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C&EN's Year in Pharma. New science set the tone for the drug industry this year. It can be credited for a wave of investment... SCIENCE CONCENTRATES ...
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Solubility Measurements on the Systems A m m o n i u m , Sodium, a n d Potassium Perchlorate a n d A m m o n i u m , Sodium, a n d Po­ tassium Chloride. P. R. Marshall and Herschel Hunt Thermal Conductivity of Equi­ librated Mixtures of H 2 , D „ and HD. C. C. Minter and Sigmund Schuldiner Effect of Molecular Structure on Burning Velocity. G. J. Gibbs and H. F. Calcote




Thermodynamic Data for Carbon Dioxide at High Pressure a n d Temperature. P. E. Liley


Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Carbonaceous M a ­ terials. J. D. Batchelor, P. M. Yavorsky, and Everett Gorin


Isomerizction Equilibria. The C 2 H 6 S, C 3 H 8 S, and C 4 H 10 S AIkane Thiols and Sulfides and the M e t h y l t h i o p h e n e s . D. W . Scott, G. B. Guthrie, J. P. McCullough, and Guy Waddington


Heat of Solution of A m m o n i a in Ethyl Alcohol at 2 5 ° C. J. R. Morton 25 1


Investigation of Heat Stabilizers for Nitrocellulose Film. G. P. Sollott and Fred Einberg


Apparent Molar Volumes of Alco­ hols in Dilute Aqueous Solution. D. M. Alexander

Soluble Copolymers of Diallyl Monomers. W. H. Schuller, J. A. Price, S. T. Moore, and W. M. Thomas


Safe Processing Curing Systems for Viton Fluoroelastomers. A. L. Moran, R. P. Kane, and J. F. Smith


Viscosities of Benzene-Methyl Ethyl Ketone Systems. A. J. Teller and T. J. Walsh


Viscosity of Nitrogen, M e t h a n e , Ethane, and Propane at Ele­ vated Temperature and Pres­ sure. J. D. Baron, J, G. Roof, and F.W.Wells


Estimation of Interfacial Factors of Surfactants. Mankowich


Energy A. M. 254

Effect of Fluorinated Refrigerants on Cured Polyester Resins. Jo­ seph Gaynor and G. W. Blum


Properties of Urethane Foams Re­ lated to Molecular Structure. R. E. Bolin, J. F. Szabat, R. J. Cote, Elaine Peters, P. G. Gemeinhardt A. S. Morecroft, E. E. Hardy, and J. H. Saunders 261


Copyright 1959 b y t h e American Chemical Society

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