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Dec 6, 2011 - Doc. , 1964, 4 (3),. DOI: 10.1021/c160014a700. Publication Date: July 1964. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is th...
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Journal of Chemical Documentation PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY H E R M A N SKOLNIK. Editor Technical Information Division Research Center Hercules Powder Company Wilmington 99, Delaware

RICHARD H. BELKNAP, Director Fundamental Journals Division 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington 6, D. C.

NOTICE TO AUTHORS 1. Forwarding Address. Manuscripts for publication should be addressed to Herman Skolnik. Editor, Technical Information Division. Research Center. Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington 99, Delaware. 2. Subject Matter and Manuscript Classes. The Journal invites new and original contributions, not previously published and if accepted are not to be published elsewhere. Suggestions by authors with respect to referees for their manuscripts will be appreciated. .'Î. Preparation oi' Manuscripts. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate and must be typewritten double-spaced on substantial paper: good, clean mimeographed copies and others made by a permanent duplication process are acceptable. Both literature citations and explanatory notes are included in footnotes, and must therefore be numbered in one consecutive series. In the text, footnotes are indicated as unparenthesized superscripts. The footnotes may be placed, suitably offset, following the line of text in which they are cited, or they may be grouped in numerical order at the end of the manuscript. Extensive bibliographic citations preferably should be placed at the end of the paper. A footnote giving the name and address of the author to whom inquiries should be directed may be included if such information is not obvious from the heading. Abbreviations of journals should be those used by C H E M I C A L ABSTRACTS (see "List of periodicals abstracted by Chemical Abstracts"). Sample periodical reference, indicating arrangement and punctuation; (1) J. Cason, P. B. Taylor, and D. E. Williams. J. Org. Chem., 10, 1187 ( 1951 ). Book references must contain name of author, title, publisher, publication date, and page. In referring to a book written by various contributors, cite author first as: (1) S. Winstein and R. B. Henderson. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 1. R. C. Elderfield. éd., -J. Wiley and Sons. Inc.. New York. N. Y.. 1950. p. BO. Please note that the J O U R N A L refers to Organic Reactions and Organic Syntheses in the periodical style. Nomenclature should conform with American usage as exemplified bv (D C H E M I C A L ABSTRACTS: (2) A. M. Patterson and L. T." Capell, T H E RING I N D E X , American Chemical Society, 1940; i:ï) " T h e Naming and Indexing of Chemical Compounds by Chemical Abstracts," Chem. Abstr.. 39. 5867 (1945): (4) American Chemical Society Committee on Nomenclature. Spelling, and Pronunciation. (5) II* PAC "Nomenclature Reports." J. Am. Chem Soc . 82, 5516 (1960L reprints or pamphlets available from the orliee of C H E M I C A L ABSTRACTS. The Ohio State University. Columbus 10. Ohio. In general names are written as one word, hyphens being used only to set apart numbers, Greek letters, and italicized prefixes. The use of formulas instead of names in the text of an article is to be avoided, although they may be used to save space in tables. However, structural formulas which require several lines, or those which must be prepared as cuts, should not be included in tables. Structural formulas should be used as economically as is consistent with clarity. Those formulas which can be set in type and those which can be copied by a draftsman without special directions need not be done with instruments. They should be inserted at the appropriate place in the text and drawn with care. It should be kept in mind that they will be copied or set in type by a nonchemist. Structural formulas which cannot be entrusted to this kind of reproduction, particularly the more complex stereochemical drawings, should be prepared as illustrations (vide infra). It is recommended that formulas be arranged to tit into a single column where possible. References to structures and illustrations should be by number: avoid referring to "above" or "below." Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals and should be included at the proper places in the manuscript. Footnotes to tables should be given letter designations, and cited in the table by superscript letters. The sequence of letters should proceed by line (top to bottom) rather than by column (left to right). In'cases where a footnote is cited both in the text and in a table, it is usually preferable to include it in the numerical sequence at the point where it appears in the text, inserting a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered footnote in the text. Each table should be provided with a descriptive heading, which together with the individual column headings, should make the table, as nearly as possible, self-explanatory. In setting up tabulations, authors are requested to keep in mind the type area of the Journal page (7 x 10 in.), and the type size in which tables are set (8 point). and to make tables conform to the limitations of these dimensions.

CHARLES R. BERTSCH. Senior Production Editor American Chemical Society, 20th and Northampton Sts. Easton. Pa.

Illustrations that can be reproduced by means of line cuts are acceptable. Halftone reproduction cannot be undertaken except by special arrangement. Line drawings must be carefully prepared: freehand work is not suitable and will not be redrawn by the Journal. Drawings should be done with India ink on white drawing paper, blue tracing cloth, or blue-lined coordinate paper, twice or three times the size desired in the cut. It must be remembered that numbers and letters on the drawing or in the margins will also be reduced in size. Graphs should be prepared so that the "curves" and the margins are heavier lines than coordinate lines, which should not be closer together than 10 mm. Points on curves should be true circles, squares, or triangles large enough for the necessary reduction. Formulas and legends should not be drawn on the graphs. The numerical designation (Arabic) of the figure and the legend should be typed on a separate sheet of paper and submitted with the drawing. Illustrations should be designed for one-column width when possible. Significant portions of infrared, ultraviolet, and n.m.r. spectral curves should be submitted only when essential to the discussion: otherwise the significant numerical data can be included in the experimental section. Photographic copies of drawings are suitable if they are clear, high-contrast, preferably glossy, prints. The ordinary photostat is unsatisfactory. 4. Proofs.— Manuscripts and proofs are sent to authors. Proofs should be carefully corrected, verified against the manuscript (the editors do not do this), and returned with the manuscript within 48 hours. Correspondence regarding accepted papers, proofs, and reprints should be directed to Fundamental Journals Production Office. American Chemical Society, 20th and Northampton Sts.. Easton, Pa. Senior Production Editor: Charles R. Bertsch. Assistant Editor: Eileen B. Segal. Foreign contributors may authorize a colleague in this country to correct proofs. Alterations in an article after it has been set in type are made at the author's expense, and it is understood that by entering such alterations on proofs the author agrees to defray the cost thereof. Authors will also be responsible for costs of material set in type when articles are withdrawn. 5. Reprints. A table showing cost of reprints, with an order slip is sent to the author. Reprints must be ordered before the article is printed, unless instructions to hold the type have been given. Shipment of reprints is usually made a month or more after publication. B r s i N E S S AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION (i. Business Matters. Correspondence concerning business matters should be sent to the Subscription Service Department. American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth Street. N.W., Washington 6. D . C . Subscription price. $7.00 per volume to members of the ACS and $10 per volume to others in the United States. (Add $0.20 per subscription for countries belonging to the Postal Union. Add $0.li0 per subscription for Canada and all other countries.) Single numbers $:Î.OO.

The numbers are issued quarterly in Jan.. April. July, and Oct. Claims for copies hist in the mails will not be allowed if received more than 60 days from date of mailing plus time normally required for postal delivery of journal and claim. No claims will be allowed because of failure to notify the Subscription Service Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from tiles." Change of address. Notify Subscription Service Department, American Chemical Society at 1155 Sixteenth St.. W W . . Washington 6, 1). 0 . Such notification should include both old and new addresses and postal zone number, if any. New subscription and renewals are entered to begin with the first issue of the current volume. Should issues of the current volume be out of print at the time the subscription order is received, the pro rata value of such number will be refunded to the subscriber. Subscriptions should be renewed promptly. To avoid a break in your series, subscriptions should be renewed promptly. Orders should be sent to the Subscription Service Department. American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington 6. D. C. Publications of the American Chemical Society include: Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry. Chemical Abstracts. CA Section Groupings, Chem ical and Engineering News. Chemical Recietcs. Chemical Titles, Chemistry. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Pood Chemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Chemical Documentation, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. The Journal of (hganic Chemistry, and The Journal of î'hysical Chemistry. Rates on request. Copyright, 1964. by T H E A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY

Published quarterly by the American Chemical Society at 20th and Northampton St.. Easton. Pa. Second class mail privileges authorized at Easton. Pennsylvania.