d r u m ,. Glycol phthalate. drums .......... .I b. Methyl acetate. 82% drums ...... .I b. Cellosolve. aea Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. Methyl he...
4 downloads 8 Views 349KB Size



Nawsa CHEMICAL. Acetaldehyde. drums. IC-I., wka .I b. -16 .I b. 27 Acetaldol. drums .I b. 38 Acetamide. drums Acetylene tetrachloride. a6e Tetrachloroethane Acid abietic Ib 07 Adipic Ib 72 Furoic. tech., drums .I b. 35 .I b. 16 Linoleic .I b. 12 Naphthenic. drums .Ib. 58 Sebacic. tech * 12 Ammonium linoleate. drums .I b. ..I b. 10 Ammonium oleate Aroclors Ib 40 Butyl carbitol. 880 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether Cellasolve. 4ee Ethylene glyaol monobutyl ether Furoate. tech., 50-gal drums Ib 66 Calcium furoate. tech., drums .lb 25 Capryl alcohol. tech .I b. 85 Pure Ib -26 Crotonaldehyde drums c/l ..I b. Dichloroethyl ather. diuma. .. 21 o/l Ib 14 Diethylene glycol. drumi Ib 26 Monobutyl ether. drum# lb 15 Monoethyl ether. drums ........ . I b. 26 .I b. Diethylene oxide. 50-gal drums 18 Diglycol oleate. drums .Ib Dimethylamine pure 25 & 4 0 % sol 1.20 -100% bsbu. drums .I b. Dioxan. aee Diethylene oxide 15 Diphenyl .I b. 37 Ethyl acetoacetate. 110-gd drum# .I b. 1.85 Carbonate. 00% 50-gd drumm .gal 30 Chlorocnrbonate. carboys lb 50 Ether. absolute. drums ... .I b. Fwoate. 1-lb tins .I b. 5.00 Ethylene chlorhydrio. 40% 10-gd 75 cbyi .I b. 05% Dichloride. 50-gd drums .I b. 25 Glycol. 50-gal drums .I b. 20 Monobutyl ether. drumi. wk....I b. 15 Monoethyl ether. d r u m , wk....I b. Monoethyl ether acetate. d r u m , 16% wb ..I b. 21 .I b. Monomethyl ether. drume.. * 75 Oxide. cy1 lb 30 Furfuramid (tech.), 100-lb d r u m .I b. 5.00 Furfuryl acetate. 1-lb tin8 ..I b. 35 .I b. Alcohol tech., 500-lb drums 28 Glyceryl phthalate .I b. 28 Glycol phthalate. drums .I b. 20 Glycol atearate .I b. 07 Isopropyl ether. drums lb 1.15 M-nwium paroxide. 100-lb w .I b. 12 Methyl acetate. 82% drums .I b. 15 09% tan k... .I b. Cellosolve. aea Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether 1.20 Methyl hexyl ketone. pure .I b. 16 Paraldehyde. 110-55 gal drum., c/l -1 b. phloroglucinol. tech., drums .I b. 15.00 c p Ib. 20.00 20 .I b. Phosphorur oxychloride. 175 cy1 Potaraium abietate ............... .I b. 06 2.75 .I b. Pyrocatechin. c P., drums 06 .I b. Sodium abietate 64 Sodium alginata .l b. 13 .I b. Sodium naphthenate drums 1.25 Strontium peroxide. 100-lb drums .I b. Sulfuryl chloride. 600-lb d r u m . cruda .I b. -15 .. Dutilled .I b. -40 08% Tetrachloroethane, 50-ge.l. drums .I b. 09% Trichloroethylene. 50-gal drums .I b. 35 Triethanolamine. 5O-gd drums .I b. 40 .I b. Tribydroxyethylamine linoleate 35 .I b. Trihydroxyethylamine stearate 1 00 .I b. Vinyl chloride. cy1 1.25 Zinc perborate 100-lb drums .......Ib. 1.25 lb. Peroxide. 100-lb drums

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CXZBMICALB P a i v r o n s ~ rQ n o ~ m .26 Acetanilide. U . 8 P., powd., bbL .I b.





Acetic anhydride. 92-95% cbya .I b. Acetone. drums. wks., c/l .I b. Acetphenetidin. bbla Acid. acetic. 28% OD.,b b b 100 Ibs 66%. c/l., bbls 100 Ibr Glacial. c/L. bbls 100 lbs Glacial. U S P., OD., carboys 100 Ibr Acetylanlicylic. bbla Ib Anthranilic 99-100%. drums .I b. Benzoic. tech., bbla .I b. .Ib. Boric. bbls Butyric. 100% baais cbys .I b. Ch~oroacetic.mono-. bbls., w h .I b. Di.. cbyu .I b. .I b. Tri-. bbls Chloroaulfonic. drums. wks .I b. .Ib. Chromic. 99%. drums .Ib. Cinnamic. bottles Citric. U S. P., cryst., bbls .I b. .gaI. Cresylic. pale. drums Formic. 90% cbys., N Y .Ib. . Ib. Gallic. U S. P., bbls Glycerophosphoric. 25%. I-lb bot .Ib. H.bbb., wka .I b. Hydriodic. 10%. U S. P., 54b bot. .Ib. Hydrobromic. 48%. cbyr., w h .Ib. Hydrochloric. 20". tanks w h 100 lba Hydrofluoric. 30%. bbls., wka .I b. 60%. bbls., wks .Ib. Hydrofluosilic 3555. bbh., wks .I b. Hypophosphorw. 309,. U S P., 5gal demis .I b. .Ib. Lactic. 22%. dark. bbli . I b. 48%. light. bbls., w h N unit Mixed. tanka wks s unit Molybdic. 8555. kegs .I b. ..I b. Na~hthionic tech b b b .Ib. Nitric. c P cbys Nitric. 36'. c/l., cbys., wks 100 Iba Oxalic. bbls .. wks . I b. .I b. Phosphoric. 50%. U S P Picramic. bbln .I b. .I b. Picric. bbls., o/l Pyrogallic .I b. .I b. Salicylic. tech., bbls Stearic. d p., bbls., c/l . I b. Sulf~nili~ 250-lb . bbk .I b. Sulfuric. 8 6'. ob., cbya., w h 100 lba 66'. tanks. wka .ton 80'. tanks. Wks .ton Oleum. 20% tanks. wks .ton 40%. tanks. w h ..ton Sulfurous. U S P., 6%. cbys .I b. Tannic. tech., bbls .I b. T8rtf~iC.U S P., cryst., b b b .Ib. Tungatic kegs lb Valeric. c P., 10-lb bot .I b. Alcohol. U S P., 190 proof. bbls gal .I b. Amyl. from pentane. tanks Amyl. tertiary. tech., tanks. del Ib. Amyl. Imp drums .gal Butyl. drums. cA., wks .I b. Denatured. No 5. comp denat., OD.,drums .gal Isoamyl. drums .gal Isobutyl. ref., drums .gal IuoDroDyI. ga1. . . . ref., drums Propyl, ref., drums .gaI. Wood, #e# Methanol Aldol. 95% drums c/l., lb Alpha-naphthol. bbls Ib Alpha-naphthyhmin~.bbls Ib Alum. ammoma. lump. bbls., wks 100 Ibs Chrome. casks. wks 100 Ibe. Potssh. lump. bbls., wka., 100 Ibs . Soda. bbls., wks 100 Ibs . Aluminum. metal. N Y 100 Ibr

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.21 .11

1.30 2.66 5.50 9.13 9.63 70 85 40 04

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.. .so .18 1.00

2.50 04% 15% 3.25 28 60 11 77

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1.40 65

. ..4567

1.35 07 16

. ..11 .7 s

.04 ..0711% .08 1.25 nom . 11 *

5.00 11% 14 65 30 1.60 a33 09

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. .1s

1.60 15.00 10.50 18.50 42.00 05 23 25 1.35 2.50 4.485 143 052 1.75 11%

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34 4.00

..60 .45 75 ..21 05 .33

3.00 7.00 3.00 4.00 22.90

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Aluminum chloride. anhyd commercial. wks., drums extra. c/l .I b. Aluminum stearate. 100-lb bbl .I b. Aluminum sulfate. comm'l. bags. wks 100 lbs bags. wks 100 lba Aminoazobenzene. 100-lb kegs Ib Ammonia. anhydrous. cyl., wka .I b. . I b. 50.000-lb tanks. wks Ammonia aqua., 28'. tanks. w b . , contained NE8 .I b. .I b. Ammonium acetate. kegs .I b. Bifluoride bbla Bromide. bblr .I b. .I b. carbonate. tech., caaks 100 Ibs Chloride. gray. bbla Lump. caaks .I b. Iodide. 254b j8r.9 .I b. .I b. Nitrate tech., cryst., bbh lb Oxalate kegs Persulfate. c a m .I b. Phosphate. dibaaic. tech., bbls . I b. .ton Sulfate. bulk.*wkr Amylene tanks. wks .I b. Amyl acetate. tech., from pentane. tanka. delivered .I b. Amyl chlorides. mixed. tanks wks . I b. Amyl chloride. normal. druma'. wks..I b. Amyl lactate. drums. wks .I b. Amyl mercaptan drums. wks .I b. .I b. Amyl stearate. drums. W k e Amline oil. drums .I b. Anthracene. 8045% c s s h . wks .I b. .I b. Anthraquinone. subl., bbls Antimony. metal .I b. .I b. Antimony chloride. drumr Oxide. bbls .I b. ..I b. Salt. dom., bbls .I b. Sulfide. crimson. b b k Qolden. b b h .I b. Vermilion. b b b .I b. .I b. Argols. red powder. b b k .I b. Arnenic. metal. kegs .I b. Red. kegs. cam^.. White. cfl., kegs .I b. .ton Asbestine. bulk. c/l Barium c u b o n a k bbls., bags. wks ton Chloride. bblr., wks .ton .I b. Dioxide. dri., wks .I b. Hydroxide. bbls .I b. Nitrate. cssks Barium thiocyanate. 400-lb bbls .I b. Baryta. floated. 350-lb bbls., w 1 .ton Benzaldehyde tech., drumi .I b. F F C., cbya .I b. U S P., cbys .I b. .I b. Benzidine baas. bbk .gal Benzol tank., wks Benzoyl chloride. drumr .I b. Benzyl acetate. F F C bottlaa ... . I b. Ib Alcohol. drums Chloride tech., drums ...........Ib Beta.naphtho1. b b h Ib Bet8.naphthylsmine. bbls Ib Bismuth. metal. cmes .Ib. ..I b. Bismuth. nitrate. 25-lb jars Ib Oxychloride. boxes Subnitrate. U S P., . jars .Ib. Blanc fixe. dry. bbls .............. .ton Bleaching powder. drums. wkm 100 Ibs Bone aah. kegs ................. lb Bone black. bbls Borar. bags .I b. Bordeaux mixture. bbla .I b. Bromine. bot lb Bromobenzene. drums . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ib Bromoform. jar, .I b. .I b. Butyl acetate. drums. c/I Butyl carbinol. nor., drums. wka Ib Butyl carbinol. sec., wka .I b. .Ib. Butyl carbinol. iao. tanks. .wka Cadmium bromide. 50-lb Jars lb Cadmium. metal. case6 .I b. Cadmium sulfide. boxea .!a

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1.35 1.90 1.15 15% .04%



05% -33 -15% .39 *08 5.50 -10% 4.30 -08% .24 *20 .08% 24.00 *09

.135 .10%

.56 .50 1.10 .31 .16% -75 .45 08% .13 09% .22 .25 .16 .38 .07 -44 .15 .04% 15.00 45.00 74.00 .12 .05

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23.00 .60 1.40 1.15 .65 *19 .40 .60

.75 .30

.24 *58 1.20 1.20 3.05 1.55 65.00 1.90

.06 08% *018 10%

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.50 1.75 .12 .60 .60

.326 1.25 .55




Vol . 26. No 10



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1.85 Caffeine. U 8 P., 5-lb CBM .I b. Calcium acetate. bags 100 Ibs 2.50 05 Arsenate. bbls .Ib. 05% Carbide drums .Ib. Chloride, drums. wkn., flake .ton 19.50 Cyanide. drums .I b. 30 Nitrate. bags. 15% N . , .ton 25.50 Phosphate. monobas., bbls .Ib. 07% Tribas., bbls . I b. 11 Calcium carbonate. tech., bags. 100 lbs . 1 00 U 8 P., precip 175-lb bbl . I b. 06% Camphor. Jap., slabs .I b. 52 Carbasole. bbls .I b. 75 Carbon. activated. drums lb . . 08 Carbon bisulfide. drums lb 051 Carbon b!ack . I b. 04t Carbon dioxide. liq cy1 .I b. 05 Carbon tetraohloride. drums .Ib. 05% ell% Casein. stand gr., bbls . I b. Cellulose acetate. bbls .I b. 80 25 Cerium oxalate. kegs .I b. 06 .I b. Charcoal. willow. powd., bbls China clay. bulk .ton 8.00 70 Chloral hydrate. drums .Ib. 055 Chlorine. liq c/l., Cyl.*. .Ib. Chlorine. tanks 100 lbs 1.85 Chlorobenzene. mono-. drums Ib 05 Chloroform tech., drums .Ib. 20 Chromium acetate. 20' aoln.,bbls . I b. 05 C o d tar. bbls .. wks bbl 8.50 Cobalt. metal. kegs .I b. 2.50 Cobalt oxide. bbls .I b. 1.25 Cod liver oil. bbls bbl 27.00 Copperas. d..bulk ton 14.50 Copper. metal. elec 100 lbs 0.00 Copper carbonate. bbls., 62/54% . I b. -15% Chloride. bbls . Ib. 17 Cyanide. drums .Ib. 37 Oxide. red. bbls .I b. 15 sulfate. c/l., bbls 100 lbs 3.85 Cotton. soluble. bbls .Ib. 40 Cream tartar. bbls .Ib. 18% Cyanamide. bulk. N y ..Ammonia unit 1.07% Diaminophenol. kegs .I b. 3 .SO Diamylamine. drums wks .I b. 1 00 Diamylene. tanks. wks lb. .08% Diamyl ether. drums. wks .I b. .OD Diamyl sulfide. drums. w b .I b. 1.10 Dladsidine. bbls Ib 2.35 Dibutylphthalate. drums. wks .I b. 20% Dichloropentanes. tanks. wks .I b. 0241 Diethylanilhe. d r u m lb 52 Diethylene glycol. drums lb -14 Diethyl carbinol. drums. wks lb 60 Diethyl phthalate. drums .I b. 23 Diethyl sulfate. tech., d r u m .I b. 20 Dimethyladhe. drums .I b. 29 Dimethyl ethyl carbinol. drum. 50 Dimethylsulfate. drums Ib 45 Dinitrobenzene tech., drums .I b. 17 Dinitrochlorobenzene. bbls .I b. 14% Dinitronaphthalene. bbla .I b. 34 Dinitrophenol. bbls .I b. 23 Diphenylamine. bbls .I b. 31 Diphenylguanidine. bbls .l b. 36 Epmm salt. tech., bbls., cfi., N Y 100 Ibs 1.70 Ether, nitrous. bot .I b. 75 Ether. conc., d r u m .I b. 08 Ethyl acetate. tankr, O f i .Ib. 07% Bromide. drums .Ib. .KO Chloride. drums lb 22 Methyl ketone. drums Ib. 30 Ethylbenrylaniline. 300-lb drums lb 88 Ethylenechlorohydrin. 76 Glycol. a/]., wks .I b. 26 Feldspar. bulk .ton 10.00 Fertic chloride. tech., bbb .I b. 05 Fenour chloride. cryst., b b b lb 08 2 .KO Ferrous sulfide. b b b 100 lba Fluorspar. 98% b s w ..ton 31.00 Formaldehyde. bbla Ib 06 Formaniline. drums .I b. 37% Fuller's earth bags. a/l miner ton 6.50 ~ u r t w a l . &ma. teci.. contract. worh .I b. 10 Glauber'r aalt b b b 100 Iba 1.10 Gluawe. 70'. bags. dry 100 Ibr 3.14 Glycerine c P., d r u m ..I b. 13% 0 ralt. bbls .I b. 42 Heramethylenetetramne, tech drum6 .I b. 37


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Hydrogen peroxide. 25 vol., bbls . I b. 05% Hydroquinone. kegs Ib 1.20 12 Indigo. 20%. paate bbls . I b. Iodine. crude. 200-lb. kga .kilo 15s l d Iodine. resubl jars .Ib. 1.90 Iron acetate. liq., 17O. bbls., c/l 03 Kieselguhr. bags .ton 50.00 Cead. metal. N Y 100 Ibs. 3 . 7 5 11 Lead acetate. bbls., white ......... .I b. 08 Arsenate bbls . 0541 Oxide. litharge. bbls., 20-to 20 Peroxide. druma ................lh . 0655 Red. bbls., 20-ton lots .I b. . 05 05% White. basic carb., bbls lb 85 Lime. hydrated. bbls 100 Ibs Lime. live. chemical. bbls., wks., 280 lbc 1.70 1.50 Limestone. ground. baas. wka .ton Lithopone. bbls., .I b. .04% Magnesite. calcined. 500-lb bbls., wks., .ton 60.00 30 Magnesium. metal. wks .I b. 06% Magnesium carbonate. baas .I b. Chloride. drums ................ton 36.00 * 10 Fluosilicate cryst., bbls . . . . . . . . . .I b. 42 Oxide. U 8 P., light. bbls ........Ib 075 Manganese chloride. cmka .........I b. Dioxide. 80% bbls .............ton 80.00 Sulfate. casks ...................Ib . 09 Mercury bichloride. cryst., 100 lbs lb 88 Mercury flasks. 76 Ibs .flask 74.50 Ib Meta-nitroaniline. bbls 67 Meta-phenylenediamine. bbls .......Ib . 82 Meta-tolylenediamine. bbls 57 Methanol. pure. synthetic. drums delivered. c/l .aa 1. 37% Tanks. delivered ea1 36% Methyl acetone. drums .ga 1. .50% Methyl chloride. cylinders lb 45 Methyl propyl carbinol. drums. wks Ib . .60 Methyl salicylate. cases Ib . 42 Michler'a ketone. bbls lh 2.50 Monoamylamine drums. wks lb 1 00 Naphthalene. flake. bbls ............Ib . .OR Nickel. metal .................... .I b. .35 11%






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. .11%

Niter cake. bulk ..ton 11.50 Nitrobenzene. drums lb IO9 Oil. castor No . 1 .I b. 10% China wood. bbla lh 095 Coconut. tanks lb 03 Cod. N F., bbls .paI. 40 Corn. crude. tanks mills .I b. 06% Cottonaeed. crude. tanka .Ib. .os .I b. Linseed. bbls 096 .gaI. Menhaden. crude. tanks 22 Neat's-foot. pure. bbla .Ib. 12% Oleo. No 1 bbls .Ib. 08% Olive oil. denat., bbls .gal .87 Foots. bbls .I b. .07 Palm. Lagos canks . I b. 03% Peanut. crude. tanks Ib 08 Perilla. b b b .I b. 09% Rapeseed. bbls gnl . 37 Red. bbls .I b. 08% .I b. Soy bean. crude. tanka 066 Sperm. 38'. bbls .Ib. 108 Whale bbls., natural. winter lb 072 Ortho-aminophenol. kegs .I b. 2.16 Ortho-& chlorobcncene. drums lb 08 Ortho-nitrochlorobencene. drums Ib 28 Ortho-nitrophenol. bbls .Ib. 85 Ortho-nitrotoluene. drums .I b. 05% Ortho-toluidine. bbls .I b. $14 Para-aminophenol. keas .I b. 78 Para-dichlorobenzene lb 18 Para-formaldehyde. casei .I b. 38 Paraldehyde. tech drums lb 20% Para-nitraniline drums Ib 48 Para-nitroahlorobensene. drums .I b. 26 Para-nitrophenol. bbls .I b. 45 Para-nitrwodimethylaniline bbla .I b. 92 Para-nitrotoluene. bbls .Ib. 35 Para-phenylenediamine bbls lb 1.16 Para-tertiary amyl phenol. drumi. wb .I b. .KO para-toluidine. b b b .I b. 66 Paris Qreen 250-lb kegs .I b. 23 Phenol. drums .I b. 14% Phenolphthalein. drums Ib 62 Phenylethyl alcohol. 1-lb bot .I b. 3.76 Phosphorus. red. cases .I b. -46 .I b. Phosphorus trichloride. cy1 18


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Phthalic anhydride. bbla . Ib. .14% 08 . Platinum. metal. solid 36.00 Potash. caustic. drums Ib . 06% Potassium acetate. kegs Ib. .27 Bicarbonate. canb Ib . .07% Bichromate. casks Ib . 08% Binoxslate. bbla., lb . .14 Bromide lb. *35 Carbonate. 8 0 4 5 % . calc., casks Ib. .07 Chlorate. kegs., lb .00 Chloride. crystals. bbb., .04% Cyanide. c a m lb .55 Meta-bisulfite. bbls lb 10% Muriate fert., bulk. per KrO unit ... .40 Permanganate. drums lb . .18% Prussiate. red. casks Ib .39 Yellow. casks lb . .18 Titanium oxalate. bbla., Ib .32 Pyridine. drums .ga1. 1.25 Resorcinol. tech., kegs .I b. 175 Rochelle salt. bbls., U 9 P . I b. .13% R salt. bbla .lb .44 Saccharin. cans .I b. 1.70 Salt cake. bulk ..ton 13.00 Saltpeter. gran., bbla Ib .06 Silica. ref., bags .ton 22.00 Silver nitrate. 15-02 bot .oz .35% Soda ash. 58%. light. bags. contract. wks 100 Iba 1.23 Soda. caustic. 75%. solid drums. contract. wks 100 lbs 2.80 Sodium acetate. bbla . I b. .05 Benaoate. bbls .I b. .46 Bicarbonate. bbls 100 Iba 1.85 Bichromate. casks .I b. 013% Bisulfite. bbls lb .03 Bromide. bbla., U S P .I b. .35 Chlorate. kegs Ib .05 Chloride. bags .ton 12.00 Cyanide cases Ib .155 Fluoride. bbls .Ib. .075 Metallic. drums. 12%-lb bricka .I b. .19 Metasilicate. cryst 100 lbs 3.25 Metasilicate. gran., bbls 100 lba 2.65 Naphthionate. bbls .I b. .52 Nitrate. crude. 200-lb bags. N Y ton 24.80 ..I b. Nitrite. bbls *07% Perborate. bbls .I b. .17 Peroxide. casea .I b. .20 Phosphate. disodium. bags 100 Ibs 1.00 Phosphate. trisodium. bbls 100 lbs 2.70 Picramate. kegs . Ib. .67 Prussiate bbls .I b. 11% Silicate. drums. tanks. 40O.. 100 lbs .80 Silicofluoride. bbls lb .05 Stannate. drums .I b. .33% 100 lbr Sulfate. anbyd., bbls 2.20 Sulfide. cryst., bbls .I b. .02% Solid. 60% .I b. .03% Sulfocyanide. bbls .l b. .30 Thiosulfate. reg., cryst., bbla .I b. .02% .I b. Tungstate. kegs .83 Strontium carbonate. tech., bbb .I b. *07% Nitrate. bbls .I b. 00% Sulfur. bulk. mines wkn .ton 18.00 Sulfur chloride. red. d r u m .I b. .OK Yellow. drums .I b. 03% Sulfur dioxide. commercial. cy1 .I b. .07 Sulfuryl chloride. drums lb *10 Thiocarbanilid. b b b Ib .25 Tin Ib *55 Tin tetraohloride, anbydroua. drumr. bblr 1b. -26 Oxide. bbls .I b. .56 .I b. Titanium dioxide. bbla., wkr .17% .gal Toluene. tanks .30 Triamylamine. drums wks lb 1.25 Triamyl borate. drume. wks .I b. .40 .I b. Tribromophenol. casea 1.10 Ib Triphenylguanidine. drums .58 Triphenyl phwphate. bbb .I b. .37 .I b. Tungsten. powder 1.65 Urea. pure. caner. lb 16 Whiting. bags .ton 7.00 .gal Xylene. loo. tanka. w b -29 Xylidine drums .Ib. .36 Zinc. metal. E St Louis 100 lbr 4.00 Zino ammonium chloride. bbL .I b. (M . I b. Chloride. grandatad, drums 06'6 Oxide. Amer b b t .I b. .ax Stearate. bbls .Ib. .18 . Ib. Zino dust. bbb., c/l 0630




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