks ton 42.00 .I b. Tannic. tech., bbls 23 Tsrtaric. U 8 P cryst., bbls .I b. 26 Tungstic. kegs .I b. 1.35 .I b. Valeric. c P 10-lb bot 2.50 Alcohol. U S P., 190 proof. bbls I. 4.486 Amyl. from pentane. tanks .I b. 143 Amyl. Imp drums .ga1. 1.75 .I b. Butyl. drums. c/L. wks -10% Ib 24.00 Capryl. pure. for perfume Cinnamic Ib a.60 Denatured. No 5 comp denat., cfl. drums gal . .40

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. ... ............... ..........

Furfuryl. tech., drums .Ib. Isoamyl. drums .pa1. Isobutyl. ref., drums .ga1. Isopropyl. ref., drums ga1. Propyl. ref., drums .gaI. Wood. 868 Methanol Aldol. 95% drums. c/l lb Alpha-naphthol. bbls .Ib. Alpha-naphthylamine. bbls .Ib. Alum. ammonia. lump. bbls., wks 1001bs Chrome. casks. wka 100 Ibs Potash. lump. bbls., wks 100 lbs Soda. bbls., wks 100 Ibs Aluminum. metal. N Y 100 Ibs Aluminum chloride. anhyd., commercial. wks., drums extra. c/l .Ib. lb Aluminum stearate 100-lb bbl Aluminum sulfate. comm'l. bage. wks 100 lbs Iron-free. bags. wks., 100 Ibs Aminoazobenzene. 100-lb kegs .Ib. Ammonia. anhydroua cyl., wks .Ib. 50.000-lb tanks. wks .Ib. Ammonia. aqua. 26O. tanks. wks., contained NH. .I b. Ammonium acetate. kegs .I b. Bifluoride. bbls., Ib Bromide. bbls .Ib. Carbonate. tech., casks., lb Chloride. gray. bbls., 100 lbs Lump. casks .Ib. .Ib. Iodide. 25-lb jars Linoleate. drums Ib Nitrate. tech., cryst., bbls .Ib. Oleate. drums Ib Oxalate. kegs Ib Persulfate cases .I b. Phosphate. dibasic. tech., bbls .Ib. Stearate. anhyd. drums lb Sulfate. bulk. wka .ton .Ib. Amylene. tanks. wka Amyl acetate. tech., from pentane. tanks. delivered .Ib. Amyl chloride. normal. drums. wks .Ib. Amyl chlorides. mixed. tanks. wks .Ib. Amyl mercaptan. drums. wks .Ib. Aniline oil. drums .I b. Anthracene. 80-85%. casks. wks . Ib. Ib Anthraquinone. subl., bbls Antimony. metal Ib Antimony chloride. drums lb Oxide. bbla .Ib. Salt. dom., bbls Ib Sulfide. crimaon. bbls Ib Golden. bbls . I b. Argols. red powder. bbls .I b. Arsenic metal kegs .I b. Red. kegs. cases .Ib. White. c/l., kegm .I b. Asbestine. bulk. c/ 1 .ton Barium carbonate. bbls., bags. wks., ton .ton Chloride. bbls., wks Dioxide. drs wks lb Hydroxide. bbls .Ib. Nitrate. casks Ib Barium thiocyanate. 400-lb bbla . I b. Barytes. floated. 350-lb bbls., wks ton .I b. Benzaldehyde. tech., drums F F C., cbys .I b. U S P cbys .Ib. Benzidine base. bbls .I b. Benzol. tanks. wks .ga 1. Benaoyl chloride. d r u m Ib Benayl acetate F F C., bottles .lb Alcohol. drums .Ib. Chloride. tech., drums lb Beta.naphtho1. bbls .I b. Beta-naphthylamine. bbls lb Bismuth metal. cases . I b. Bismuth nitrate . jars lb

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* 35 4.00 11% 55 .75

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.2 1 .65 .33 3 .00


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7.00 3.00 4.00 22.90

... . ..... . ..................... .

.06 .18


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................. ........... . . ............... .............. ............... .............. ............ .. ............... ................ .................. . ... . . ............................ ....... .. .. .. .................. .................. .............. ............... ........... . ................ . . ... ........... ............... .......... .. . ............ ........ 625

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1.35 1.90 1.15 15%


.04% . 05% .33 .1 6 X .39 .08

6.60 * 10% 3.40 12 08% 10 24 * 20 08%

. . . . . .21 23.00 .09 . 135 .56 .06 1.10 .16% .75

.60 .13% .13 ..22 13% .26

.22 ..07 44 .15%;

.04% 16.00 46.00 74.00 12 05 08% 27

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23.00 60 1.40 1.15 72 18


. . . .40 . .60 . ..75 30 . ..24 58 .

. 1.00 1.10

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2.95 Oxychloride. boxes Ib 1.30 Subnitrate. U S P., 25-lb jars . . . Ib. .ton 65.00 Blanc fixe. dry. bbls Bleaching powder. drums. wks 2.00 100 Ibs Bone ash. kegs . I b. .06 .Ib. Bone black. bbls 08% .ton 40.00 Borax. bags .Ib. 10% Bordeaux mixture. bbls .Ib. Bromine. bot .36 Ib Bromobenzene. drums .50 1.75 Bromoform. jars . Ib. .24 Butyl acetyl ricinoleate. drums Ib Acetate. drums. c/l Ib 10% Aldehyde. drums Ib .18 Carbinol. norm., drums. wks lb .60 Carbinol. sec., wks lb .60 Lactate. drums .Ib. .22% .I b. Oleate. drums .25 .26 Stearate. drums Ib Cadmium. metal. cases Ib 1.05 1.54 Cadmium bromide. 504b jara .Ib. Cadmium sulfide. boxes Ib 1.00 Ca%eine. U S P 5-lb cans .I b. 1.85 100 lbs Calcium acetate. bags 2.10 Arsenate. bbla .Ib. .06% lb Carbide. drums .05% Carbonate. U 8 P., precip., 175-lb bbls Ib .06% Chloride. bags wks., flake .ton 19.50 Ib Cyanide. 100-lb drums .30 Gluconate. U 8 P .Ib .57 Tech .Ik. .28 Nitrate. bags. 15% N .ton 25.50 Ib Phosphate. monobas., bbls .07% Tribaa., bbla .Ib. 11 .I b. Camphor. Jap., slabs .55 lb Carbazole. bbls .80 Carbon. activated. drums Ib .08 Carbon bisulfide. drums Ib .051 Carbon black .I b. .04t .Ib. Carbon dioxide. liq., cy1 .06 Carbon tetrachloride. drums .I b. 06% .Ib. Casein. stand gr bbls .15 Cellulose acetate. bbls lb .80 Cerium oxalate. kegs lb .26 Charcoal. willow. powd., bbla Ib .06 China clay. bulk .ton 8.00 Chloral hydrate. drums .I b. .70 lb Chlorine. liq c/l., cyl.*. .055 Chlorine. tanks 100 lbs 2.15 Chlorobenzene. mono-. drums lb .06 Chloroform. tech., drums .Ib .20 Chromium acetate. 20° s o h . bbla .I b. .05 bbl Coal tar. bbls., wks 8.50 Cobalt. metal. kega .Ib. 2.50 Cobalt oxide. bbls Ib 1.39 Copperas. c/l., bulk .ton 14.00 100 lbs Copper. metal. elec 9.50 Copper carbonate. bbls., 52/54% lb 16% Chloride. bbls lb .17 Cyanide. drums .Ib. .37 .Ib. Oxide. red. bbls .15 100 lbs Sulfate. c/l., bbls 4.00 Cotton. soluble bbls Ib .40 Cream tartar. bbls Ib 16% Crotonaldehyde. 50-gal drums. c/l., lb .26 Cyanamide. bulk. N Y Ammonia unit 1.07% Ib Diaminophenol. kegs 3.80 Diamylamine. drums. wks Ib 1.00 Diamylene. tanks. wks .I b. .08% Diamyl ether. drums. wks .I b. .09 . I b. Diamyl sulfide. drums. wks 1.10 Ib Diamyl phthalate. tanks .18



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Dianiaidine bbls .Ib. Dibutoxyethyl phtlialate. wks., drums lb Dibutyl ether. drums lb Dibutylphthalate. drums. wks .Ib. Dibutyl tartrate. drums .Ib. Dichlorethyl ether. 60-gal drums. c/l .Ib. Dichloropentanes tanks. wks lb Diethanolamine. drums lb Diethylaniline. drums lb Diethylene glycol. drums .Ib. Monobutyl ether. drums., .Ib. Monoethyl ether. drums lb Diethylene oxide. 60-gal drums .Ib. Diethyl carbinol. drums. wks lb Diethyl phthalate. drums .Ib. Diethyl sulfate. tech., drums .Ib. Diglycol oleate. drums lb Dimethylamine pure 26.40% sol.100% basis. drums .I b. Dimethylaniline. drums lb Dimethyl ethyl carbinol. drums, Dimethylsulfate. drums lb Dimethyl phthalate. drums . Ib. Dinitrobenzene. tech., drums lb Dinitrochlorobenzene. bbls lb Dinitrcnaphthalene. bbla lb Dinitrophenol. bbls lb Diphenyl lb Diphenylamine. bbls lb Diphenylguanidine, bbls lb Epsom salt. tech., bbls., c/l., N Y 100 lba Ether. conc., drums .Ib. lb Ether. nitrous. bot Ethyl acetate. tanks c/l .I b. Acetoacetate. 110-gal drums .Ib. Bromide. drums lb Carbonate. 90% 60-gal drums .pa 1. Chlorcarbonate, carboys lb Chloride. drums lb Ether. absolute. 60-gal drums lb Furorate. 1-lb tins .I b. lb Methyl ketone. drums Ethylbenzylaniline. 300-lb drums Ib Ethylene dichloride. 60-gal drums lb Ethylenechlorohydrin,anhyd., Glycol. c/l., wks .I b. Monobutyl ether. drums lb Monoethyl ether. drums .Ib. Monoethyl ether acetate. drums .Ib. Monomethyl ether. drums ...... .I b. Oxide. cylinders lb Feldspar. bulk ...................ton Ferric chloride. tech., bbls .I b. .I b. Ferrous chloride. cryst., bbls Ferrous sulfide. bbls 100 lba Fluorspar. 98%. bags .............ton Formaldehyde. bbls lb Formaniline. drums lb Fuller's earth. bags. c/l., mines .ton Furfural. drums. tech., contract. worka .I b. Glauber's salt. bbls 100 Ibs Glucose 70°. bags. dry 100 lbs Glycerine. c P., drums .Ib. .Ib. Glyceryl phthalate. drums .I b. Glycol phthalate. drums Stearate. drums .Ib. G salt. bbls .Ib. Hexamethylenetetramine. tech., drums .Ib. Ib Hydrogen peroxide. 26 vol., bbls Hydroquinone. kegs lb Indigo. 20% paste. bbls., . I b. Iodine. resubl., jars lb Iron acetate. liq., 17O. bbls., c/l .Ib. Isobutyl carbinol (128-132' C . ) , tanks .Ib. Kieselguhr, bags .ton Lead. metal. N Y 100 lbs Lead acetate. bbls., white .Ib. Arsenate. bbls .I b. Oxide. litharge. bbls., 20-ton lots .Ib. Peroxide. drums lb Red. bbls., 20-ton lots .Ib. Sulfate bbls .I b. White. basio carb., bbls .Ib. Lime. hydrated. bbls., 100 lbs chemical. bbls., wks 2801ba Limestone. ground. bags. wks ton Lithopone. bbls .Ib. Magnesite. calcined. 600-lb bbls., wka .ton

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.42 .30 .20

.36 ..02% 21

.31 62 ...26 16% .16 ..26 60 . 18% .20 .24 .96 .29 .60 .46 20 .17 ..34 14% .23 .15 .31 .36

........... ............ . ............ . ....... ....... . ......... . ........... .. ................ ........................ . ............... ............ .. . . . 1.80 ........................ .09 .............. ................ . a75 .07% . ........... .37 .... .so ................ . 1.86 .......... . . ..30 22 ................ . .... .. .60 .

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6.00 30


..88 06% .-17 76 .20 . 15 .16% .2 1 .56

10.00 06



2.60 31.00 06 37%




10 1.00 3.14 14% 30 29 $23 46

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. .37 .06% 1.20 .12 1.66 .03 .32


. ............ . 4.66 .11 ......... .08 .................. ..0610 ................ . .20 .......... .0736 06 . ................... .06% ......... ........ . .86 1.70 ........................ . . ?.SO ...... .04% .................. . 60.00 .........................


Magnesium. metal. wks .Ib. Magnesium carbonate. bags .Ib. Chloride. drums .ton Fluosilioate. cryst., bbla .Ib. Oxide. U S P., light. bble lb Manganese chloride. casks lb Dioxide. 80%. bbls .ton Sulfate. casks .I b. Mercury bichloride. cryat., 100 lbs l b Mercury flasks. 76 lbs fiaak Meta.nitroaniline. bbla lb Meta-phenylenediamine. bbls lb Meta-tolylenediamine. bbls lb Methanol. pure. synthetic. drums. delivered. c/l ga1. Tanks. delivered .ga 1. Methyl acetone. tanks .ga 1. Methyl chloride. cylinders lb Hexyl ketone. pure .Ib. Methyl propyl carbinol. drums. wks ..I b. Methyl salicylate. cases lb Michler's ketone. bbls lb Monoamylamine. drums. wks lb Monoethanolamlne. drums. lb Monomethylamine. drums lb Naphthalene. flake. bbls .Ib. Nickel. metal lb Nickel salt. single. bbls .I b. Double. bbls .Ib. Niter cake. bulk .ton Nitrobenzene. drums. lb Octyl acetate. tanks .lb. Oil. castor. No 1 .Ib. China wood. bbls .Ib. Coconut. tanks lb Cod. N F., bbls .ga1. Corn. crude. tanks. mills .Ib. Cottonseed. oil refined. tanks .I b. Linseed boiled. bbls lb Menhaden. crude. tanks .gal Neat's-foot. pure. bbla lb Oleo. No 1 bbls .Ib. Olive oil. denat., bbls .pa1. Foots. bbls .Ib. Peanut. crude. tanks lb Perilla. bbls lb Rapeseed. bbla .ga 1. Red bbls lb Soy bean. crude. tanks .Ib. Sperm. 3 8 O . bbla . Ib. Whale. bbls., natural. refined .Ib. Ortho.aminophenc1. kegs lb Ortho-dichlorobenzene. drums Ib Ortho-nitrochlorobenzene.drums lb Ortho-nitrophenol. bbls lb Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums lb 0rtho.tcluidine. bbls Ib Paraldehyde. 110-60-gal drums lb Para-aminophenol kegs lb Para-dichlorobenzene lb Para-f ormaldehyde. cases lb Paraldehyde. tech., drums .Ib. Para-nitraniline. drums lb Para-nitrochlorobenzene.drums .Ib. Para-nitrophenol. bbls lb Para-nitrosodimethylaniline. bbla lb Para-nitrotoluene. bbls lb Para-phenylenediamine. bbls lb Para-tertiary amyl phenol. drums. wks .Ib. Para-toluidine. bbls lb Paris Green. 260-lb kegs .Ib. Phenol. drums .Ib. lb Phenolphthalein. drums Phenylethyl alcohol. 1-lb bbt .Ib. Phloroglucinol. tech., drums lb c P., drums .Ib. Phosphorus. red. cases .Ib. Oxychloride. 175-lb cylinders .Ib. .I b. Trichloride. cy1 Phthalic! anhydride. bblr .I b. Platinum. metal. solid 08 Potash. caustic. drums .I b. Potassium abietate .I b. Acetate. kegs lb Bicarbonate. casks .I b. Bichromate. casks lb Binoxalate. bbls Ib Bromide .Ib. Carbonate. 8 0 4 6 % . calc., casks .Ib. .Ib. Chlorate. kegs Chloride. crystals. bbls lb Cyanide. cases .I b. Meta-bisulfite. bbla lb Muriate. fert., bulk. per H O unit Permanganate. drums .I b.

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36.00 * 10 42 07% 80.00

. .

. . 81 07 ...

77.00 67 82 67

. . .

..37% 35%

.44 .40 1.20 .60 .42

2.60 1.00 31 76

.. .06% I35 .13 13 11.60 ...09 16 I

.10% a19 04%


.40 .08% .09% ..34 10 . 12% -11

.72 .08 .08%

..07% 64 .09% .07% .099

.076 2.1506% 28

. . .86 .07 . 14 . 16 .78 ..38 16 .20% .47

.-45 25

.92 .36


.60 .66 .23 ..60 14% 3.76 1s.00 20.00 .46 .20 .18 .14% 36.00 .06% .06 .27

...07% 08% 14 ..36 06 .-04% 09 .6613%


40 18%


VOL 28. NO 5

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.35 Prussiate. red. casks., lb Yellow. casks., .Ib. .18 Titanium oxalate bbls .Ib. .32 Pyridine. drums .ga1. 1.30 .Ib. Pyrocatechin. c P., drums 2.40 .I b. Resorcinol. tech., kegs .78 Rochelle salt. bbls., U S P .I b. -14 R salt. bbls .Ib. .62 Saccharin. cans lb 1.70 Salt cake. bulk .ton 13.00 .Ib. Saltpeter. gran., bbla .06 .ton 22.00 Silica. ref., bags Silver nitrate 16-oz bot . oz. .32% Soda. ash. 68%. light. bags. contract. 100 lba wks 1.23 Soda. caustic. 76%. solid. drums. 100 lbs contract. wks 2.60 Sodium abietate drums lb .06 Acetate. bbls . Ib. .06 Alginate. drums lb .64 Benzoate bbls .I b. .46 io0 lbs Bicarbonate. bbls 1.86 Bichromate casks .I b. 06% Bisulfite, bbls .Ib. .03 .I b. Bromide. bbls U S P .36 Chlorate. kegs . I b. .06 .ton 12.00 Chloride bags .I b. Cyanide. cases 16% Fluoride. bbla .I b. .07% Metallic. drums. lZ%-lb bricks .I b. .19 Metasilicate cryst 100 lbs 3.25 Metasilicate. gran.. bbls lo0 lbs 2.65 Naphthenate. drums .I b. .13 .I b. Naphthionate. bbla .62 Nitrate. crude. 200-lb bass. N Y ............................ton 26.80 Nitrite. bbls .I b. 07% .Ib. Perborate. bbls .17 Peroxide. cases.. lb .20 Phosphate. disodium. bags 100 lbs 2.10 Phosphate. trisodium. bbls 100 lbs 2.30 Picramate. kega .Ib. .67 Prussiate. bbls lb 11% Silicate. drums. tanks. 40° 100 lbs .80 Silicofiuoride. bbls lb 06% Stannate. drums 1b. .31% 100 lbs Sulfate. anhyd., bbls 1.30 Sulfide. cryst., bbls .I b. .02% Solid. 60% .I b. .03% Sulfocyanide. bbls .I b. .30 Thiosulfate. reg., cryst., bbls . Ib. .02% .I b. Tungstate. kegs -86 Strontium carbonate. tech., bbls .I b. .07% .I b. Nitrate. bbls 08% .I b. Peroxide. 100-lb drums 1.26 Sulfur. bulk. mines. wka .ton 18.00 .I b. Sulfur chloride. red. drums .06 .Ib. Yellow. drums .03% Ib Sulfur dioxide. commercial. cy1 .07 Sulfuryl chloride. drums .I b. .10 .I b. Tetrachlorethane 60-gal drums 08% .I b. Thiocarbanilid. bbls -26 lb Tin 4686 Tin tetrachloride. anhydrous. drums. bbls .Ib. -24% .I b. Oxide. bbls .61 Titanium dioxide. bbls., wks .I b. *17% .gal Toluene. tanks .30 Triamylamine. drums. wks .Ib. 1.26 lb Tribromophenol. cases 1.10 Trichloroethylene. 60-gal drums .Ib. .09% .I b. Triethanolamine. 60-gal drums .26 Trihydroxyethylamine oleate. drums .Ib. .40 .I b. Stearate .36 lh Triphenylguanidine. drums. .68 Triphenyl phosphate. bbls .I b. .37 .I b. Tungsten. powder 1.66 Urea. crystals .Ib. 0475 Vinyl chloride. 16-lb cylinders lb 1-00 Whiting. bags .ton 7.00 Xylene. 10'. tanks. wks gal .30 Xylidine. drums lb .36 Zinc. metal. E S t Louis 100 lbs 4.90 Zinc ammonium chloride. bbls .Ib. 0466 Chloride. granulated. drums .I b. .06 .Ib. Oxide. Amer., bbls .06 Perborate. 100-lb drums .Ib. 1.25 Peroxide. 100-lb drums .I b. 1.25 Stearate. bbla .I b. .20 Zinc dust. bbls., c/l lb 066

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