Masthead - Journal of Natural Products (ACS Publications)

Dec 8, 2011 - J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53 (2),. DOI: 10.1021/np50068a700. Publication Date: March 1990. Copyright © 1990 American Chemical Society...
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JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS® (LLOYDIA) P u b l i s h e d b y T H E A M E R I C A N SOCIETY O F P H A R M A C O G N O S Y and T H E LLOYD LIBRARY A N D M U S E U M 9 1 7 PLUM STREET, C I N C I N N A T I , O H I O 4 5 2 0 2 Managing Editor

Editor J A M E S Ε. R O B B E R S

S U S A N C. S T I T E S

School of P h a r m a c y a n d P h a r m a c a l Sciences Purdue University W e s t Lafayette, I n d i a n a 4 7 9 0 7 F A X (317) 4 9 4 - 7 8 8 0

c/o T h e Lloyd Library 9 1 7 P l u m Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Associate Editor and Book Review Editor

Associate Editor J E R R Y L. M C L A U G H L I N

D A V I D G.I.

School of P h a r m a c y a n d P h a r m a c a l Sciences Purdue University W e s t Lafayette, I n d i a n a 4 7 9 0 7

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R A Y M O N D W.

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J O U R N A L O F N A T U R A L PRODUCTS® (Lloydia) (ISSN 0163-3864) is published bimonthly in February, April, J u n e , August, October, and IJecember by The American Society of Pharmacog­ nosy at 4 1 Carleton Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15243- Second-class postage paid at Pittsburgh, PA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to J O U R N A L O F N A T U ­ RAL PRODUCTS®, P . O . Box 13145, Pittsburgh, PA 15243. All manuscripts and correspondence dealing with editorial matters should be addressed to the editor. The title word for this journal for use in bibliographic reference is J O U R N A L O F N A T U R A L P R O D ­ UCTS®, abbreviated asj. Nat. Prod. COMMERCIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS—Subscription orders from libraries, institutions, commercial firms, and similar organizations will be treated as commercial subscriptions. All matters related to com­ mercial subscriptions, such as billing, change of address, ordering procedures, etc., should be addressed to: Journal of Natural Products®, c/o David J. Slatkin, P h . D . , Treasurer, American Society of Pharmacog­ nosy, School of Pharmacy, 5 12 Salk Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, U . S . A . Phone (412) 6 4 8 - 8 5 7 9 , FAX (412) 6 4 8 - 1 0 8 6 . Domestic Commercial Subscriptions: $ 100.00, including all addresses in the United States and pos­ sessions, the Dominion of Canada, and the Republic of Mexico. Foreign Commercial Subscriptions: $ 135.00, sent only by airmail to all other parts of the world, -with air postage included in the higher rate. Orders for subscriptions are due and payable during the last quarter of the calendar year preceding the subscription year. Single copies: $ 2 0 . 0 0 plus postage. P R I N T E D BY T H E SPAHR A N D G L E N N C O M P A N Y , COLUMBUS, O H I O

Date of Issue----May 14, 1990