Mass Transfer in a Viscous Bubble Column with Forced Oscillations

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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008, 47, 5386–5394

Mass Transfer in a Viscous Bubble Column with Forced Oscillations Y. G. Waghmare, Richard. G. Rice,* and F. Carl Knopf* Department of Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State UniVersity, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

Previously, it was shown that low-amplitude (0.5-2.5 mm) oscillations at moderate frequencies (0-25 Hz) can be used to improve bubble column performance. Literature on pulsed-flow bubble columns has mainly focused on air-water systems. In the present work, the effects of oscillations on mass transfer in a pulsedflow bubble column were studied for various carboxymethylcellulose solutions giving an effective viscosity range of 1-62 cP. As in our previous work on air-water systems, the viscous system exhibits an initial increase in mass-transfer coefficient as a function of frequency and then leveled to a plateau. This asymptotic behavior can be attributed to the Bjerknes force acting on a bubble, which slows the bubble rise as frequency is increased. The shape of the curve for mass-transfer coefficient vs frequency was unchanged for viscous systems, but the absolute value of the mass-transfer coefficient decreased as a function of increasing viscosity. A theory was developed from first principles to show how the volumetric mass-transfer coefficient changes as a function of operating parameters, such as the frequency and amplitude of vibrations, gas superficial velocity, and viscosity of the fluid. The comparison with experiments was quite good for a large range of velocities and viscosities. Introduction Use of oscillations to improve the performance of chemical engineering operations is not new and can be dated back to at least 1938. In that year, Martinelli and Boelter1 found that heat transfer in a natural convection mode from a tube to water can be increased by up to 400% using vibrations. Since then, vibrations have been used in a variety of chemical engineering operations ranging from mineral washing to fluidization. In a classical review, Baird2 presented the scope of various applications of vibrations for the chemical processing industry. In general, frequencies ranging from 1 to 105 Hz can be utilized for chemical engineering applications. Particularly, frequencies in the range of 1-500 Hz can be utilized for gas-liquid contacting. Various generators such as pistons, bellows, air pulsars, electromagnetic vibrators, and loudspeakers can deliver the necessary frequencies of vibration. Many investigators have reported the application of vibrations in bubble columns for gas-liquid contacting. The first report appeared in 1960, when Harbaum and Houghton3 showed that the rate of absorption of CO2 in water can be enhanced by up to 70% through the application of sonic vibrations in the frequency range of 20-2000 Hz and the amplitude range of 0.01-1.0 mm. They observed that the mass-transfer coefficient showed multiple maxima when frequency was increased. They attributed this behavior to the bubble resonance phenomenon. Further detailed investigations by Harbaum and Houghton4 revealed the effects of vibrations on other hydrodynamic parameters such as the gas hold-up, interfacial area, bubble size, and rise velocity. Bretsznajder and Pasiuk5 studied a similar system of CO2 absorption in water, but using a mechanical vibration system as opposed to the sonic vibrations used by Harbaum and Houghton. With the mechanical vibrations, they were able to achieve higher amplitudes (0.5-10.5 mm) at the expense of lower frequency range (0-70 Hz). They observed similar multiple maxima in absorption rates as a function of the frequency. Baird and Garstang6 investigated the absorption of oxygen from air into water in a pulsed bubble column * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: rrice007@ (R.G.R.), [email protected] (F.C.K.).

containing fixed baffles. They found that the gas hold-up and mass-transfer coefficients were increased by up to a factor of 3 with the help of vibrations. Recently, Krishna and co-workers7–15 rejuvenated interest in the oscillating bubble column reactor. They studied the influence of vibrations on the air-water system. Vibrations were imparted using an electromagnetic vibrator. They reported enhancements of up to a factor of 4 in the mass-transfer coefficient under oscillating conditions as compared to the nonpulsed case. Knopf et al.16,17 showed that the application of low-amplitude (0.5-2.5 mm) and lowfrequency (0-25 Hz) vibrations can be used to achieve masstransfer enhancements of up to 500% and gas hold-up enhancements of up to 200%. A summary of oscillating bubble column studies reported in the literature is provided in Table 1. All of the previous studies dealt with aqueous systems. Few attempts have been made to investigate the effects of the physical properties of the fluid on the performance of a bubble column with oscillations. The present work reports the effects of viscosity and superficial gas velocity on the mass-transfer coefficient in an oscillating bubble column. Aqueous solutions with different concentrations of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) were prepared to obtain liquids with different (effective) viscosities. The mass-transfer coefficient was measured by oxygen uptake experiments. Most of the available literature reports experimental findings with correlations, but few attempts have been made to derive a general theory to explain the experimental findings. Baird and Garstang6 and Ni and Gao19 used an empirical correlation to predict kLa in a baffled column. They correlated kLa with power input and superficial gas velocity. In our previous work,18 we derived a comprehensive theory to explain the mass-transfer and gas hold-up enhancements in a bubble column under the influence of oscillations. It is the purpose of the current work to extend that theory to take into account the effects of the viscosity of the pulsed liquid phase. Experimental Methods The equipment used to carry out this work is shown in Figure 1 and is the same as used in our previous work.16–18 It consists

10.1021/ie800041k CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/12/2008

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 15, 2008 5387 Table 1. Summary of Literature on Oscillating Bubble Columns researchers


frequency (Hz)

amplitude (mm)

gas superficial velocity (mm/s)

kLa (s-1)

kL a enhancement


Bretsznajder and Pasiuk5 Harbaum and Houghton4 Baird and Gerstang6 Krishna and Ellenberger10 Knopf et al.16–18

CO2–water CO2–water air–water (baffled) air–water air–water

0–70 20–2000 1–1.35 0–120 0–25

0.5–10.5 0.01–1 0–94 0–25 0.5–2.5

14 8–25 1–15 0.1–1.5

0.02–0.06 0.03–0.17 0.01–0.05 0.001–0.036

3 1.7 3 4 5

0.05–0.25 0.04–0.2 0.01–0.12 0.005–0.06

5 3 2.5 2

of a Plexiglas column with a diameter of 8.9 cm and a height of 106 cm. The base of the column is sealed with a natural gum rubber sheet. The natural gum rubber sheet is clamped between two stainless steel disks. The disks are 8.26 cm in diameter, which essentially produces a solid piston at the column base. These disks are directly coupled to an eccentric cam that is driven by a 5 HP variable-speed motor. The motor speed is controlled by an Omron Sysdrive 3G 3JV compact inverter controller. The eccentric cam produces a sinusoidal oscillation to the disks at the base of the column. The system is configured for operation at 0–30 Hz with amplitudes from 0 to 2.5 mm. The bubble column reactor (BCR) was filled with liquid to a level 78 cm above the injector. Compressed air was injected into the BCR from a single-capillary stainless steel injector of 0.75-mm diameter. The gas flow rate was controlled by a pressure regulator and a needle valve and was measured by a totalizing dry test meter (Singer DTM-200). Jetting conditions

Figure 1. Oscillating bubble column reactor.

Figure 2. Plot of shear stress vs shear rate giving an exponent of 0.94 for a 3% CMC solution.

prevailed at the injector tip for the entire range of gas flow rates under consideration, so the initial bubble size was widely distributed. The BCR was operated as a batch system with respect to the liquid phase (water or aqueous CMC solution) and in continuous up-flow for the gas phase (air). Experiments were performed for a range of gas superficial velocities, namely, 0.5-1.5 cm/s. Frequency was varied from 0 to 25 Hz, and two amplitudes of 1.66 and 2.46 mm were investigated. Mass-transfer experiments were performed by measuring the dissolved oxygen concentration as a function of time. A dissolved oxygen probe from Cole Palmer (model 300 mm) and a signal conditioner (model 01971-00) were used. The oxygen probe was placed 32 cm above the injector. Signals from the oxygen probe were directly recorded by a computer using Labview instrumentation software. Once oxygen concentration data had been obtained, the volumetric mass-transfer coefficient was calculated according to the expression C(t) ) 1 - exp(-kLat) (1) C* where C(t) is dissolved oxygen concentration at time t and C* is the saturation concentration of oxygen in pure water. A more detailed account of mass-transfer measurements can be found in our previous work.16 Experiments were performed with liquids of three different viscosities. Distilled water (viscosity ) 1 cP) was used as the lowest-viscosity solution. Aqueous CMC solutions of two different concentrations (2 and 3 wt %) were prepared by dissolving a low-viscosity carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt (Sigma-Aldrich) in distilled water. The 2 wt % solution gave a viscosity of 11 cP, and the 3 wt % solution gave a viscosity of 62 cP at 25 °C. Viscosity was measured using an AR1000 Rheometer (TA Instruments). A cone-and-plate geometry was used with a cone diameter of 40 mm, a gap of 27 µm, and a cone angle of 0°59′54′′. Viscosity and shear stress were measured for shear rates ranging from 10 to 100 s-1. A solvent trap around the sample was used to prevent any change in the concentration of the CMC solution due to the evaporative loss of water during the measurement run. Generally, low-viscosity CMC solutions behave as a Newtonian fluid. This fact was confirmed by plotting shear stress data versus shear rate on a log-log scale (Figure 2) to assess the power-law fluid properties. The values of the power on the shear rate were found to be 0.97 and 0.94 for the 2 and 3 wt % CMC solutions, respectively. A power exponent of slightly less than 1 suggests the existence of shear thinning. Because the value of the exponent is very close to unity, for the purposes of the present work, it was assumed that CMC solutions behaved as Newtonian fluids. The bubble size distribution (BSD) was measured for pure water. High-speed photographs were obtained using a high-speed camera (Photron Fastcam PCI-R2). Pictures were taken through a square water box, 25 cm on a side with a height of 86 cm, that surrounded the circular column and allowed the bubble swarm to be viewed more clearly. The images from the camera were analyzed using Image J software, which calculates the areas

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Figure 3. Volumetric mass-transfer coefficient vs frequency at different superficial gas velocities. A ) 1.66 mm, µ ) 11 cP.

Figure 4. Effect of viscosity on volumetric mass-transfer coefficient. A ) 1.66 mm, Uog ) 0.5 cm/s.

of all of the bubbles. Bubble areas so determined were used to calculate the bubble size distribution. A representative bubble size was deduced from the bubble size distribution by calculating the Sauter mean diameter.The Sauter mean diameter is the ratio of the third moment to the second moment. More details about the bubble size measurements can be found in our previous work.20 Experimental Results The volumetric mass-transfer coefficient was measured as a function of frequency at two different amplitudes: 1.66 and 2.46 mm. Three solutions of different viscosities, namely, 1, 11, and 62 cP, were investigated. The gas superficial velocity was varied from 0.5 to 1.5 cm/s. Figure 3 shows representative results for the mass-transfer coefficient (kLa) at a pulsed-flow amplitude of 1.66 mm for the CMC solution with a viscosity of 11 cP, at different superficial gas velocities, plotted against frequency. At a constant superficial gas velocity, kLa increases with increasing frequency, ultimately reaching a plateau at around 17.5 Hz. From the graph, it can be seen that a mass-transfer enhancement of up to 300% is obtained as compared to the nonoscillating case. If the frequency is held constant, then an increase in the superficial gas velocity gives an increase in kLa. Figure 4 shows the effect of viscosity on kLa in an oscillating bubble column. The volumetric mass-transfer coefficient for solutions of different viscosities is plotted against frequency at a constant superficial gas velocity of 0.5 cm/s. It can be seen from the graph that, at a constant viscosity, kLa increases with increasing frequency and ultimately reaches a plateau. This behavior was observed for all viscosities. The shape of the masstransfer coefficient vs frequency curve remains unchanged for viscous systems, but the absolute value of the mass-transfer coefficient decreases as a function of increasing viscosity. Theory We wish to develop a theory to explain the mass-transfer enhancements observed in an oscillating bubble column. We seek to explain the behavior of kLa as a function of operating parameters such as frequency and amplitude of vibration; gas superficial velocity; and physical properties, namely, viscosity, surface tension, and diffusivity. The volumetric mass-transfer coefficient is a lumped parameter and depends on other fundamental hydrodynamic parameters such as the bubble size,

Figure 5. Force balance around a bubble under the application of vibrations.

bubble rise velocity, and so on. It is an important step to understand the effects of oscillations on these fundamental parameters. This will serve as a building block for a unified theory to predict mass-transfer coefficient. If these effects are modeled individually, then the individual models can be combined to obtain a final expression to estimate kLa. There are chiefly three effects associated with the oscillations in a viscous bubble column. The first observable effect of impressed oscillations is the decreasing of the bubble rise velocity. Second, forced oscillations cause breakage and the formation of smaller bubbles. Third, viscosity affects the masstransfer coefficient through the dependence of diffusivity on viscosity, via the Stokes-Einstein effect. These three phenomena are discussed in detail in the following sections. Bubble Rise Velocity: The Bjerknes Effect. The rise velocity of a single bubble is governed by the force balance controlling its movement. In the absence of vibrations, there are mainly two forces acting on a bubble in steady rise: the buoyancy force, responsible for the upward movement of the bubble, and the drag force, which opposes this upward movement. Application of forced oscillations gives rise to an additional force acting downward, generally known as the Bjerknes force.21 This force is also known as the kinetic buoyancy force. It arises as a result of the interaction between the pulsing bubble volume and the acceleration of the oscillating liquid phase. Forces acting on a bubble under the influence of vibration can be visualized as shown in Figure 5. The vibrations produce an oscillating pressure field in the liquid phase as shown by the equation22 P ) P0 + Flhg - Flhω2A sin ωt


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 15, 2008 5389 Table 2. Comparison of Experimental Bj Values at the Stagnation Point for Fluids of Different Viscosities viscosity density height amplitude frequency fc (Hz) µ (cP) Fl (g/cm3) h (cm) A (mm)



1 11 62

1 1 1

78 78 78

2.46 2.46 2.46

27.1 24 23.4

1.99 1.22 1.11

1 18.1 74.3

1 1.17 1.21

41.8 42.6 38.7

1.69 2.14 2.12



〈F〉 ) FlV0g 1 -

Jameson and Davidson23(h ) 41.8-38.7 cm) water dilute glycerol concentrated glycerol

ω2A∆VmaxFl 2 Substituting the expression for ∆Vmax from eq 5 gives 〈F 〉 ) V0Flg -

Present Work (h ) 78 cm) water 2 wt % CMC 3 wt % CMC

This instantaneous force can be time-averaged over the period of oscillation to give the average force, 〈F〉

32.9 32.1 31.8

2.82 1.65 1.41


1 (Flh)A ω 2 gP0


) FlV0g[1 - Bj(h)]

V ) V0 + ∆Vmax sin ωt


where V0 is the mean bubble volume and ∆Vmax is the maximum volume change owing to pressure pulsation. Using eqs 2 and 3 and Boyle’s law, the maximum change in volume can be determined as24 Flhω2A ∆Vmax ) V0 P0 + Flhg - Fhlω2A


When P0 is atmospheric pressure or higher, P0 > (Flhg Fhlω2A) under most conditions; hence, we shall take ∆Vmax Flhω2A ≈ V0 P0


In general, the buoyancy force is given as Fb ) volume of bubble × density difference × acceleration (6) Fb ) V(Fl - Fg)g


Neglecting gas density, we can write Fb ) VFlg


Apart from the acceleration due to gravity, there is additional acceleration acting on the bubble under oscillating conditions. The displacement of the fluid phase owing to vertical sinusoidal oscillations is given by X ) A sin ωt


The second derivative of the displacement X gives the acceleration as (10) X¨ ) -Aω2 sin ωt Now, the total acceleration acting on a bubble is the combination of the gravitational acceleration and the acceleration arising from oscillations, which can be seen to be g - Aω2 sin ωt. Using this total acceleration and the instantaneous volume given by eq 3, Bjerknes21 proposed that the instantaneous force acting on a bubble due to kinetic buoyancy can be expressed using eq 6 as F ) (V0 + ∆Vmax sin ωt)Fl(g - Aω2 sin ωt)



where Bj is the dimensionless Bjerknes number, defined as 2

where P0 is the external pressure acting on the top liquid surface and h is the height of the liquid column above the bubble. The volume of a bubble varies according to the changing pressure, and we assume that the bubbles pulsate in phase with the pressure oscillations. (The experiments reported by Jameson and Davidson,23 however, found this to be untrue.) For an isothermal bubble pulsation, following Boyle’s law, the bubble volume can be given as24


Bj(h) )


1 (Flh)A ω 2 gP0


Note that the Bjerknes number is the ratio of the net downward force FlV0(FlhA2ω4/2P0)to the net upward force FlV0g. Equation 13 contains an additional negative term that reduces the original buoyancy force causing the reduced rise velocity of a bubble. At appropriate vibration intensity, 〈F〉 can be forced to zero, and hence, a bubble can be held stationary in the liquid. Because the Bjerknes number, Bj, is the ratio of the net downward force to the net upward force, the stagnation point can this be achieved when these forces become equal and Bj takes a value of 1. We call this frequency fc, and it is the value that corresponds to a flooding point whereby bubbles no longer rise in a uniform fashion. Buchanan et al.24 performed a similar analysis without the assumption of P0 > (Flhg - Fhlω2A) made in eq 5. They gave the condition for the stagnation point as ω2A ) g +

3g2 +

2gP0 Flh


Jameson and Davidson23 also found the condition for the stagnation point to be Bj ) 1 based on a rather different approach. This theory is based on an inviscid flow model using potential flow theory. Their theory also predicted that the bubble vertical motion was in phase with liquid pulsing and that the bubble displacement was 3 times the liquid displacement. However, their experimental work revealed that there was a phase difference and also that the displacement difference between the bubble and the liquid was not a factor of 3, but rather diminished as the viscosity increased. We performed visual experiments to measure the critical frequency (fc) at the stagnation point for solutions of different viscosities. The results are presented in Table 2. Experimental results from Jameson and Davidson23 are also included for comparison purposes, where we note that the liquid height above the bubble in our work was nearly twice that of Jameson and Davidson. This, of course, means that, for a constant value of Bj, the value of the critical frequency (fc) to cause stagnation or levitation will be nearly 20% larger for their experiments, as the results in Table 2 show. It can also be seen that, at the stagnation point, experimentally observed values of Bj are greater than 1 and these values decrease with higher-viscosity solutions. These results are in agreement with those of Jameson and Davidson.23 The observed dependence of fc on viscosity cannot be predicted from the current theoretical condition of Bj ) 1. In a companion paper, Jameson25 developed a theory for the motion of a bubble in a vertically oscillating viscous liquid. His analysis indicated that the stagnation or levitation point is independent of the viscosity of the fluid. If the frequency is increased further beyond the critical frequency, then bubbles start moving downward. Buchanan et

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Figure 6. Photographs of bubble column (taken 350 mm above the nozzle) showing improved bubble breakage due to oscillations. (a) Without oscillations, (b) with oscillations Uog ) 0.6 cm/s, f ) 16 Hz, A ) 1.36 mm.

al.24 showed that it is possible to entrain the bubbles from the top liquid surface by this method. These bubbles migrate cyclically from the top surface to the column base, where they gradually aggregate and then move back up the column as a loosely cohesive gas slug. Taking a time-averaged force balance around a bubble, we find bouyancy force ) drag force


1 FlV0g[1 - Bj(h)] ) FlU2CD(πR2) 2


Here, the buoyancy force contains both the static buoyancy and the Bjerknes force (kinetic buoyancy). The symbol U is used to denote the rise velocity, and CD is the drag coefficient. In this work, we use the drag expression of Kunii and Levenspiel26 10 CD ) √Re


which is valid for Re < 500. Inserting this expression into eq 17 yields

( )

2g U ) d 15√υ




where d denotes mean bubble diameter. This expression shows that, as Bj(h) f 1, then Uf0, as required. The expression in eq 19 becomes more accurate as Bj gets closer to unity, or as U ≈ 0, because then Re < 500. Bubble Size. Vibrations cause enhanced bubble breakage rates, thus forming many smaller bubbles. This produces higher interfacial areas, which then leads to mass-transfer improvements. Figure 6 shows a photograph of an operating bubble column. When the column is operated without the application of oscillations, a small number of bubbles are present in the column. The bubble diameters are large, and the bubble size distribution is very broad. Under the application of vibration, the bubble column produces a larger number of bubbles with smaller diameters. The bubble size distribution becomes more uniform. This improvement owing to bubble breakage can be attributed to the higher power input arising from the impressed pulsations of liquid. In a classical paper, Hinze27 proposed a correlation based on the Kolmogorov principle of isotropic turbulence to predict bubble diameter as a function of power per unit mass and the cohesive properties of a fluid including surface tension and density d)k

(σ/Fl)3/5 Pm2/5


Figure 7. Sauter mean bubble diameter (measured at the vertical position s ) 53.8 cm) vs power input, showing Hinze-type bubble breakage.

where Pm is the power input per unit mass. This portrays a balance between the forces of destruction and cohesion. The diameter was intended to be the maximum stable size, which is difficult to assess in metric terms. We replace this parameter with an easily measured quantity, namely, the Sauter mean diameter. For an oscillating bubble column, the total power input is a combination of the power input from gas injection and the power input from applied oscillation, which has been taken to be the maximum, for breakage purposes, of the product of impressed acceleration and velocity, which is the nominal value for power per unit mass19 1 Pm ) gUog + A2ω3 (21) 2 The constant of proportionality, k, in eq 20 depends on the mechanism of bubble breakage. Originally, Hinze proposed a value of 0.725 for k in turbulent systems. Based on new experiments, Taitel et al.28 later modified this constant to obtain a value of 1.14. For shear bubble breakage by liquid jets, Lewis and Davidson29 reported that k should be 1.67. We measured the Sauter mean bubble diameter in oscillating bubble columns at various frequencies and amplitudes of vibrations. From Figure 7, it can be seen that, when the Sauter mean bubble diameter, d, is plotted against the power input, it tracks very nicely the Hinze formula, with a fitted constant of proportionality of k ) 1.7. This value is very close to the value of k ) 1.67 calculated by Lewis and Davidson29 for shear bubble breakage. The Hinze formula predicts unrealistically higher bubble sizes at very low power input (