Mass Spectrometry Data Centre - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Mass Spectrometry Data Centre. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (3), pp 68A–68A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60235a767. Publication Date: March 1966. ACS Legacy Archive. N...
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NEWS bined techniques in t h e analysis of nonvolatile organic compounds, especially polymers, compounds of biological interest, and simpler organic compounds will be discussed a t t h e symposium. Contributed papers in all aspects of t h e subject a r e invited. An a b s t r a c t of not more t h a n 500 words is required before J u n e 15. Financial assistance for travel will be available t o authors of papers accepted from abroad. All inquiries concerning this symposium should be directed to D r . G. Guiochon, École Polytechnique, 17, rue Descartes, F 75, Paris, 5, France.

Mass Spectrometry Data Centre T h e United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority is setting u p a mass spect r o m e t r y d a t a centre a t t h e Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, England. T h e work of t h e centre will include a n investigation into the use of computers for chemical analysis by matching a n d evaluating mass spectra a n d an investigation into modern methods of classifying a n d handling information so as t o produce a spectra reference a n d retrieval system. In addition, t w o services will become available t o mass spectrometry users throughout t h e world. These a r e : a mass spectra holding a n d information service a n d a world-wide index to compounds a n d materials already examined b y mass spectrometry. F o r a given compound or material t h e index will give information such as where to find its spectrum, its molecular weight and molecular formula, and possibly a bibliography.


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Conference on Nuclear Radiation Measurement T h e Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories of t h e Central Electricity Generating Board, in collaboration with T h e Instit u t e of Physics a n d T h e Physical Society, are arranging a conference on t h e measurement of nuclear radiation. T h e conference will be held a t Berkeley from t h e 12th t o the 16th of September. T h e following topics will be included: The role of nuclear radiation measurements in a nuclear power program The measurement of neutron energy distribution in mixed radiation fields: measurements of ipithermal and fast neutron spectra; technique for high flux and low flux regions The measurement of gamma radiation : gamma ray spectrometry; energy flux and energy absorption The measurement of charged particles: spectrometry and dosimetry of alphaand beta-particles Absolute measurement: calibration a n d methods Nuclear data: requirements for future work