Masthead - Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (ACS

Publication Date: January 1961. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Chem. Doc. 1961, 1, 1, XXX-XXX. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's f...
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Journal of Chemical Documentation PUBLISHED



HERMAN SKOLNIK, Editor Technical Information Division Research Center Hercules P o w d e r Company Wilmington 99, D e l a w a r e

NOTICE TO AUTHORS 1. Forwarding Address.—Manuscripts for publication should be addressed to Herman Skolnik, Editor, Technical Information Division, Research Center, Hercules P o w d e r Company, Wilmington 99, Delaware, 2. Subject; Matter and Manuscript Classes.—The Journal i n vites new and original contributions, not previously published and if accepted art; not to be published elsewhere. Suggestions b y authors with respect to referees for their manuscripts will be appreciated, 3. Preparation oi Manuscripts.—Manuscripts should be s u b mitted In triplicate and must b e typewritten doublespaced on substantial paper; i?ood, clean mimeographed copies and others made by a permanent duplication process are acceptable. B o t h literature citations and explanatory notes are i n cluded in :footnotes, and must therefore b e numbered in o n e consecutive series. In the text, footnotes are indicated as u n parenthesized superscripts. The footnotes m a y be placed, s u i t ably offset, following the line of t e x t in w h i c h t h e y are cited, or t h e y may be grouped in numerical order at the end of the manuscript: e x t e n s i v e bibliographic citations preferably should be placed ai: the end of the paper. A footnote giving the n a m e and add ress of the author to w h o m inquiries should be directed m a y be included If s u c h information is not obvious from t h e heading. Abbreviates of journals should b e those used by CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, (see "List of periodicals abstracted b y Chemical Abstracts"). Sample periodical reference, indicating arrangement and punctuation; (1) J Cason, P. » . Taylor, and D. E. Williams, J. Org. Chem., 10,1187 (1951). B o o k references must contain n a m e of author, title, publisher, publication date, and page. In referring to a book written by various contributors, cite author first a s : (1) S. Winstein and R. B. Henderson, Heterocyclic C o m pounds Vol. 1, R. C. Elderfield, éd., J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., N e w York, 1950, p. 60. P l e a s e note that the JOURNAL refers to Organic Reactions and Organic Syntheses in the periodical style. Nomenclature should conform with American usage as e x emplified by (1) CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS; (2) A. M. P a t t e r son and L. T. Capell, THE RING INDEX, A m e r i c a n Chemical Society, 1910; (3) "The N a m i n g and Indexing of Chemical Compounds h p Chemical Abstracts." Chem. Abstr., 39,5867 (1945); (4) American Chemical Society Committee o n N o m e n clature, Spelling, and Pronunciation, (5) IUPAC "Nomenclature Reports," J. Am. Chem. Soc, 82, 5516 (1960), reprints or pamphlets available from t h e office of CHEMICAL A B STRACTS, Th« Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio. In general names are written as one word, h y p h e n s being used only to set apart numbers, Greek letters, and italicized p r e fixes. The use of formulas instead of names in the t e x t of an article is to be avoided, although t h e y m a y be used to save space in tables. Hovtever, structural formulas w h i c h require several lines, or those w h i c h must be prepared as cuts, should not be included i?i ta:il«:s. .Structural formulas should be used as economically as is consistent wit η clarity. Those formulas w h i c h can be set in type and those w h i c h can be copied by a draftsman without special directions need not be done with instruments. T h e y should be inserted at the appropriate place in the t e x t and d r a w n with cere. i:t should be kept in mind that t h e y w i l l b e copied or set in type by a nonchemlst. Structural formulas w h i c h iianrot be entrusted to this kind of reproduction, parti­ cularly the more c o m p l e x stereochemical drawings, should b e prepared as illustrations (vide infra). It is r e c o m m e n d e d that· formulas be arranged to fit into a single column w h e r e p o s ­ sible. References to structures and illustrations should be b y number; avoid referring to "above" or "below." Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman n u ­ merals and should be included at the proper places in t h e manuscript. Footnotes to tables should be g i v e n letter desig­ nations, and cited in the table by superscript letters. The s e ­ q u e n c e of letters should proceed b y line (top to bottom) rather than by column (left to right). In cases w h e r e a foot­ note is cited both in the text and in a table, it is usually preferable to include it in the numerical s e q u e n c e at t h e point where It appears in the text, inserting a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered footnote in the text. Each table should be provided with a descriptive heading, w h i c h together with the individual column headings, should m a k e the table, as nearly as possible, self-explanatory. In setting up tabulations, authors are requested to keep in mind t h e t y p e area of the Journal page (7" χ 10"), and the t y p e size in w h i c h


ALLEN D. BLISS, Assistant Department of Chemistry S i m m o n s College 300 T h e F e n w a y B o s t o n 15, Massachusetts



tables are set (8 p o i n t ) , and to m a k e tables conform to t h e limitations of t h e s e dimensions. Illustration;: that can be reproduced b y means of line cuts are acceptable. Halftone reproduction cannot be undertaken e x c e p t b y special arrangement. L i n e drawings must b e c a r e ­ fully prepared; freehand work is not suitable and will not b e redrawn b y the Journal. Drawings should be done w i t h India ink on w h i t e drawing paper, b l u e tracing cloth, or blue-lined coordinate paper, t w i c e or three times t h e size desired in t h e cut. It must be remembered that numbers and letters! on t h e drawing or in the margins will also b e reduced in size Graphs should be prepared so that the "curves" and the margins are h e a v i e r lines than coordinate lines, w h i c h should not be closer together than 10 m m . Points on curves should be true circles, squares, or triangles large e n o u g h for the necessary reduction. Formulas and legends should not b e drawn on t h e graphs. T h e numerical designation (Arabic) of the figure and the legend should be typed o n a separate sheet of paper and submitted with t h e drawing. Illustrations should b e designed for o n e - c o l u m n w i d t h w h e n possible. Significant portions of infrared, ultraviolet, and N.M.R. spectral curves should b e submitted only w h e n e s s e n ­ tial to the discvission; otherwise t h e significant numerical data can b e included in t h e experimental section Photographic copies of drawings are suitable if t h e y are clear, high-contrast, preferably glossy, prints. T h e ordinary photostat is unsatisfactory. 4. Proofs.—Manuscript and proofs are sent to authors. Proofs should b e carefully corrected, verified against the manuscript (the editors do not do t h i s ) , and returned w i t h the manuscript to Allen D . Bliss, Assistant Editor, Department of Chemistry, S i m m o n s College, 300 T h e F e n w a y , Boston, Massachusetts, w i t h i n 48 hours. Foreign contributors may authorize a c o l ­ league in this country to correct proofs. Alterations in a n article after it has been set in type are made at the author's expense, and it is understood that by entering such alterations on proofs the author agrees to defray t h e cost thereof. Authors will also b e responsible for costs of material s e t in t y p e w h e n articles are withdrawn. 5. Reprints. A table showing cost of reprints, with an order slip is sent to the author. Reprints must be ordered before the article is printed, unless instructions to hold the t y p e h a v e been given. S h i p m e n t of reprints Is usually m a d e a month or more after publication. BUSINESS A N D SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION 6. Business Matters. Correspondence concerning business matters should be sent to the American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington β, D, C. Subscription price. $7.0(1 per v o l u m e to members of the ACS and $10 per v o l u m e to others in the United States. (Add $0.20 per subscription for countries belonging to t h e Postal Union. Add $0.30 per subscription for Canada and all other countries ) Single numbers $5.50. T h e numbers are issued semiannually. Claims for copies lost in the mails will not be allowed if received m o r e than 60 d a y s from date of mailing plus t i m e normally required for postal delivery of journal: and claim. N o claims will be allowed from subscribers to Central Europe, Asia, or the Pacific Islands other than Hawaii, or because of failure to notify t h e Circulation Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files." Change of address. Notify Circulation Department, A m e r i ­ can Chemical Society at 1155 S i x t e e n t h St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Such notification should include both old and n e w addresses and postal zone number, if any. N e w subscriptions and renewals are entered to begin w i t h the first issue of the current v o l u m e . Should issues of the cur­ rent v o l u m e be out of print at t h e time the subscription order is received, the pro rata v a l u e of such number will b e r e ­ funded to the subscriber. Subscriptions should be renewed promptly. To avoid a break in your series, subscriptions should be r e n e w e d promptly. Or­ ders should be sent to the American Chemical Society, 1155 S i x t e e n t h St., N.W., Washington 6, D . C. T h e American Chemical Society also publishes: CHEMICAL A N D ENGINEERING NEWS, INDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEER­ ING CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICE, J O U R N A L OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEM­ ISTRY, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL A N D FOOD CHEM­ ISTRY, THE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. JOUR­ NAL OF CHEMICAL A N D ENGINEERING DATA. CHEMICAL TITLES, and CHEMICAL. REVIEWS. Copyright, 1961, by THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY