Materials Handling - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Abstract. First Page Image. A storage installation adaptable to industries requiring dry raw materials in bulk has been designed and con...
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A b i l i t y to transport and store dry bulk materials w i t h m i n i m u m handling and in short time is desirable in numerous industries—chemicals, plastic, ce­ ramic, soap, paint . . . New storing-and-handling arrangement is revealed Λ sTOHACi·: installation adaptable to in•**- dustries requiring dr\ raw materials in bulk has been designed and constructed for use by a large Eastern brewery. This concern commissioned L. Ο. Κ oven or all of t h e t h r e e tanks. Tanks are 15 feet in di­ ameter a n d 38 feet high, ο I welded steel, supported on a structural steel framework with the bottoms of t h e ι one: located 15 feet above the ground, Each tank is fitted with a 12-inch-diameter gate e q u i p p e d with a spout and canvas boot. Tin· gate is o p e r a t e d from the ground by means or a chain working an extended

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