Mass Spectrometers? For top performance-to-price

For top performance-to-price ratio, pick Perkin-Elmer. At any price. Start with our low-cost model. RMS-4. Derived from our best- selling RMU series, ...
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Mass Spectrometers? For top performance-to-price ratio, pick Perkin-Elmer. At any price. Start with our low-cost model Derived from our bestselling RMU series, it’s a medium resolution instrument designed for routine operation by inexperienced personnel. With mass range of 1,200 and adjustable resolving RMS-4.

power from 300 to over 2,500, it meets and beats the competition in its price and performance class. And, like all our mass spectrometers, it’s fully compatible with our gas chromatographs.

There’s a new addition to our RMU series, too. It’s the RMU-6L. This instrument has a new magnet system with a field of more than 11,200 gauss, and a new ion source that boosts accelerating voltage to 4.8 kv. It gives you resolution of 10,000 (10% valley), and usable sensitivity down to 10-14 gm/sec. Plus all the other proved design that have made the features Hitachi Perkin-Elmer RMU-6 series the “work horses” of hundreds of

mass spectroscopy labs around the world. Whatever your mass spectroscopy needs may be, talk to one of our technical specialists. For complete information write to Instrument Division, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 702 Main Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut 06852.


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