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CHEMISTRY A Thoroughly Revised Edition in 3 A continued demand for Martin's "Industrial Chemistry" over the pa^st twenty years has resulted in the publication of this new e d i t i o n . A n e w Editor has been a p p o i n t e d , witfn instructions to b r i n g the w o r k up to date without altering its essential character. In o r d e r to do this in a satisfactory manner, all out-of-date matter without historical or technical significance has been replaced by n e w matter, but the o l d e r material relating: to the classical development o f p r o c e s s e s or industries has b e e n retained because of its great value t o students, manufacturers, and c o m ­ mercial interests. T h e sections o n fuel and related p r o c e s s e s have b e e n re—written completely, and c o m ­ plementary n e w sections added t o cater for the in­ creasing w o r l d awareciess of the importance of fuel


e c o n o m y a n d to illustrate the great a d v a n c e s in the subject of fuel utilization a n d p o w e r g e n e r a t i o n that have taken place d u r i n g the past f e w d e c a d e s . i n other major s e c t i o n s , sufficient n e w material has been i n c l u d e d to indicate the latest d e v e l o p m e n t s in the various subjects a n d n u m e r o u s r e f e r e n c e s to n e w b o o k s a n d t o the p e r i o d i c scientific literature have been g i v e n t o enable the specialized reader t o obtain more details of the latest information on any subject than it has been p o s s i b l e t o provide in the space avail­ able. T h i s h a s meant, in s o m e instances, m a k i n g the larger s e c t i o n s a little unwieldy, though up to date. Many of t h e minor s e c t i o n s have been e n l a r g e d t o include r e c e n t developments and in all c a s e s up-todate references are given.

P a r t i — O R G A N I C (One Volume,




Seventh Edition Revised (1952) under the General Editorship of E D W A R D I. C O O K E TABLE O F CONTENTS The Oil, Fat, Varnish, ancll Soap Industry— T h e Sugar Industry— T h e Starch Industry — Trie Cellulose Industry — Fermentation Industries — T h e CharcoaJ and Wood-Distilling Industries — The Turpentine a n d Rosin Industry — Industrial Gmrns a n d R e s i n s — T h e Rubber Industry Trie Industry of Aliphatic Chemicals — The Fuel Gas Industry— Industry of Coal Tar and Coal Tar Products — Industry of tha.e Synthetic C o l o r i n g Matters — The Industry of Natural D y e s t u f f s — T h e Ink Industry— The Paint and Pigment Industry — T e x t i l e Fibre, Bleaching, and Waterproofing Industries — The Dyeing and Color Printing Industry — T h e Leather and Tanning Industry — Glue, Gelatine, and Albumen Industry — T h e Industry o f M o d e r n Synthetic a n d cvther D r u g s — T h e Plastics Industry T h e Industry of Photographic Chemicals — T h e T o b a c c o Industry— Index.

P a r t l l - I N O R G A N I C (Two Volumes,

nearly 7 2 0 0 pages)

Sixth Edition Revised (1954) under the General Editorship of WILFRID FRANCIS SUMMARY OF VOLUME I Solid Fuels — Manufacture o f Briquettes — Liquid Fuels — Furnaces — C o k e Ovens — Surface Combustion — F»yrometry and Pyroscopy — Refrigeratitug and Ice-Making — Liquefaction o f Gases — Industrial Oxygen, N i t r o g e n , and Hydrogen — Producer Gas — Carbon Dioxide a^nd Carbonic A c i d — I n d u s t r i a l Ozone — T e c h n o l o g y o f Water— Artificial Mineral Waters — S u l p h u r , Sulphuric Acid, Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphites — Salt — Hydrochloric Acid — Sodium Sulphate, Sodium Carbonate, a n d Soda — The Stassfurt Industry — ZPotassium Salts — Calcium and Magnesium Salts — Gypsum — Barium Salts — Strontium Salts — Com­ pounds o f Boron — Manufacture o f Chlorine — Electrolytic Chlorine and Alkali — Liquid Chlorine — Chlorates a n d Perchlorates — Bleaching P o w d e r — jBromine — Iodine — Hydrofluoric Acid — P e r o x i d e s a n d Per-Acids — T h e Nitrate Industry — N i t r i c Acid — A m m o n i a a n d Ammonium Salts — Synthetic A m m o n i a — T h e Cyanamide Industry — T h e Cyanide and Prussiate Industry — N i t r o u s Oxide — Indexe. S U M M A R Y O F V O L U M E fll Disinfectants and Antiseptics — Artificial Manures — Insecticides, Etc. — Aluminium Compounds—Artificial Zeolite or Permutite — Artificial G e m s — T h e r m i c Reactions — Calcareous Cement — Sorel Cement—Artificial S t o n e — S o d i u m Silicate, Water Glass and Soluble Glass Lutes and Miscellaneous Cements —Clays and Allied Materials — Pottery — Earthenware — Porcelain — Stoneware — Bricks — Tiles — Furnace Linings — Glass — Enamels — A s b e s t o s — Mica — Thorium and Cerium — Titanium — Zirconium — Tantalum Tungsten— Incandescent G l o w Lamps — Industry o f Radio-Active Materials — Electric Furnace Prod­ ucts — C o m p o s i t i o n s for Grinding and Polishing — Phosphorus — Matches — Index. Clip coupon to letterhead or purchase order- form

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