Masthead - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals (ACS

Dec 12, 2011 - Fund. , 1968, 7 (1),. DOI: 10.1021/i160025a700. Publication Date: February 1968. Copyright © 1968 American Chemical Society. ACS Legac...
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Editor: ROBERT L. P I G F O R D


Washington, D . C. 20036 1155 16th St., N . W . Phone 202-737-3337 Manager Manuscript Reviewing: Katherine I . Biggs Manager, Manuscript Editing: R u t h Reynard Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Manager: Bacil Guiley Layout: Herbert Kuttner


Associate Editor, Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant, J a n e M . Andrews ADVISORV B O A R D :

S. George Bankoff, Warren C. Schreiner, Thomas K . Sherwood Associated Publications: INDUSTRIAL






David E. Gushee, Editor I&EC


H u g h M . Hulburt, Editor I & E C PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (quarterly),

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