master LC

makes the first master LC. Here's a gradient elution chromatogram with eight times the sensitivity you usu- ally see. Flow feedback control has elimi-...
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Flow feedback makes the first master LC Here's a gradient elution chromatogram with eight times the sensitivity you usu­ ally see. Flow feedback control has elimi­ nated pump noise, which is ordinarily a serious problem in gradient chromatogra­ phy at high sensitivities. The baseline noise you see is the inherent low noise of the UV detector.







Column: 2.1mm diameter χ 150mm Lichrosorb adsorbent, ΙΟμιη Solvents: A- isooctane, B- isooctane, methy­ lene chloride, chloroform, methanol: 80, IS, 3, 2 Program: 1% to 40% Β at 4% per minute Flow rate: 3.6 m l / m i n . at 1500 psi Sample: 25 μΐ spiked food extract Attenuation: 2x (.02A full scale) Analysis time: 9 minutes

Here's the first liquid chromatograph to combine unsurpassed sensitivity for analytical work with unlimited solvent volume for preparative work. It's done with flow feedback control, a unique means of obtaining a pulseless flow from a reciprocating, continuous-flow metering pump. The pulseless flow increases sensitivity by reducing noise in analytical work—especially in gradient elution, which can now be done with unprecedented sensitivity. The continuous flow enables you to do preparative work with any volume of solvent flowing as long as you require. Only Chromatronix Model 3500 LCs have flow feedback control, consequently, they're the only LCs

that can do high-volume preparative work as well as ultra-sensitive analytical work. Model 3500 operates at pressures up to 7000 psi and comes in isochratic and gradient models with and without a column oven. Be sure to check out the unique capabilities of this chromatograph before you buy any other LC. For more information on Model 3500 contact Chromatronix Division, Spectra Physics, 2743 Ninth Street, Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Phone (415) 841-7221. Or phone our nearest regional office: Stirling, N.J. (201) 647-5890. Houston (713) 864-6128. Chicago (312) 541-3800. In Europe we're at 6100 Darmstadt, Alsfelder Strasse 12. (06151) 75081.

Spectra-Physics Chromatronix Division CIRCLE 3 6 O N READER SERVICE CARD

Autolab introduces System The first chromatographic computing integrate for less than $500(

Printed output provides detailed report on each run: sample identification; parameter values; retention time, area, and baseline correction of each peak; and calculated results.

Pushbutton selection of parameters in chromatographic terms offers extreme flexibility for processing data. Fifty-four parameter and monitor choices include external control for autosamplers, backflush valves, and other functions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Real-time data monitoring is easy. This five-digit display permits quick check­ ing of parameter values and aids set-up by providing measurements of signal level and noise. Status lights indicate real-time data interpretation.



Elimination of solvent peak Skims fused riders Reset to original baseline Rejects noise spike Trapezoidal baseline correction Fused peak split

7. Shoulder peak resolution 8. Rejection of baseline upset 9. Programmed sensitivity increase to handie broad peaks 10. Switch-selectable event markers

System I can handle complex samples easily because it is computer-based. Performance shown by chromatogram is beyond the capabilities of any digital integrator — yet the price is less than $5000.


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The digital integrator was a great convenience in its day — but now the Autolab System I computing integrator is here. System I offers easy set-up, with keyboard entry of pa­ rameters in standard chromatographic terms. No elec­ tronic v o c a b u l a r y or p r o g r a m m i n g k n o w l e d g e is required. Real-time data monitoring tells you what's hap­ pening, and a printed output report gives you calculated results for each run. System I's four-channel counterpart, the System IV com­ puting integrator, is the world's most widely used G C / LC data reduction system. Now the Autolab System I,

based on the same advanced computer technology, can be yours for less than $5000. This price includes the standard Autolab one-year warranty, installation, train­ ing, and applications assistance.

System I is available now. Call your Autolab regional of­ fice in Chicago (312) 541-3800, Houston (713) 864-6128, Mountain View, CA (415)961-3000, Parsippany, NJ (201)334-9550 for an immediate demonstration . . . or send for brochure. Autolab, a division of Spectra-Physics, 655 Clyde Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94040. In Europe : Autolab Spectra-Physics GmbH, 6100 Darmstadt Alsfelder Strasse 12. (06151) 75081.

Spectra-Physics Autolab Division See System I at EAS Booth 82, New York Statler Hilton, Nov. 14-16. CIRCLE 5 O N READER SERVICE CARD