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Densities a n d Refractive Indices of Alcohol-Water Solutions of π-Propyl, Isopropyl, a n d Methyl Alcohols. Kwang-Yu Chu and A.R. Thompson


Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium at At­ mospheric Pressure for the Ternary System, M e t h y l Ace­ tate-Chloroform-Benzene. Isamu N a g a t a


Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for the Ternary System Chloroform-Methanol-Ethyl Acetate. Isamu N a g a t a


Equilibrium Vapor Compositions of p-Dichlorobenzene-p-Diboromobenzene and p-Dichlorobenzene - ρ - Bromochlorobenzene Solid Solutions at 50° C. Sister J.E. Callanan and N.O. Smith Limits of Flammability of Hydrazine-Hydrocarbon Vapor Mix­ tures. A.L. Furno, G.H. Martindill, and M.G. Zabetakis Flammability Characteristics of Hydrazine Fuels in Nitrogen Tetroxide Atmospheres. H.E. Perlée, A.C. Imhof, and M.G. Zabetakis





Heats of Reaction of Halogenated Ethanes on Graphite. R.F. Porter and D.H. Smith


Heats of Mixing of Ternary System: Sulfuric Acid-Phosphoric A c i d - W a t e r . J.B. Knobeloch and C E . Schwartz H e a t of Fusion R.A.Gilbert




3LiFThF4. 388

Ideal Gas Thermodynamic Functions of Some Selected Elements. D.E. Poland, J.W. Green, and J.L. Margrave


Dielectric Constants of Binary Systems. A.V. Celiano, P.S. Gentile, and M . Cefola


The System Indium A n t i m o n i d e Lead. D.R. Geis and E.A. Peretti.


Thermodynamics of Liquid Surfaces. Surface Tensions of Eight High Purity Nitroparaffins bet w e e n 0° a n d 60° C. C.C. Snead and H.L. Clever


Thermodynamic Functions of 1,2trans-Diofluorodiazine. Emile Rutner


Activities in Alkali-Ammonia Solutions. P.R. Marshall


APPLIED JOURNALS, ACS Editorial Headquarters 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington 6, D. C. Phone REpublic 7-3337 Teletype WA 23 Director of Publications, C.B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Richard L. Kenyon Assistant to the Director of Publications, Joseph H. Kuney Assistant to the Editorial Director Rodney N. Hader Director of Editorial Research, Robert F. Gould


Heat of Formation of Beryllium Chloride. C.J. Thompson, G.C. Sinke, and D.R. Stull

Partial M o l a l Heat Contents a n d Free Energies in Phosphoric Acid Solutions. E.P. Egan, Jr., and B.B. Luff

Thermodynamic Properties of Isobutylene. C.H. Barron, Jr., J.C. Chaty, R.A. Gonzalez, and J.W. Eldridge

Properties of Green River Oil Shale Determined from Nitrogen A d sorption a n d Desorption Isotherms. P.R. Tisot


Polynitro Carbamates and NNitrocarbamates. M.B. Frankel.


Polynitro Aliphatic Nitramines. M.B. Frankel and Karl Klager



Identification of Amines. Succinimidomethyl Derivatives of Primary Amines. M.B. Winstead, K.V. Anthony, L.L. Thomas, R.G. Strachan, and H.J. Richwine


Alkenylboranes. Characterization of Methylvinylboranes. CD. G o o d and D.M. Ritter


Composition of the Branched Paraffin-Cycloparaffin Portion of the Light Gas Oil Fraction. B.J. Mair, N,C. Krouskop, and T.J. Mayer


Nitroglycerine Migration of Ethylcellulose. M.H. Kaufman


Composition of the Gas Oil Portions of Some California Jet Fuels. A.C. Nixon and R.E. Thorpe.


Thermal DifFusivity of Stainless Steel from 20° to 1000° C. R.J. Jenkins and R.W. Westover


Adsorption of Benzene from Nitrogen by Fixed Beds of Activated Carbon. E.K. Landis, J.J. Geser, and L.N. Canjar


Adsorption of Benzene from Nitrogen by Fixed Beds of Alumina. H.L. Campbell, E.K. Landis, and L.N. Canjar


Liquid Molar V o l u m e Relations for Homologous Series of Hydrocarbons. S.T. Hadden and Robert Simha


Bernard G. Lazorchak This issue was photocomposed on Photographic Type Composing machine.



© Copyright 1962 by the American Chemical Society

Synthesis of 2-HexyM-C -Thiophene. R.W. Higgins and EMing W u





Katherine I. Biggs, Manager, Manuscript Reviewing Ruth Reynard, Manager, Manuscript Editing LAYOUT AND PRODUCTION



Editor, Will H. Shearon, Jr. Associate Editor, W. Albert Noyes, Jr. Editorial Assistant, Celia Nathan

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