100 lba . Iron-free. bags. wks ......... 100 lbs . Aminoazobenzene. 100-lb . kens ..... Ib . Ammonia. anhydrous . cyl., wks .... .I b. KO.OOO-lb . tan...
1 downloads 0 Views 345KB Size




Acetaldehyde. drums 1 4 . wks ..... lb . Acetaldol. 50-gal drums lb Acetamide. drums lb Acetanilide. U S P powd., bbls . . . . lb Acetic anhydride. 92-95% Acetone. drums. wks., c/l . .Ib. Acetphenetidin. bbls . . Ib. A aid. abietic . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb .. Acretic. 28%. c/l., bbls 100 Ibs 56%. c/l., bbls .........100 Ibs Glacial. c/L. drums ....... 100 Ibs Glacial. U S P., c/l., carboys

. ........... . ................. . . . .. . . . ..... ....... . . . . .



Benroic. tech., bbls Boric. tech., bbls ........ Butyric. 100% basis. cbys........Ib. Chloroacetic. mono.. bbls wks lb Di-. cbys.................... .I b.


... .

........... .............. ...... ........... . .......


Chromic. 99%. drums Ib Cinnamic. bottles .Ib. Citric. U S P., cryst., bbls .Ib. ga1. Cresylicr. pale. drums Formic. 90%. cbys., N Y .Ib. Furoic. tech., drums .Ib. Gallic. U S P., bbls .Ib. Glycerophosphoric. 25%. 1-lb bot .Ib. .Ib. H bbls., wks Hydriodic. 10% U S P., 5-lb bot .Ib. Hydrobromic. 48%. cbys., wks .I b. Hydrochloric. 20'. tanks. wks 100Ibs Hydrofluoric. 30%. bbls., wks .Ib. .I b. 60% bbls., wks Hydrofluosilic. 35%. bbls., wks .Ib. Hypophosphorus. 30%. U 8 P., 5gal demia .Ib. .I b. Lactic. 22%. dark. bbls 48%. light. bbls wks .Ib. Ib Linoleic. drums Maleic. kegs .I b. Mixed. tanks. wks ...........N unit S unit .I b. Molybdic. 85% kegs Naphthenic. drums. .I b. Naphthionic. tech., bbla .I b. Nitric. a P cbys . I b. Nitric. 36'. c/l., cbys wka

. .

............ ............

. . . ......................... .................. . . . ......................... ... . ........................ . .... .............. ... . . . ................... ......... .. ......... ................. . ...................




........... ............ ......... . .. ............... .. . .................... Oxalic. bbls., wks........ Phosphoric. 50% U . 8. P........Ib. Picramic. Picric. bbls., c/l .................Ib. Pyrogallic ...................... lb. Salicylic. tech., bbls Sebacic. tech., drums ............Ib. Stearic. d . p .. bbls., c/l ...........Ib. Sulfanilic. 250-lb . bbls ...........l b.


. ........................ 100 lbs. 66O. tanks. wks...............ton 60'. tanks. wks...............ton Oleum. 20% . tanks . wks.......ton 40% tanks wks ............ton Tannic. tech., bbls ...............Ib. Tartaric. . S. P., cryst., bbls . Tungstic. Ukegs .................. I b. Valeric. c . P., 10-lb. bot .......... I b. Alcohol. U . S. P., 190 proof. bbls . .ga1. Amyl. from pentane. tanks .......Ib. Amyl. Imp. drums .............ga1. Butyl . drums. c/l., wks ..........Ib. Capryl . pure. for perfume ....... . I b.

. 16 . 27 .38

,26 .21 10% 1.30 07 2.45 4.75 8.43

. .

11.00 . 70 .72 .85 . 40 95.00 80 . 18 1.00 2.50 .03% 14% 3.25 28 .68

. . .


.35 .77

1.40 65


. 67 . 45 1.35 .07 15 . 11


. 75

.04 . 11% . 16 .29


.008 1.25 14 nom 11

. . .

5.00 11% . 14 .65 30 1.60 33 .58 10 18


. . . .

Sulfuric. 60'. c/l., cbys., wks

. .



Denatured No 5. comp. denat., c/1 .. drums . p a1.


1.60 15.00 10.50 18.50 42.00 23 .25 1.35 2.50 4.485 . 143 1.75 10% 24.00 3.50



. 44




Furfuryl. tech., drums .I b. Isoamyl drums ............... .ga1. Isobutyl ref., drums ...........gaI. Isopropyl. ref., drums . . . . . . . . . .ga1.

.35 4.00 11%

. .55

. 75

. .

Subnitrate. U S P Blanc fixe. dry. bbls Bleaching powder. drums wks

...............ton .


2.00 . 06 . 08!4


Aldol. 95%. dru Alpha-nap h thol.


Alum. ammonia. lump. bbls., wks ........................ 100lbs

.65 .33


......100 lbs.

. . . . . . 100 lbs.


3.00 7.00 3 .00 4.00 22.90

Aluminum chloride. anhyd com. 05 mercial. wks., drums extra. c/l ... . Ib. 18 Aluminum stearate. 100-lb. bbl Aluminum sulfate. comm'l. bags. 1.35 wks 100 lba 1.90 Iron-free. bags. wks 100 lbs 1.15 Aminoazobenzene. 100-lb kens . . . . .Ib 15% Ammonia. anhydrous cyl., wks .I b. 04% . Ib. KO.OOO-lb tanks wks Ammonia. aqua. 26O. tanks. wks., 05% contained NHa . Ib. 33 Ib Ammonium acetate. kegs 15% Bifluoride. bbls Ib 39 Bromide. bbls Ib 08 Carbonate. tech., casks 5.50 Chloride. gray. bbls., 10% Lump. casks 3.40 Iodide. jars .Ib. .12 Linoleate. drums. .Ib. 08% Nitrate. tech., cryst., bbls .Ib. 10 Oleate. drums lb 24 Oxalate. kegs .Ib. 20 lb Persulfate. cases .08% Phosphate. dibasic. tech., bbls .Ib. .ton 23.00 Sulfate. bulk. wks IO9 Amylene. tanks. wks .Ib. Amyl acetate. tech., from pentane. 135 tanks. delivered lb 56 Amyl chloride. normal. drums wks lb . 06 Amyl chlorides. mixed. tanks. wks Ib 1.10 Amyl mercaptan. drums wks .Ib. 16% .Ib. Aniline oil. drums .75 Ib Anthracene. 8 0 4 5 % oasks wks 50 Anthraquinone. subl., bbls .Ib. Antimony. metal 13% 13 Antimony chloride. drums 13% Oxide. bbls lb 22 Salt. dom., bbls . Ib. 25 .Ib. Sulfide. crimson. bbls., 22 Golden. bbls .Ib. Argols. red powder. bbla Ib .07 44 Arsenic. metal. kegs lb Red. kegs. cases lb 15% White. c/l., kegs lb 04% Asbestine. bulk. c/l .ton 15.00 Barium carbonate. bbls bags. wks ton 45.00 Chloride. bbla., wks .ton 74.00 .Ib. 12 Dioxide. drs., wks lb 05 Hydroxide. bbls ................. Nitrate. casks lb * 08% Barium thiocyanate 400-lb bbls lb 27 Barytes. floated. 350-lb bbls., wks ton 23.00 Benzaldehyde. tech., drums 60 F F C., cbys 1.40 U . S P., cbys...................Ib. 1.15 Benzidine base. bbls lb 72 Benzine. tanks. wks . g aI. . 18 Benzoyl chloride. drums .Ib. 40 Benzyl acetate. F F C., bottles., .I b. 60 Alcohol. drums .I b. .75 Chloride. tech., drums .I b. . 30 lb Beta-naphthol. bbls 24 Beta-naphthylamine. bbls lb . 58 Bismuth. metal. cases .............Ib 1.00 1.10 Bismuth. nitrate 25-lb jars . I b.


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................ . ................ . .............. .. .. ............ .............. . .................. . . . . ..... . ............................ ... . . .............. . ............... . .............. .......... . . . ................ .......... ................ . .......... . . . ....... . 307

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2.95 1.30 05.00


. 10% .36

. 50



.24 Butyl acetyl ricinoleate. drums .Ib. .I b. Acetate. drums. c/l 10% Ib .18 Aldehyde. drums Carbinol. norm., drums. wks .I b. .60 .Ib. .60 Carbinol. sec wks .Ib. Lactate. drums .22% . I b. Oleate. drums .25 . I b. Stearate. drums .25 .I b. 1.05 Cadmium. metal. cases Cadmium bromide. 50-lb jars ......Ib 1.54 Cadmium sulfide. boxes lb. 1.00 Caffeine. U 6 P., 5-lb cans . I b. 1.85 100 lhs Calcium acetate. bags 2.10 Arsenate. bbls .Ib. 06% lb Carbide. drums., 05% Ca+bonate. U S P., precip., 175-lb. bbls .Ib. . 06% .ton 19.50 Chloride. bags. wks., flake lb Cyanide. 100-lb drums .30 Gluconate. U S P .Ib. .57 Tech .Ib. .28 Nitrate. bags. 15% N .ton 25.50 lb Phosphate. monobas., bbla 07% Tribas., bbls .Ib. 11 .Ib. Camphor. Jap., slabs .55 .Ib. Carbazole. bbls .80 .Ib. Carbon. activated. drums .08 Carbon bisulfide. drums .......... .I b. .051 . I b. Carbon black .04t .I b. Carbon dioxide. liq., cy1 .06 .Ib. Carbon tetrachloride. drums 05% .I b. Casein. stand gr., 6bls .15 .Ib. Cellulose acetate. hbls .80 lb Cerium oxalate. kegs .25 Charcoal. willow. powd., bbls .Ib. .06 China clay bulk .ton 8.00 .I b. Chloral hydrate. drums .70 Chlorine. lip c/l., oyl.* .I b. 05n 100 Ibs Chlorine. tanks 2.15 Chlorobenzene. mono-. drums .I b. .06 Ib Chloroform. tech., drums .20 Chromium acetate. 20' s o h . bbls Ib .05 Coal tar. bbls., wks bbl 8.50 Cobalt. metal. kegs Ib 2.50 Cobalt oxide. bbla Ib 1.39 Copperas. c/L. bulk .ton 14.00 100 Ibs Copper. metal. elec 9.50 Copper carbonate. bbls 52/54% ...l b .15% Chloride. bbls Ib .17 Cyanide. drums .Ib. .37 . I b. Oxide. red. bbls .15 Sulfate. c/l., bbls 3.85 Cotton. soluble. bbla .Ib. .40 .I b. Cream tartar. bbls .16% Crotonaldehyde 50-gal drums. c/l .Ib. .26 Cyanamide. bulk. N Y ..Ammonia unit 1.07% Ib Diaminophenol. kegs 3.80 Diamylamine. drums. wks Ib 1.00 Diamylene. tanks. wks Ib .08% Diamyl ether. drums. wks .Ib. .09 .I b. Diamyl sulfide. drums. wks 1.10 lb Diamyl phthalate. tanks .18

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............... . . ..... .......... . ... . ............... . ............... . ................. . ............. ............ . .. . ................... . ................ ................ ..... .............. ................ . . . . ................ .............. . .......... . ............. . ......... ........ ........... . t This is the approximate F. 0. B . shipping point price . Quotations are now all on a delivered basis and vary with the section . * F. 0. B . destination .



VOL. 28. NO 4


508 Dianisidine. . Dibutoxyethyl phthalate. wks., drums lb Dibutyl ether. drums lb Dibutylphthalate drums. wks lb Dibutyl tartrate. drums .Ib. Dichlorethyl ether. drums. c/l lb Dichloropentanes. tanks. wks .Ib. Diethanolamine. druma lb Diethylaniline. drums lb Diethylene glycol. drums lb Monobutyl ether. drums .Ib. Monoethyl ether. drums .Ib. Diethylene oxide. 50-gal drums .Ib. Diethyl carbinol. drums. wks lb Diethyl phthalate. drums Ib Diethyl sulfate. tech., drums .Ib. Diglycol oleate. drums Ib Dimethylamine. pure 25.40% 801.100% basis. drums., Ib Dimethylaniline. drums lb Dimethyl ethyl carbinol. drums. Dimethylsulfate. drums lb Dimethyl phthalate. drums .Ib. Dinitrobenzene. tech., drums lb Dinitroohlorobeneene. bbls., .Ib. Dinitronaphthalene. bbls .I b. Dinitrophenol. bbls Ib I. Diphenyl Ib Diphenylamine. bbls lb Diphenylguanidine. bbls lb Epsom salt. tech., bbls., c/l., N Y 100 lbs Ether. conc drums .Ib. .Ib. Ether. nitrous. bot .I b. Ethyl acetate. tanks. c/l Acetoacetate. 110-gal drums lb Bromide. drums Carbonate. 90%. 50-gal drums .ga1. Chlorcarbonate. carboys lb Chloride. drums lb Ether. absolute. 50-gal drums ....l b Furorate. 1-lb tins .Ib. .I b. Methyl ketone. drums Ethylbenzylaniline. 300-lb drums lb Ethylene dichloride. 50-gal drums l b Ethylenechlorohydrin,anhyd., Glycol. c/L. wks .Ib. Monobutyl ether. drums .lb. Monoethyl ether. drums .Ib. Monoethyl ether acetate. drums .Ib. Monomethyl ether. drums .Ib. Oxide. cylinders .I b. Feldspar bulk .ton Ferric chloride. tech., bbls .Ib. Ferrous chloride. cryst., bbls lb Ferrous sulfide. bbls 100 lbs Fluorspar. 98%. bags .ton Formaldehyde. bbls., Ib Formaniline. drums lb Fuller’s earth. bags. c/l., mines .ton Furfural. drums. tech., contract. works .Ib. 100 lbs Glauber’s salt. bbls Glucose. 70’. bags. dry 100 lbs Qlycerine. o P., drums .Ib. .Ib. Glyceryl phthalate. drums .Ib. Qlycol phthalate. drums Stearate. drums lb G salt. bbla .Ib. Hexamethylenetetramine. tech., drums .Ib. Hydrogen peroxide. 25 vol., bbls Hydroquinone. kegs lb Indigo. 20% paste. bbls .I b. Iodine. resubl., jars .Ib. Iron acetate. liq., 17O. bbls., c/l . I b. Iaobutyl carbinol (128-132O (2.1, tanks .I b. Kieselguhr. bags .ton Lead. metal. N Y 100 lbs Lead acetate. bbls., white .I b. Arsenate. bbls lb Oxide. litharge. bbls., 20-ton lots . I b. Peroxide. drums lb Red. bbls., 20-ton lots . I b. Sulfate. bbls lb White. basic carb., bbls . I b. Lime. hydrated. bbls .......... 100 lbs Lime. live. chemical. bbls., wks ........................ 2i10Ibs Limestone. ground. bags. wks., .ton Lithopone. bbls ...................Ib. LMagneaite.calcined. bbls wks .ton

............................ . .............. . . .......... ...... . . .......................... . ...... ............ . ............. . .......... . ........ ........ . .... ....... . .......... . ...... ............. . ............ . ............ .

............ . ....... ....... .

...... .......... ................ . ........................ . ............... . ............ . . . ............. ..... . .. .............. ............... .......... . ..... .


.42 .30 .20 .35 .2 1 ..02% 81 . 52 . 15% .26 . 15 .26 .60 . 18% ..24 20 .95 29 ...4560 20 . 17 ...


..34 14%

.23 . 15 .31 .36

1.80 09 75 07% 37

. . . . . 1.85 .40 . . ......... . .30 ................ . .22 .50 . . 6.00 . ............. . 30 .......... .88 . ... . . ... . ..05% 75 .17 ............... .20 ........ .15 ........ . . 16% .21 ...... .55 ............... .................. 10.00 .05 ......... ........ . .06 ........... . 2.50 31.00 ............ .............. . .06 ............... . .37% 6.50 ... . 10 ...................... 1.00 ............ . 3.14 ........ . . 14% . ........... ..28 ........ 28 .......... ................. . .23 -45 ...................... .37 ........................ . .05% ............... . 1.20 .12 ........... 1.65 .............. .03 .... .32 ....................... ................ 50.00 . ............ . 4.65 .11 ......... .................. . ..08 0610 . ................ . .20 .0736 .......... .................... . .06 ......... ..06% 85


. . . ... . .. .....................

1.70 4.50 .04% 60.00

............ .

Magnesium. metal. wks Ib Magnesium carbonate. bags .I b. Chloride. drums Fluosilicate. cryst., bbls Oxide. U . S P., light. bbls ....... .Ib. Manganese chloride. casks Dioxide. 80%. bbla .ton Sulfate. casks .I b. Mercury bichloride. cryst., 100 lbs .Ib. Mercury flasks 76 lbs .flask Meta-nitroaniline. bbls lb Meta-phenylenediamine. bbla lb Meta-tolylenediamine. bbla lb Methanol. pure. synthetic. drums. delivered. c/l ga1. Tanka. delivered .ga1. Methyl acetone. tanks .gaI. Methyl chloride. cylinders .........Ib Hexyl ketone. pure., .Ib. Methyl propyl carbinol. drums. wks Methyl salicylate cases lb Michler’s ketone. bbls lb Monoamylamine. drums. wks .Ib. M onoethanolamine. drums Ib Monomethylamine. drums lb Naphthalene. flake. bbls .Ib. Nickel. metal .I b. Nickel salt. single. bbls .Ib. Double. bbls lb Niter cake. bulk .ton Nitrobenzene. drums. lb Octyl acetate. tanka .Ib. Oil. castor. No 1 .Ib. China wood. bbls .Ib. Coconut. tanka Cod. N F., bbls Corn. crude. tanks. mills .Ib. Cottonseed. oil refined. tanks .Ib. Linseed. boiled. bbls lb Menhaden. crude. tanks .gaI. Neat’s-foot. pure. bbls .Ib. Oleo. No 1. bbls .Ib. Olive oil. denat., bbls .ga1. Foots. bbls .Ib. Peanut. crude. tanks .Ib. Perilla. bbls Rapeaeed. bbls Red. bbla .I b. Soy bean. crude. tanka . Ib. Sperm. 8 8 O . bbls .Ib. Whale. bbls., natural. refined .I b. Ortho-aminophenol. kegs ...........Ib Ortho-dichlorobenzene. drums Ib Ortho-nitrochlorobenzene.drums .Ib. Ortho-nitrophenol. bbls lb Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums Ortho-toluidine. bbla lb Paraldehyde. drums lb Para-aminophenol. kegs Para-dichlorobenzene......... Para-formaldehyde. cages Paraldehyde. tech., drums .... Para-nitraniline. drums Ib Para-nitrochlorobeneene. drums .Ib. Para-nitrophenol. bbls lb Para.nitrosodimethylani1ine. bbls .Ib. Para-nitrotoluene. bbls lb Para.phenylenediamine. bbla., lb Para-tertiary amyl phenol. drums. wks lb Para-toluidine. bbls lb Paris Green. 250-lb kegs lb Phenol. drums lb Phenolphthalein. drums Ib Phenylethyl alcohol. 1-lb bot lb Phloroglucinol. tech., drums .I b. a P., drums .Ib. Phosphorus. red. cases lb Oxychloride. cylinders Ib Trichloride. cy1 lb Phthalic anhydride. bbls .Ib. Platinum. metal. solid . o5 . Potash. caustic. drums .Ib. Potassium abietate .Ib. Acetate. kegs .................. .Ib. Bicarbonate. casks lb Bichromate. casks .Ib. Binoxalate. bbls .I b. Bromide lb Carbonate. 8 0 4 5 % . calc casks .Ib. Chlorate. kegs .I b. Chloride. crystals. bbls .Ib. Cyanide. cases .Ib. Meta.biaulfite. bbls .Ib. Muriate. fert bulk. per KaO unit Permanganate. drums lb

....... .........


. ............ .................. .. . ........... ............. . ....... . ......... . .................

. 07% 80.00 07 81 77.00


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. 06%

36.00 . 10 ..

. ........... .................... ............ . ....... .......

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. . .67



.37% .35% .44

.46 1.20 60 42 2.50 1.00 31 76

. I

. .06% .35 . 13 .13 11.50 .09 .16 10% ...04% 16


..40 08%

.09% .102 .35 .12% .11% .73 . 08 .08% .07% .51% .09% .08 .099 .075


..06% 28 .a5 . 07 . 14 . 16 . 78 . 16 .38 . 20% .47 .25 .45 .92 .35


.50 .56 .23 .14% .60

3.76 15.00 20.00 45 20 18 14% 36.00


. . . ..06% 06 .27 ...07% 08% .. 14 .35 .06 ..09 04% .55 .13% ..4018%


Prussiate. red. casks .Ib. .35 Yellow. casks .................Ib. .18 Titanium oxalate. bbls .I b. .32 Pyridine. drums ............ 1.30 Pyrocatechin. c P., drums .I b. 2.40 . I b. Resorcinol. tech., kegs .75 .I b. Rochelle salt. bbls., U S P .14 R salt. bbls .Ib. .52 lb Saccharin. cans 1.70 Ealt cake. bulk .ton 13.00 Saltpeter. gran., bbls lb .06 Silica. ref., bags .ton 22.00 Silver nitrate. 16.0~ bot . O5 . .32% soda, ash. 58%. light. bags contraot. 100 lbs wks 1.23 Soda. caustic. 76%. solid. drums. contraot. wks 100 lbs 2.60 Sodium abietate. drums .Ib. .06 .Ib. Acetate. bbls .Ob Alginate. drums lb .64 Benzoate. bbls .Ib. .46 100 lbs Bicarbonate. bbls 1.85 Bichromate. casks .I b. 06% Bisulfite. bbla ...................I b. .03 Bromide. bbls U 5 P lb .35 Chlorate. kegs lb .05 Chloride bags .ton 12.00 lb Cyanide. cases .15% Fluoride. bbls . I b. .07% Metallic. druma. 12%-1b bricks .Ib. .19 100 lbs Metasilicate. cryst 3.25 Metasilicate. gran., bbla 100 lbs 2.66 Naphthenate. drums lb .13 Naphthionate. bbls lb .52 Nitrate. crude. 200-lb bags. N Y ton 25.80 Nitrite. bbls .Ib. .07% .Ib. Perborate. bbla .17 Peroxide. cases lb .20 Phosphate. disodium. bags 100 lbs 2.10 Phosphate. trisodium. bbls ...100 lbs 2.30 Picramate. kegs .Ib. .67 .Ib. Prussiate. bbls .11% Silicate. drums. tanks. 40’. 100 Iba SO Silicofluoride. bbls lb .05% Stannate. drums .Ib. .a2 100 lbs Sulfate. anhyd., bbls 1.30 Sulfide cryst., bbla .Ib. .02% Solid. 60% .Ib. .03% Sulfocyanide bbls lb .30 Thiosulfate. reg., cryst., bbls .Ib. 02% .Ib. Tungstate. kegs .85 Strontium carbonate. tech., bbls .Ib. .07% Nitrate bbls .Ib. 08% lb Peroxide. 100-lb drums 1.25 Sulfur. bulk. mines. wks .ton 18.00 .Ib. Sulfur chloride. red. drums., .05 Yellow. drums lb .03% Sulfur dioxide. commercial. cy1 lb .07 Sulfuryl chloride. druma .I b. .10 .Ib. Tetrachlorethane. drums -08% lb Thiocarbanilid. bbls -26 Tin Ib .48% Tin tetrachloride. anhydrous. drums. bbls .Ib. .24% .Ib. Oxide. bbls .51 .Ib. Titanium dioxide. bbls., wks .17M Toluene. tanks .ga1. ao lb 1.25 Triamylamine. drums. wks Tribromophenol. oases .Ib. 1.10 Trichloroethylene. 50-gal drums .Ib. .09% lb Triethanolamine. 50-gal drums .26 Trihydroxyetbylamine oleate, .40 drums .Ib. .35 lb Stearate Triphenylguanidine. drums lb .58 .37 Triphenyl phosphate. bbls .I b. 1.65 Tungsten. powder .Ib. 0475 .Ib. Urea. crystals 1.00 Vinyl chloride. cylinders .Ib. 7.00 .ton Whiting. bags .30 .pa1. Xylene. IOo. tanks. wks .36 Xylidine. drums .Ib. 4.90 Zinc. metal. E St Louis 100 lba 0466 Zinc ammonium chloride. bbls lb .06 Chloride. granulated. drums .Ib. .05 .Ib. Oxide. Amer., bbls 1.26 Perborate. drums lb 1.25 Peroxide. 100-lb drums .Ib. .20 Stearate. bbls .Ib. .065 Zinc dust. bbls., c/l lb

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