Masthead - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Masthead. J. Med. Chem. , 1968, 11 (6), pp 1A–1A. DOI: 10.1021/jm00312a700. Publication Date: November 1968. Copyright © 1968 American Chemical ...
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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Published by the American Chemical Society at 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pennsylvania

EDITOR ALFRED BURGER Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia


ASSISTANT EDITOR MANFRED E. WOLFF University of California (San Francisco)


C. R. CREVELING National Institutes of Health

EDWARD J. MODEST Children's Cancer Research Foundation

BARRY M. BLOOM Chas. Pfizer Medical Research Laboratories

CORWIN HANSCH Pomona College

HOWARD J. SCHAEFFER State University of New York at Buffalo

CHESTER J. CAVALLITO University of North Carolina

HENRY G. MAUTNER Yale University School of Medicine

JOHN M. STEWART The Rockefeller University CHARLES L. ZIRKLE Smith Kline and French Laboratories

Κ. Κ. C H E N Indiana University School of Medicine


EDWARD L. SCHUMANN The Upjohn Company (Secretary, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical Society)

SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR CHARLES R. BERTSCH Research Journals Production Office, 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pennsylvania

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© Copyright, 1968, by the American Chemical Society. Published bimonthly by the American Chemical Society at 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pennsylvania 18042. Second-class postage paid at Easton, Pennsylvania. Manuscripts for publication and books for review in this journal should be sent to the Editor, ALFRED BURGER, Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Char­ lottesville, Virginia 22901. Correspondence regarding accepted papers, proofs, and reprints should be directed to Research Journals Produc­ tion Office, American Chemical Society, 20th and North­ ampton Sts., Easton, Pennsylvania 18042. Senior Pro­ duction Editor: CHARLES R. BERTSCH. Assistant Senior Production Editor: MARIANNE C. BROGAN. Assistant Editor:


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